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Light mapping         A class used to do lightmapping in ogre


Here is an example of how to do lightmapping in Ogre. A description of the technique can be found here:

There are a few dependencies here which make the code shorter:

The code which determines the light intensity of each pixel in the light map is contained in the CLightMap::GetLightIntensity function which needs to be customized. I have used the PhysX library ( to do some ray casting because this is the physics library I use for my game, but this can easily be replaced by any other library or custom code.

Usage goes something like this:

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Entity* pEntity = mSceneMgr->getEntity("world"); Entity* pSubEntity = pEntity->getSubEntity(0); CLightMap* pLightMap = new CLightMap(pSubEntity, 2);

As you can see the CLightMap takes a Ogre::SubEntity as the first parameter. As soon as CLightMap is instantiated it builds the lightmap texture. A clone of the material assigned to the SubEntity is then created and the new lightmap texture is added to it as a new texture unit leaving the original material intact. In order for the lightmapping to work correctly the subentity must have a set of UV coordinates with a 1 to 1 mapping to the subentity. The last UV coordinate set of the subentity is used, if the set used for the regular texture is not suitable then a second UV set must be created (for example a second UV set can be created in Maya using UV 'Automatic Mapping', or LSCM in Blender

The parameters to CLightMap constructor are:

  • SubEntity* pSubEntity - This is the SubEntity to be lightmapped
  • Real PixelsPerUnit - This specifies the resolution of the light map texture in pixels per unit. This means you can use the same value to for all SubEntities regardless of their size and get a uniform looking lightmap.
  • int iTexSize - You can specify the the texture size directly in pixels if you prefer by setting PixelsPerUnit to 0 and iTexSize to the lightmap texture size. Note that only square textures are used here, so the actual resolution will be iTexSize x iTexSize.
  • bool bDebugLightmaps - This parameter can be used to debug the lightmaps, instead of rendering the lightmap on top of the existing material, a new material is created with the lightmap as the only texture.

A class called CEntityLightMap is provided for convenience which simply attaches a CLightMap to each Ogre::SubEntity. It can be used like this:

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Entity* pEntity = mSceneMgr->getEntity("world"); CEntityLightMap* pEntityLightMap = new CEntityLightMap(pEntity, 2);

The parameters are the same as for the CLightMap class.

The code can be found below. Note that it will most certainly not work directly without modification. The headers will need to be modified and the CLightMap::GetLightIntensity must be customised.


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#pragma once namespace cimg_library { template<typename T> struct CImg; }; class CLightMap : public ManualResourceLoader { public: CLightMap(SubEntity* pSubEntity, Real PixelsPerUnit = 0, int iTexSize = 512, bool bDebugLightmaps = false); ~CLightMap(void); void loadResource(Resource *resource); String GetName(); static void ResetCounter(); struct SortCoordsByDistance { bool operator()(pair<int, int> &left, pair<int, int> &right) { return (left.first*left.first + left.second*left.second) < (right.first*right.first + right.second*right.second); } }; protected: void LightTriangle(const Vector3 &P1, const Vector3 &P2, const Vector3 &P3, const Vector3 &N1, const Vector3 &N2, const Vector3 &N3, const Vector2 &T1, const Vector2 &T2, const Vector2 &T3); uint8 GetLightIntensity(const Vector3 &Position, const Vector3 &Normal); bool CalculateLightMap(); void AssignMaterial(); void CreateTexture(); void FillInvalidPixels(); static void BuildSearchPattern(); /// Convert between texture coordinates given as reals and pixel coordinates given as integers inline int GetPixelCoordinate(Real TextureCoord); inline Real GetTextureCoordinate(int iPixelCoord); /// Calculate coordinates of P in terms of P1, P2 and P3 /// P = x*P1 + y*P2 + z*P3 /// If any of P.x, P.y or P.z are negative then P is outside of the triangle Vector3 GetBarycentricCoordinates(const Vector2 &P1, const Vector2 &P2, const Vector2 &P3, const Vector2 &P); /// Get the surface area of a triangle Real GetTriangleArea(const Vector3 &P1, const Vector3 &P2, const Vector3 &P3); TexturePtr m_Texture; MaterialPtr m_Material; SubEntity* m_pSubEntity; shared_ptr<cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> > m_LightMap; String m_LightMapName; int m_iTexSize; int m_iCoordSet; static int m_iLightMapCounter; Real m_PixelsPerUnit; static vector<pair<int, int> > m_SearchPattern; bool m_bDebugLightmaps; }; int CLightMap::GetPixelCoordinate(Real TextureCoord) { int iPixel = TextureCoord*m_iTexSize; if (iPixel < 0) iPixel = 0; if (iPixel >= m_iTexSize) iPixel = m_iTexSize-1; return iPixel; } Real CLightMap::GetTextureCoordinate(int iPixelCoord) { return (Real(iPixelCoord)+0.5)/Real(m_iTexSize); } class CEntityLightMap { public: CEntityLightMap(Entity* pEntity, Real PixelsPerUnit = 0, int iTexSize = 512, bool bDebugLightmaps = false) { int i, iNumSubEntities = pEntity->getNumSubEntities(); for (i=0; i<iNumSubEntities; ++i) { shared_ptr<CLightMap> LightMap(new CLightMap(pEntity->getSubEntity(i), PixelsPerUnit, iTexSize, bDebugLightmaps)); m_LightMaps.push_back(LightMap); } } protected: vector<shared_ptr<CLightMap> > m_LightMaps; };


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#include "LightMap.h" #include "Physics.h" // This is a custom wrapper around AGEIA's PhysX library #include "../CImg/CImg.h" // Open source image library ( vector<pair<int, int> > CLightMap::m_SearchPattern; int CLightMap::m_iLightMapCounter = 0; CLightMap::CLightMap(SubEntity* pSubEntity, Real PixelsPerUnit, int iTexSize, bool bDebugLightmaps) : m_pSubEntity(pSubEntity) , m_iTexSize(iTexSize) , m_iCoordSet(0) , m_PixelsPerUnit(PixelsPerUnit) , m_bDebugLightmaps(bDebugLightmaps) { if (m_SearchPattern.empty()) BuildSearchPattern(); m_LightMapName = "LightMap" + StringConverter::toString(m_iLightMapCounter++); CalculateLightMap(); AssignMaterial(); } CLightMap::~CLightMap(void) { // PROBLEM: THIS CAUSES CRASHES, FIND OUT WHY AND PUT IT BACK /* if (!m_Material.isNull()) { MaterialManager::getSingleton().remove((ResourcePtr)m_Material); m_Material.setNull(); }*/ if (!m_Texture.isNull()) { TextureManager::getSingleton().remove((ResourcePtr)m_Texture); m_Texture.setNull(); } } void CLightMap::ResetCounter() { m_iLightMapCounter = 0; } void CLightMap::loadResource(Resource *resource) { Texture* texture = (Texture*)resource; // Get the pixel buffer HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr pixelBuffer = texture->getBuffer(); // Lock the pixel buffer and get a pixel box pixelBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); // for best performance use HBL_DISCARD! const PixelBox &pixelBox = pixelBuffer->getCurrentLock(); uint8* data = static_cast<uint8*>(; assert(pixelBox.getWidth() == pixelBox.getHeight()); const int iTexSize = (int)pixelBox.getWidth(); const int iRowPitch = (int)pixelBox.rowPitch; int i, j; for (j = 0; j < iTexSize; j++) { for(i = 0; i < iTexSize; i++) { data[iRowPitch*j + i] = (*m_LightMap)(i, j); } } // Unlock the pixel buffer pixelBuffer->unlock(); } String CLightMap::GetName() { return m_LightMapName; } Vector3 CLightMap::GetBarycentricCoordinates(const Vector2 &P1, const Vector2 &P2, const Vector2 &P3, const Vector2 &P) { Vector3 Coordinates(0.0); Real denom = (-P1.x * P3.y - P2.x * P1.y + P2.x * P3.y + P1.y * P3.x + P2.y * P1.x - P2.y * P3.x); if (fabs(denom) >= 1e-6) { Coordinates.x = (P2.x * P3.y - P2.y * P3.x - P.x * P3.y + P3.x * P.y - P2.x * P.y + P2.y * P.x) / denom; Coordinates.y = -(-P1.x * P.y + P1.x * P3.y + P1.y * P.x - P.x * P3.y + P3.x * P.y - P1.y * P3.x) / denom; // Coordinates.z = (-P1.x * P.y + P2.y * P1.x + P2.x * P.y - P2.x * P1.y - P2.y * P.x + P1.y * P.x) / denom; } Coordinates.z = 1 - Coordinates.x - Coordinates.y; return Coordinates; } Real CLightMap::GetTriangleArea(const Vector3 &P1, const Vector3 &P2, const Vector3 &P3) { return 0.5*(P2-P1).crossProduct(P3-P1).length(); } bool CLightMap::CalculateLightMap() { // Reset the lightmap to all 0's if (m_LightMap) m_LightMap->fill(0); // Get the submesh SubMesh* submesh = m_pSubEntity->getSubMesh(); Matrix4 WorldTransform; m_pSubEntity->getWorldTransforms(&WorldTransform); // Get vertex positions vector<Vector3> MeshVertices; { VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? submesh->parent->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData; const VertexElement* posElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource()); unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); float* pReal; MeshVertices.resize(vertex_data->vertexCount); for (size_t j = 0; j < vertex_data->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize()) { posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal); MeshVertices[j] = WorldTransform*Vector3(pReal[0],pReal[1],pReal[2]); } vbuf->unlock(); } // Get vertex normals Quaternion Rotation = WorldTransform.extractQuaternion(); vector<Vector3> MeshNormals; { VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? submesh->parent->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData; const VertexElement* normalElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_NORMAL); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(normalElem->getSource()); unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); float* pReal; MeshNormals.resize(vertex_data->vertexCount); for (size_t j = 0; j < vertex_data->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize()) { normalElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal); MeshNormals[j] = Rotation*Vector3(pReal[0],pReal[1],pReal[2]); } vbuf->unlock(); } // Get vertex UV coordinates vector<Vector2> MeshTextureCoords; { VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? submesh->parent->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData; // Get last set of texture coordinates int i = 0; const VertexElement* texcoordElem; const VertexElement* pCurrentElement = NULL; do { texcoordElem = pCurrentElement; pCurrentElement = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, i++); } while (pCurrentElement); m_iCoordSet = i-2; if (!texcoordElem) return false; HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(texcoordElem->getSource()); unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); float* pReal; MeshTextureCoords.resize(vertex_data->vertexCount); for (size_t j = 0; j < vertex_data->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize()) { texcoordElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal); MeshTextureCoords[j] = Vector2(pReal[0], pReal[1]); } vbuf->unlock(); } IndexData* index_data = submesh->indexData; size_t numTris = index_data->indexCount / 3; HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = index_data->indexBuffer; bool use32bitindexes = (ibuf->getType() == Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT); unsigned int Indices[3]; void* pBuffer = ibuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY); // Calculate the lightmap texture size if (m_PixelsPerUnit && m_Texture.isNull()) { Real SurfaceArea = 0; for ( size_t k = 0; k < numTris*3; k+=3) { for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (use32bitindexes) Indices[i] = ((unsigned int*)pBuffer)[k+i]; else Indices[i] = ((unsigned short*)pBuffer)[k+i]; } SurfaceArea += GetTriangleArea(MeshVertices[Indices[0]], MeshVertices[Indices[1]], MeshVertices[Indices[2]]); } Real TexSize = Math::Sqrt(SurfaceArea)*m_PixelsPerUnit; int iTexSize = 1; while (iTexSize < TexSize) iTexSize *= 2; m_iTexSize = iTexSize; } // Create the texture with the new size CreateTexture(); // Fill in the lightmap for ( size_t k = 0; k < numTris*3; k+=3) { for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (use32bitindexes) Indices[i] = ((unsigned int*)pBuffer)[k+i]; else Indices[i] = ((unsigned short*)pBuffer)[k+i]; } LightTriangle(MeshVertices[Indices[0]], MeshVertices[Indices[1]], MeshVertices[Indices[2]], MeshNormals[Indices[0]], MeshNormals[Indices[1]], MeshNormals[Indices[2]], MeshTextureCoords[Indices[0]], MeshTextureCoords[Indices[1]], MeshTextureCoords[Indices[2]]); } ibuf->unlock(); FillInvalidPixels(); m_LightMap->blur(1.0); return true; } void CLightMap::CreateTexture() { if (!m_Texture.isNull()) return; m_LightMap.reset(new cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>(m_iTexSize, m_iTexSize, 1, 2, 0)); if (TextureManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(m_LightMapName)) TextureManager::getSingleton().remove(m_LightMapName); // Create the texture m_Texture = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual( m_LightMapName, // name ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TEX_TYPE_2D, // type m_iTexSize, m_iTexSize, // width & height -1, // number of mipmaps PF_L8, // pixel format TU_DEFAULT, this); } void CLightMap::AssignMaterial() { if (!m_Material.isNull()) return; if (MaterialManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(m_LightMapName)) MaterialManager::getSingleton().remove(m_LightMapName); if (m_bDebugLightmaps) { m_Material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(m_LightMapName, StringUtil::BLANK, true); } else { MaterialPtr PrevMaterial = m_pSubEntity->getMaterial(); m_Material = PrevMaterial->clone(m_LightMapName); } Pass* pPass = m_Material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); pPass->setLightingEnabled(false); TextureUnitState* pTextureUnitState = pPass->createTextureUnitState(m_Texture->getName(), m_iCoordSet); pTextureUnitState->setColourOperation(LBO_MODULATE); pTextureUnitState->setTextureAddressingMode(TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP); m_pSubEntity->setMaterialName(m_LightMapName); } void CLightMap::FillInvalidPixels() { int i, j; int x, y; vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator itSearchPattern; for (i=0; i<m_iTexSize; ++i) { for (j=0; j<m_iTexSize; ++j) { // Invalid pixel found if ((*m_LightMap)(i, j, 0, 1) == 0) { for (itSearchPattern = m_SearchPattern.begin(); itSearchPattern != m_SearchPattern.end(); ++itSearchPattern) { x = i+itSearchPattern->first; y = j+itSearchPattern->second; if (x < 0 || x >= m_iTexSize) continue; if (y < 0 || y >= m_iTexSize) continue; // If search pixel is valid assign it to the invalid pixel and stop searching if ((*m_LightMap)(x, y, 0, 1) == 1) { (*m_LightMap)(i, j) = (*m_LightMap)(x, y); break; } } } } } } void CLightMap::BuildSearchPattern() { m_SearchPattern.clear(); const int iSize = 5; int i, j; for (i=-iSize; i<=iSize; ++i) { for (j=-iSize; j<=iSize; ++j) { if (i==0 && j==0) continue; m_SearchPattern.push_back(make_pair(i, j)); } } sort(m_SearchPattern.begin(), m_SearchPattern.end(), SortCoordsByDistance()); } void CLightMap::LightTriangle(const Vector3 &P1, const Vector3 &P2, const Vector3 &P3, const Vector3 &N1, const Vector3 &N2, const Vector3 &N3, const Vector2 &T1, const Vector2 &T2, const Vector2 &T3) { Vector2 TMin = T1, TMax = T1; TMin.makeFloor(T2); TMin.makeFloor(T3); TMax.makeCeil(T2); TMax.makeCeil(T3); int iMinX = GetPixelCoordinate(TMin.x); int iMinY = GetPixelCoordinate(TMin.y); int iMaxX = GetPixelCoordinate(TMax.x); int iMaxY = GetPixelCoordinate(TMax.y); int i, j; Vector2 TextureCoord; Vector3 BarycentricCoords; Vector3 Pos; Vector3 Normal; for (i=iMinX; i<=iMaxX; ++i) { for (j=iMinY; j<=iMaxY; ++j) { TextureCoord.x = GetTextureCoordinate(i); TextureCoord.y = GetTextureCoordinate(j); BarycentricCoords = GetBarycentricCoordinates(T1, T2, T3, TextureCoord); Pos = BarycentricCoords.x * P1 + BarycentricCoords.y * P2 + BarycentricCoords.z * P3; Normal = BarycentricCoords.x * N1 + BarycentricCoords.y * N2 + BarycentricCoords.z * N3; Normal.normalise(); if ((*m_LightMap)(i, j, 0, 1) == 1 || BarycentricCoords.x < 0 || BarycentricCoords.y < 0 || BarycentricCoords.z < 0) continue; (*m_LightMap)(i, j) = GetLightIntensity(Pos, Normal); (*m_LightMap)(i, j, 0, 1) = 1; } } } /* This is the only function which you should need to modify. Basically given the position coordinate and the surface normal at that point, you should return the light intensity value as a number between 0 and 255. In this example I use the PhysX library to cast a ray in a fixed direction to see if it intersects with any other objects in the scene, if it does then this point is in the shade. */ uint8 CLightMap::GetLightIntensity(const Vector3 &Position, const Vector3 &Normal) { const Real Tolerance = 1e-3; const Real Distance = 100; const uint8 AmbientValue = 100; const uint8 MaxValue = 255; Vector3 LightDirection(0.4, -1, -0.8); LightDirection.normalise(); Real Intensity = -LightDirection.dotProduct(Normal); if (Intensity < 0) return AmbientValue; uint8 LightValue = AmbientValue+Intensity*(MaxValue-AmbientValue); Vector3 Origin = Position-Distance*LightDirection; NxRay Ray; NxRaycastHit RayHit; Ray.orig = Convert(Origin); Ray.dir = Convert(LightDirection); bool bHit = PHYSICS->GetNxScene()->raycastAnyShape(Ray, NX_ALL_SHAPES, (1<<GROUP_WORLD), Distance-Tolerance); if (bHit) { return AmbientValue; } else { // Cast the ray back the other way also to be sure that we can see the light Ray.orig = Convert(Position); Ray.dir = Convert(-LightDirection); bHit = PHYSICS->GetNxScene()->raycastAnyShape(Ray, NX_ALL_SHAPES, (1<<GROUP_WORLD)); if (bHit) return AmbientValue; else return LightValue; } }

Alias: Light_mapping