OGRE is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2008!
2008 Projects
The following OGRE projects have been approved for the 2008 Summer of Code:
- Geometry Shader Support
- Different LOD Strategies
- OgreCollada
- Motion Synthesis based character animation
2008 Mentors
- Paul Cheyrou-Lagrèze (tuan kuranes) - Multimédia Software consultant, maintainer of some OGRE addons : Paging Scene Manager, OgreODE, OgreBullet, CeguiMeshViewer.
- Andres Carrera (Lioric) - Developer of oFusion
- Assaf Raman
- Brian Johnstone (Praetor)
- Christoph Nenning (kex) - ogre4j Developer
2008 Admin
- Steve Streeting (Sinbad) - Founder and lead developer of the OGRE project. Also a backup mentor for 2008.
Some advice on the development process: Google Summer of Code Development Advices
Previous Years
You might also be interested in the Google Summer of Code 2006 and Google Summer of Code 2007