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Mesh - The geometry for a visible object in a 3D application. A mesh is a series of triangles, and usually has a texture. It also can contain lines and points.
Ogre3D has its own XML file format for meshes, which represents the only way to get them into an Ogre3D application. Those files have the extension .MESH and have to comply with the Ogre meshxml DTD.
For Ogre, there are two mesh file formats, which can be converted via the OgreXmlConverter:
- XML code
- several 3D applications can create this file format by OGRE Exporters
- can be edited
- can not be loaded by Ogre applications
- binary format
- can be loaded by Ogre applications
To load a mesh in a scene, you need to create an Entity from it. More details you find on page Entity.
(Alternatively you can create 'level geometry' instead for immovable objects.)
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