IMPORTANT: This framework is meant to be used with old releases of Ogre.
For Ogre >= 1.10, rather use OgreBites::ApplicationContext.
{BOX(title="Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX",width="100No value assigned|70%)}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Big_Logo_Macintosh.jpg",height="66",width="66",imalign="left",link="Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX",title="Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX")}{IMG}
This is an introduction to using cmake to build your own Ogre projects. For more detailed information about cmake, refer to the official site. |
IMPORTANT: These instructions are meant to be used with old releases of Ogre.
For Ogre 1.10+, rather use The Tutorials.
Alias: SettingUpAnApplication