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Light is needed to make something visible.
Types of Lights
There are three types of lighting that Ogre provides:
Point: Point light sources emit light from them in every direction.
Spotlight: A spotlight works exactly like a flashlight does. You have a position where the light starts, and then light heads out in a direction. You can also tell the light how large of an angle to use for the inner circle of light and the outer circle of light (you know how flashlights are brighter in the center, then lighter after a certain point?).
Directional: Directional light simulates far away light that hits everything in the scene from a direction. Lets say you have a night time scene and you want to simulate moonlight. You could do this by setting the ambient light for the scene, but that's not exactly realistic since the moon does not light everything equally (neither does the sun). One way to do this would be to set a directional light and point in the direction the moon would be shining.
Light properties
Lights have a wide range of properties that describes how the light looks. Two of the most important properties of a light is its diffuse and specular color. Each material script defines how much diffuse and specular lighting the material reflects.
See also
- Basic Tutorial 2 - Cameras, Lights and Shadows
- Mogre Basic Tutorial 2 - Cameras, Lights and Shadows (for Mogre users)
- Code snippets (OogstsHowTo)
- Light mapping
- Point Light Attenuation
- API of Lights
- MadMarx Tutorial 6 - Basic Light
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