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MogreQuickStart is a .NET class written in Visual Basic 2008. It's goal is to provide a quick entry point to easily write Mogre applications. I developped it for myself to use it in my project (KSEditor), but everyone can use it. It takes in input as an OSM file to load.

There is also a topic in the Mogre forum to discuss it. This is the thread.

Note: The old name of MogreQuickStart was clOgre.


Table of contents


What you need to use this class in your executable path is:

MogreQuickStart.dll (this class)
ofusionLoader.dll (see forward)

To use video capture system, you will have to download AVIFILEWRAPPER that you can found here.
I have modified it so the functions can accept the new parameter _ChoixDuCodec and when codec is choosen, it will be save in registry for later use.

You can download it as a DLL here.
For source code, ask me by PM in forum.

The whole VB 2008 solution can be downloaded here (complete with help file in french):

Copy to clipboard
# Defines plugins to load # Define plugin folder PluginFolder=.\Plugins # Define plugins Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D9 Plugin=RenderSystem_GL

You also need a folder Plugins which contains the specified plugins from plugins.cfg.

To compile oFusionLoader.dll of [OFusion)), use C# Express 2008. It works fine.

Of course, you also need an OSM scene to load.

Here is the class:

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Imports Mogre Imports MOIS Imports MogreNewt Imports OFusion Imports System Public Class MogreQuickStart Imports Mogre Imports MOIS Imports MogreNewt Imports OFusion Imports System Imports System.Drawing Imports System.ComponentModel #Region "Déclarations" 'Cette fonction sert à capturer une image (utilisé pour le système de capture vidéo) 'function to capturing content of a graphic (use to make video capture) Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" Alias "BitBlt" (ByVal hDestDC As Int32, _ ByVal x As Int32, _ ByVal y As Int32, _ ByVal nWidth As Int32, _ ByVal nHeight As Int32, _ ByVal hSrcDC As Int32, _ ByVal xSrc As Int32, _ ByVal ySrc As Int32, _ ByVal dwRop As Int32) As Boolean Structure Camera 'Permet de contenir les informations de caméra / contains camera information Dim Camera As Mogre.Camera Dim CamNode As Mogre.SceneNode Dim CamViewNode As Mogre.SceneNode Dim CamBody As MogreNewt.Body End Structure Private _OgreRacine As Mogre.Root 'La racine OGRE / Ogre Root Private _OgreSceneManager As Mogre.SceneManager 'Le SceneManager OGRE / Ogre Scene Manager Private _OgreCamera As Mogre.Camera 'La caméra sélectionnée / Currently selected camera Private _RenderWindow As Mogre.RenderWindow 'la fenêtre de rendu / Render Window Private _ShowAxesMonde As Boolean = False 'Axe du monde visible ou pas / World axes visible or not Private _ShowAxesObjet As Boolean = False 'Axe d'un objet sélectioné visible ou pas / Selected object axes visible or not Private _TrackObjet As Boolean = False 'Autotracking de la caméra actif ou pas / Camera autotracking enable or not Private _Gravity As Single = -9.81 'Et oui, on aura un poid...(Sur terre = 9.81m/s² / gravity forces Private _RenderWindowHandle As System.IntPtr 'Le handle du contrôle qui affichera le rendu / handle of the control to render on Private _TopWindowHandle As System.IntPtr 'Le handle de la fenêtre contenant le contrôle de rendu / handle of main window Private _CollisionDetection As Boolean = True 'Détection de collision activée ou pas / collision detection enable or not Private _Application As Object 'Pour permettre de gérer le doevents dans la boucle de rendu / To handle 'doevent' in render loop Private _init As Boolean = True 'Permettra de savoir si on est en cours d'initialisation de l'application / if we are in initialiastion of the class Private _showLoad As Boolean = True 'Afficher ou pas la fenêtre d'info au chargement / 'show or not the splash screen Private _GravityOnOff As Boolean = True 'Gravité active ou pas / gravity on or off Private _LoadAxe As Boolean = False 'on charge les axex ou pas / axes loaded or not Private _RenderOn As Boolean = True 'Sert à savoir si on à quitter l'appli pour stopper le rendu / if quitting application, stop render Private _MoveFactor As Single = 2 'Vitesse de déplacement / speed of move Private _DebugNewton As Boolean = False 'Permet de demander l'activation du debuger Newton / Init or not Newton Debuger Private _ShowDebugNewtonInfo As Boolean = False 'Si vraie, montre les infos de debug Newton / If true, show Newton debug Info Private _OgreMaxFPS As Integer = 1000 Private _MaxFrameSkip As Integer = 5 'La taille du body représentant le corp physique de la caméra Ajuster cette valeur en fonction de la scène. 'Size of body of the camera. Adjust this value depending of the scene. Private _CamSize As Mogre.Vector3 = New Mogre.Vector3(1, 1.7, 1) 'Taille du body de la caméra / Camera body size Private _CammMass As Single = 90 'Masse de la caméra / Camera mass Private _GetPerformanceCounter As Decimal 'Pour le timer (non implémenté) / For high resolution timer (not implemented yet) Private _GetPerformanceFreqency As Decimal 'Pour le timer (non implémenté) / For high resolution timer (not implemented yet) Private _SceneType As Mogre.SceneType = SceneType.ST_GENERIC 'Comme son nom l'indique / As name says Private _StartupPath As String 'Chemin de démarrage de l'application pour l'ajout au Ressources Manager / application startup path for ressources manager Private _NewtonUpdateFps As Single = 60 'Nombre de FPS à gérer par Newton / Number of FPS to handle by Newton Private _TimeFactor As Single = 1 'Echelle de temp pour Newton / Time scale for Newton Private _SuspendRender As Boolean = False 'Permet de suspendre le rendu durant une période / Allows to suspend render for a reason or another Private _SceneToLoad As String 'Le nom de la scène à charger / Scene'name to load Private _RessourcesToLoad As ArrayList = New ArrayList 'La liste des ressources à charger / list of ressources needed Private _moving As Boolean 'vraie si on a cliqué dans le control de rendu (permet le déplacement) / true if render control is clicked (allow to move) Private _AvgFPS As Single 'Nombre moyen de FPS / average FPS.. Private _CurrentCamBody As MogreNewt.Body 'Le corps physique de la caméra sélectionnée / the body of selected camera Private _NewtonWorldSizeMin As Mogre.Vector3 = New Mogre.Vector3(-1000, -1000, -1000) Private _NewtonWorldSizeMax As Mogre.Vector3 = New Mogre.Vector3(1000, 1000, 1000) Private _mReflectSceneNode As Mogre.SceneNode 'le scene node de l'objet de la scène sur lequel sera basé la réflection / scene node to base reflection on Private _ReflecionIntensity As Single = 0.35F 'degrée de réflection (1 pour mirroir) / quantity of reflection (1 for a mirror) Private _UScaleReflect As Single = 0.1F 'pour mise à l'échelle de la texture originale de l'objet de base / for scaling of base object texture Private _vScaleReflect As Single = 0.1F Private _SceneBlendingType As Mogre.SceneBlendType = SceneBlendType.SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA 'le type de fondu de la texture de base et de la texture réfléchie / blending type for base and reflected texture Private _ReflectPlaneNormal As Mogre.Vector3 = Mogre.Vector3.UNIT_Y 'Pour définir l'orientation du plan de réflection / To define reflect plane orientation Private _myWorld As World = Nothing 'Le monde physique / Newton physical world Private _Translate As Single = 2 'La valeur de translation pour la gestion sans détection de collisions / movement speed if Newwton is nont used Private _Rotate As Single = 1 'Pareil mais pour les rotations / same for rotation Private _FSAA As Integer = 0 'antialiasing Private _NbCapturedFrameBySecond As Integer = 24 'Nombre d'image à capturer pour la capture vidéo / Numbre of frame to be captured for video Private ListeCamera As ArrayList = New ArrayList 'La liste des caméra de la scène / camera scene list Private _InfoMessage As String = "" 'Message à afficher dans la fenêtre d'info 'Variable pour la capture video / variables for video capture Private _CtrlToCapture As Object 'Le control à capture / control to capture Private _ChoixDuCodec As Boolean 'true : affichera la fenêtre de choix du codec / true : allow to chow codec window choice Private _RecordDate As String 'Date de l'enregistrement / record date Private FilmManager As AviFile.AviManager Private FilmStream As AviFile.VideoStream Private bRecordVideo As Boolean = False 'true si capture video en cours / true if capture video is running Private TimeUpdate As Single = 1 / _NewtonUpdateFps 'Vitesse d'update de Newton / Newton update speed Private TimeElapsed As Single = 0 'Pour Newton / for Newton Private TimeSinceLastFrame As Single 'Pour Newton / for Newton Private NodeAxe As Mogre.SceneNode 'L'axe des objets / Object axes Private NodeAxeMonde As Mogre.SceneNode 'L'axe du monde / world axes Private myfrminfo As New frmInfo 'Splash screen Private Scene As OSMScene 'La variable pour le chargement de la scene oFusion / oFusion scene 'Déclarations pour Newton Private CurrentCamNode As Mogre.SceneNode 'Le node de la caméra sélectionnée / currently selected camera node Private CurrentCamViewNode As Mogre.SceneNode 'Le View Node de la caméra sélectionnée / currently selected view node Private camera_rotation_x As Single Private camera_rotation_y As Mogre.Degree Private y_rotation_cont As Degree Private y_limit_a As Single = 90 'Les limites hautes et basses de rotation de la caméra / movement limitation on Y Private y_limit_b As Single = -90 Private InitialCamBodyPos As Mogre.Vector3 'Position et orientation de départ de la caméra / initial position and orientation of camera Private InitialCamBodyOrient As Mogre.Quaternion 'Déclaration pour MOIS / MOIS declaration Private inputManager As MOIS.InputManager Private inputKeyboard As MOIS.Keyboard = Nothing Private inputMouse As MOIS.Mouse = Nothing 'Les déclarations pour le plan de réflection / Reflection plane declaration Private ReflectionPlane As Mogre.Plane 'Le plan suivant lequel se fera la réflection / Reflection plane Private mPlaneEnt As Mogre.Entity 'l'entity de plan / Plane entity Private mPlaneNode As Mogre.SceneNode 'son scene node / It's scene node Private ReflectOn As Boolean = False 'reflection active ou pas / reflection on or off Private ReflectInit As Boolean = False 'vraie si les réflection sont actives / true if reflection active Private texture As Mogre.TexturePtr Private ReflectPlane As Mogre.MeshPtr Private rttTex As Mogre.RenderTarget 'Private FrameTime As New System.TimeSpan 'Private LastFrameTime As New System.TimeSpan 'Private TimeSinceLastFrames As New System.TimeSpan Private FrameTime As UInteger Private LastFrameTime As UInteger Private TimeSinceLastFrames As UInteger Private Counter As Integer Private OgreTimer As Mogre.Timer = New Mogre.Timer #End Region #Region "Définition des API / API definitions" 'Pour le timer haute résolution (non implémenté) / for high resolution timer (not implemented yet) Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal X As Decimal) As Boolean Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal X As Decimal) As Boolean #End Region #Region "Les propiétés / Property" 'Les actions ci dessous permettent d'affecter ou lire les différentes propriétés exposée. Ce passe de commentaire 'This actions allow to get or set exposed property of the class ReadOnly Property OgreRacine() As Mogre.Root Get Return _OgreRacine End Get End Property ReadOnly Property OgreSceneManager() As Mogre.SceneManager Get Return _OgreSceneManager End Get End Property Property OgreCamera() As Mogre.Camera Get Return _OgreCamera End Get Set(ByVal value As Mogre.Camera) _OgreCamera = value End Set End Property Property ShowAxesMonde() As Boolean Get Return _ShowAxesMonde End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ShowAxesMonde = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property osmSceneName() As String Set(ByVal value As String) _SceneToLoad = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property RessourcesToLoad() As String() Set(ByVal value As String()) For i As Integer = 0 To value.Length - 1 _RessourcesToLoad.Add(value(i)) Next End Set End Property WriteOnly Property RenderWindowHandle() As System.IntPtr Set(ByVal value As System.IntPtr) _RenderWindowHandle = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property TopWindowHandle() As System.IntPtr Set(ByVal value As System.IntPtr) _TopWindowHandle = value _RenderWindowHandle = value End Set End Property Property CollisionDetection() As Boolean Get Return _CollisionDetection End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _CollisionDetection = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property Application() Set(ByVal value) _Application = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property Moving() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _moving = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property Init() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _init = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property ShowInfo() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _showLoad = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property RenderOn() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _RenderOn = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property GravityOn() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _GravityOnOff = value End Set End Property Property Gravity() As Single Get Return _Gravity End Get Set(ByVal value As Single) _Gravity = value End Set End Property Property MoveFactor() As Single Get Return _MoveFactor End Get Set(ByVal value As Single) _MoveFactor = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property TranslatFactor() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _Translate = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property RotateFactor() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _Rotate = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property AxeLoaded() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _LoadAxe = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property CameraSize() As Mogre.Vector3 Set(ByVal value As Mogre.Vector3) _CamSize = value If Not _CurrentCamBody Is Nothing Then CurrentCamNode.SetScale(_CamSize) End If End Set End Property ReadOnly Property GetPerformanceCounter() As Decimal Get Return _GetPerformanceCounter End Get End Property ReadOnly Property GetPerformanceFrequency() As Decimal Get Return _GetPerformanceFreqency End Get End Property WriteOnly Property AssignSceneType() As Mogre.SceneType Set(ByVal value As Mogre.SceneType) _SceneType = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property StartupPath() As String Set(ByVal value As String) _StartupPath = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property DebugOnOff() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) If value Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.ShowLines(_myWorld) Else MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.HideLines() End If End Set End Property WriteOnly Property NewtonUpdateFps() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _NewtonUpdateFps = value If Not _myWorld Is Nothing Then _myWorld.SetMinimumFrameRate(_NewtonUpdateFps) TimeUpdate = 1 / _NewtonUpdateFps End If End Set End Property WriteOnly Property NewtonTimeFactor() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _TimeFactor = value End Set End Property ReadOnly Property OgreRenderWindow() As Mogre.RenderWindow Get Return _RenderWindow End Get End Property WriteOnly Property SuspendRender() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _SuspendRender = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property ShowDebugNewtonInfo() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ShowDebugNewtonInfo = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property CamMass() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _CammMass = value End Set End Property ReadOnly Property FPS() As Single Get Return OgreRenderWindow.AverageFPS End Get End Property ReadOnly Property CamBody() As MogreNewt.Body Get Return _CurrentCamBody End Get End Property ReadOnly Property NewtonWorld() As MogreNewt.World Get Return _myWorld End Get End Property WriteOnly Property ReflectSceneNode() As Mogre.SceneNode Set(ByVal value As Mogre.SceneNode) _mReflectSceneNode = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property Reflectionintensity() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _ReflecionIntensity = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property uScale() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _UScaleReflect = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property vScale() As Single Set(ByVal value As Single) _vScaleReflect = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property SceneBlendingType() As Mogre.SceneBlendType Set(ByVal value As Mogre.SceneBlendType) _SceneBlendingType = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property ReflectPlaneNorma() As Mogre.Vector3 Set(ByVal value As Mogre.Vector3) _ReflectPlaneNormal = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property OgreMaxFPS() As Integer Set(ByVal value As Integer) _OgreMaxFPS = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property MaxFrameSkip() As Integer Set(ByVal value As Integer) _MaxFrameSkip = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property NewtonWorldSizeMin() As Mogre.Vector3 Set(ByVal value As Mogre.Vector3) _NewtonWorldSizeMin = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property NewtonWorldSizeMax() As Mogre.Vector3 Set(ByVal value As Mogre.Vector3) _NewtonWorldSizeMax = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property DebugNewton() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _DebugNewton = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property InfoMessage() As String Set(ByVal value As String) _InfoMessage = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property FSAA() As Integer Set(ByVal value As Integer) _FSAA = value End Set End Property 'WriteOnly Property ArrayImg() ' Set(ByVal value) ' _tArrayImg.Add(value) ' End Set 'End Property WriteOnly Property CtrlToCapture() Set(ByVal value) _CtrlToCapture = value End Set End Property WriteOnly Property ChoixDuCodec() As Boolean Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ChoixDuCodec = value End Set End Property ReadOnly Property RecordDate() As String Get Return _RecordDate End Get End Property WriteOnly Property NbCapturedFrameBySecond() As Integer Set(ByVal value As Integer) _NbCapturedFrameBySecond = value End Set End Property #End Region #Region "Procédures et fonctions / Proc and sub" #Region "Publics" Public Sub ChangeMessage() If _showLoad Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = _InfoMessage myfrminfo.Refresh() End If End Sub Public Function Timer() As Single 'Une fonction Timer haute résolution basée sur les performances de l'ordi 'Pour la gestion de l'update de Newton, non encore implémenté Static Start As Decimal = 0 Static Frequency As Decimal = 0 If Start = 0 Then 'Si premier appel, on initialise les variables statiques Dim bool As Boolean = QueryPerformanceCounter(Start) QueryPerformanceFrequency(Frequency) Return 0.0F End If Dim counter As Decimal QueryPerformanceCounter(counter) 'On renvoi la valeur depuis le premier appel Return ((counter - Start) / Frequency) End Function Public Function InitOgre(ByVal PluginFiles As String, ByVal CfgFile As String, ByVal LogFile As String) As Boolean 'Création de la racine OGRE et du SceneManager. 'Affichage de la fenêtre de paramètres OGRES, le cas échéant 'Ogre root, scenen manager initialisation and showing of ogre configuration window if necessary _OgreRacine = New Root(PluginFiles, CfgFile, LogFile) If Not _OgreRacine.RestoreConfig() Then If Not _OgreRacine.ShowConfigDialog Then Return False End If End If Try _OgreSceneManager = _OgreRacine.CreateSceneManager(_SceneType) Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException 'en cas d'erreur..../ if error is raised If OgreException.IsThrown Then MsgBox(OgreException.LastException.FullDescription, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ "Exeption OGRE!") Return False Else MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") Return False End If End Try Try 'On initialise OGRE/ OGRE initialisation _OgreRacine.Initialise(False) Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException 'en cas d'erreur..../ if error is raised FileIO.FileSystem.DeleteFile(_StartupPath + "\ogre.cfg") If Not _OgreRacine.ShowConfigDialog Then Return False End If End Try Return True End Function Public Function InitScene(ByVal Langue As String) As Boolean If _showLoad Then Langue = Langue.ToUpper If Langue = "FR" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Chargement de la scène en cours....Merci de patienter." ElseIf Langue = "DE" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Laden der aktuellen Szene.... Bitte sich gedulden." ElseIf Langue = "ES" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Carga de la escena corriente.... Gracias por tener paciencia." ElseIf Langue = "IT" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Caricando del palcoscenico in progresso....Grazie essere paziente." ElseIf Langue = "PO" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Carregando em desenvolvimento da fase....Lhe agradeça ser paciente." Else myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Scene loading in progress....Please wait" End If myfrminfo.Show() myfrminfo.Refresh() End If Try 'On initialise OGRE/ OGRE initialisation '_OgreRacine.Initialise(False) 'On crè la fenêtre, ici ce sera dans un contrôle, une picturebox / OGRE window creation, here in a control Dim misc As NameValuePairList = New NameValuePairList misc("externalWindowHandle") = _RenderWindowHandle.ToString misc("FSAA") = _FSAA Dim const_list As Const_NameValuePairList = misc.ReadOnlyInstance _RenderWindow = _OgreRacine.CreateRenderWindow("OgreWieport", 0, 0, False, const_list) 'On crés le ressource manager avec les ressources passées en paramètre dans la liste des ressources. 'Ressource manager creation withe ressources given in parameters in ressources list 'Par défaut, on prend le chemin de la scène / pth of the scene by default ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.AddResourceLocation(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(_SceneToLoad), "FileSystem", "General") 'On ajoute le répertoires OBJETS de l'application qui contient, entre autre, les axes 'adding objets path that contain such thing as axes for example ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.AddResourceLocation(_StartupPath + "\Objets", "FileSystem", "General") 'et on parcourt la variable _RessourcesToLoad pour ajouter les ressources supplémentaires (répertoires ou fichiers zip) 'iteration of _RessourceToLoad to add other ressources (Directory or zip files) Dim SplitRessource() As String For i As Integer = 0 To _RessourcesToLoad.Count - 1 SplitRessource = _RessourcesToLoad(i).ToString.Split("|") ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.AddResourceLocation(SplitRessource(0), SplitRessource(1), "General") Next 'Fini, on initialise toutes les ressources / Initailisation of all ressources ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.InitialiseAllResourceGroups() 'On charge la scène OSM grâce à la dll oFusion / OSM scene loading with oFusion DLL Scene = New OSMScene(_OgreSceneManager, _RenderWindow) Scene.Initialize(_SceneToLoad) Scene.CreateScene(_OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode) 'création de la caméra / camera creation If Scene.CameraList.Count > 0 Then 'Si la scene contient au moins une caméra, on sélectionne la première / if there is at least one cam in scene we select it _OgreCamera = Scene.CameraList(0) Else 'sinon, on en crè une par défaut / else we create one _OgreCamera = Scene.SceneMgr.CreateCamera("CameraDefaut") _OgreCamera.SetPosition(0, 0, 0) _OgreCamera.SetDirection(0, 0, 0) _OgreCamera.FOVy = CType(1, Mogre.Radian) Dim camNode As SceneNode = _OgreSceneManager.CreateSceneNode("CameraDefaut") camNode.AttachObject(_OgreCamera) Dim CameraTarget As Mogre.SceneNode = _OgreSceneManager.CreateSceneNode("") CameraTarget.SetPosition(1000, 1000, 1000) CameraTarget.SetDirection(0, 0, 0) CameraTarget.SetScale(1, 1, 1) 'On crè le viewport / vieport creation Dim ViewPort As Mogre.Viewport = _RenderWindow.AddViewport(_OgreCamera) _OgreCamera.AspectRatio = ViewPort.ActualWidth / ViewPort.ActualHeight End If _OgreCamera.NearClipDistance = 5 InitialCamBodyOrient = _OgreCamera.Orientation InitialCamBodyPos = _OgreCamera.Position 'si on a décidé d'activer la gestion des collisions, on initialise Newton / if colision detection enable, Newton init If _CollisionDetection Then InitNewton(Langue) End If 'initialisation de l'inputmanager MOIS / input manager initialisation InitInputHandler() If _LoadAxe Then LoadAxe() 'Chargement et instanciation des axes / axes loading End If Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException If _showLoad Then myfrminfo.Hide() myfrminfo.Dispose() End If 'en cas d'erreur..../if error If OgreException.IsThrown Then MsgBox(OgreException.LastException.FullDescription, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ "Exeption OGRE!") Return False Else MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") Return False End If End Try 'If _showLoad Then ' myfrminfo.Hide() ' myfrminfo.Dispose() 'End If Return True End Function Public Sub OgreGo() If _showLoad Then myfrminfo.Hide() myfrminfo.Dispose() End If While _RenderOn If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.ShowLines(_myWorld) End If If Not _SuspendRender Then 'et on rend une frame / render of one frame Try _OgreRacine.RenderOneFrame() Catch ex As Exception End Try 'Update du monde physique / physical worl update If _CollisionDetection Then _NewtonUpdateFps = _AvgFPS UpdateNewton(TimeSinceLastFrame) End If If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.ShowLines(_myWorld) MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.HideLines() End If End If _Application.doevents() If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.HideLines() End If End While End Sub Public Sub OgreUpdate() If _showLoad Then myfrminfo.Hide() myfrminfo.Dispose() End If 'A utiliser dans les fenêtre de dialogue modale à l'aide d'un timer 'To use in a modal window wihtin a timer of that window If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.ShowLines(_myWorld) End If If Not _SuspendRender Then 'et on rend une frame / render one frame _OgreRacine.RenderOneFrame() 'Update du monde physique / physical world update If _CollisionDetection Then _NewtonUpdateFps = _AvgFPS UpdateNewton(TimeSinceLastFrame) End If If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.ShowLines(_myWorld) MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.HideLines() End If End If If _ShowDebugNewtonInfo Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.HideLines() End If End Sub Public Sub ReSize(ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single) 'Pour redimensionner le vieport de manière correcte quand on redimmensionne la picturebox (du à un resize de la form ou un déplacement des splitter) 'to resize vieport when render control is resized If Not _init Then _RenderWindow.WindowMovedOrResized() _OgreCamera.AspectRatio = width / height End If End Sub Public Sub SelectCamera(ByVal CameraName As String, ByVal GravityOn As Boolean) 'Permet de changer de caméra sur une scène multi caméra / allow to choose camera in a multi camera scene _OgreCamera = OgreSceneManager.GetCamera(CameraName) 'on récupère le nom de la caméra sélectionnée/ selected camera's name _RenderWindow.GetViewport(0).Camera = _OgreCamera 'et on change de caméra / affecting camera to vieport If ReflectOn Then rttTex.GetViewport(0).Camera = _OgreCamera 'si on affiche les réflecion, on change aussi la caméra / if reflection on, we change camera too End If _GravityOnOff = GravityOn For i As Integer = 0 To ListeCamera.Count - 1 'Important, il faut bien resélectionner les cambody et autre associés à la caméra choisi / and important, getting the good cam body If ListeCamera.Item(i) = CameraName Then CurrentCamNode = ListeCamera.Item(i).CamNode _CurrentCamBody = ListeCamera.Item(i).CamBody CurrentCamViewNode = ListeCamera.Item(i).CamViewNode Exit For End If Next Dim myViewport As Mogre.Viewport = _RenderWindow.GetViewport(0) _OgreCamera.AspectRatio = myViewport.ActualWidth / myViewport.ActualHeight If ReflectOn Then myViewport = rttTex.GetViewport(0) _OgreCamera.AspectRatio = myViewport.ActualWidth / myViewport.ActualHeight End If End Sub Public Sub Shutdown() 'On arrête le rendu / render stop _RenderOn = False End Sub Public Sub DisposeOgre() 'Pemet de nettoyer les instances OGRES en cas de rechargement de la scène ou de l'ouverture d'une nouvelle 'Allow to destroy all ogre instances If ReflectOn Then texture = Nothing texture.Dispose() ReflectPlane = Nothing ReflectPlane.Dispose() Mogre.MeshManager.Singleton.RemoveAll() Mogre.MeshManager.Singleton.Dispose() Mogre.TextureManager.Singleton.RemoveAll() Mogre.TextureManager.Singleton.Dispose() End If ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.DestroyResourceGroup("General") ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.Dispose() _RenderWindow.RemoveAllViewports() _OgreRacine.DetachRenderTarget(_RenderWindow) _RenderWindow.Destroy() _OgreRacine.DestroySceneManager(_OgreSceneManager) _OgreRacine.DestroyAllRenderQueueInvocationSequences() _OgreRacine.Shutdown() _OgreRacine.Dispose() End Sub Public Sub DisposeNewton() 'Permet de liberer les instances Newton 'allow to clear newton world If _CollisionDetection Then Try _myWorld.DestroyAllBodies() _myWorld.Dispose() Catch ex As Exception End Try End If End Sub Public Sub ReflectionOff() 'Permet de suspendre la reflection / allow to suspend reflection mPlaneEnt.Visible = False 'on cache le plan de reflection / hiding reflection plane _mReflectSceneNode.GetAttachedObject(CType(0, UShort)).Visible = True 'on montre l'objet initial / showing base object ReflectOn = False 'on ne fait plus de reflection / no reflection End Sub Public Sub ReflectionOn() 'Permet d'initialiser les reflections ou de les réactiver si elles avaient été suspendue 'Allow to initialise reflection or reactivat it if the have been suspended If ReflectInit Then 'si elle ont été suspendus, alors, on les réactive / if suspended, reactivate it mPlaneEnt.Visible = True 'on montre le plan de réflection / showing reflection plane _mReflectSceneNode.GetAttachedObject(CType(0, UShort)).Visible = False 'on cache l'objet de base / hiding base object ReflectOn = True 'on réfléchit / recflection on Exit Sub End If ReflectionPlane.normal = _ReflectPlaneNormal 'par défaut un plan horizontal / horizontal plane ReflectionPlane.d = 0 '? 'Creation du plan / plane creation ReflectPlane = Mogre.MeshManager.Singleton.CreatePlane("ReflectPlane", Mogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, ReflectionPlane, 1024, 1024, 16, 16, True, 1, 1, 1, Mogre.Vector3.UNIT_Z) 'Tou ce qui suit est pour ajouter le plan à la scene / all that follow is to add plane to scene mPlaneEnt = _OgreSceneManager.CreateEntity("ReflectPlaneEnt", "ReflectPlane") mPlaneNode = _OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode mPlaneNode.AttachObject(mPlaneEnt) 'Le plan pend les même taile et position que l'objet de base / plane take same size and position than base object mPlaneNode.Position = _mReflectSceneNode.Position mPlaneNode.Orientation = _mReflectSceneNode.Orientation mPlaneNode.Scale(_mReflectSceneNode.GetScale) 'Creation de la texture pour le calcul des réflections / texture creation for reflection texture = Mogre.TextureManager.Singleton.CreateManual("RttTex", "General", Mogre.TextureType.TEX_TYPE_2D, CType(512, UInteger), CType(512, UInteger), 0, Mogre.PixelFormat.PF_R8G8B8, Mogre.TextureUsage.TU_RENDERTARGET) rttTex = texture.GetBuffer.GetRenderTarget() 'Creation du viewport pour calculer les réflections / creation of reflection viewport Dim v As Mogre.Viewport = rttTex.AddViewport(_OgreCamera) v.SetClearEveryFrame(True) v.BackgroundColour = Mogre.ColourValue.Black 'Récupération de la texture de l'objet de base / getting texture from base object Dim OrigObjet As Mogre.Entity = _mReflectSceneNode.GetAttachedObject(CType(0, UShort)) Dim MatToBlend As Mogre.MaterialPtr = OrigObjet.GetSubEntity(CType(0, UShort)).GetMaterial().Clone("ReflectMat") 'on la clone pour ne pas alterer celle de l'objet / cloning it to not alter base object texture 'on crè une nouvelle technique dans la texture / creation of a new ehcnique in texture Dim t As Mogre.TextureUnitState = MatToBlend.GetTechnique(CType(0, UShort)).GetPass(CType(0, UShort)).CreateTextureUnitState("RttTex") 'on récupère la première technique de la texture pour permettre sa mise à l'échelle / getting first technique to scaling texture Dim t1 As Mogre.TextureUnitState = MatToBlend.GetTechnique(CType(0, UShort)).GetPass(CType(0, UShort)).GetTextureUnitState(CType(0, UShort)) 'le paramètrage pour le fondu des deux texture / applying param to blend textures t.SetColourOperationEx(LayerBlendOperationEx.LBX_BLEND_MANUAL, LayerBlendSource.LBS_TEXTURE, LayerBlendSource.LBS_CURRENT, Mogre.ColourValue.White, Mogre.ColourValue.White, _ReflecionIntensity) t.SetTextureAddressingMode(TextureUnitState.TextureAddressingMode.TAM_CLAMP) t.SetProjectiveTexturing(True, _OgreCamera) MatToBlend.SetSceneBlending(_SceneBlendingType) 'mise à l'échelle de la première texture / scaling first texture t1.TextureUScale = _UScaleReflect t1.TextureVScale = _vScaleReflect 'on affecte les évènement à faire avant et après rendu du viewport / affecting event in pre and post viewport render AddHandler rttTex.PostRenderTargetUpdate, AddressOf postRenderTargetUpdate AddHandler rttTex.PreRenderTargetUpdate, AddressOf preRenderTargetUpdate 'on affecte le materiel au plan / adding material to plan mPlaneEnt.SetMaterialName(MatToBlend.Name) OrigObjet.Visible = False 'on cache l'objet de base / hiding base object ReflectOn = True 'on active les réflections / activate reflection ReflectInit = True 'les reflection on été initialisées / reflection are initialised End Sub Public Sub OpenVideoStream(ByVal CheminFilm As String, ByVal NomFilm As String) 'Permet d'initialiser la capture video / Allow to initialisz video capture Dim g As Graphics = _CtrlToCapture.CreateGraphics() Dim newImage As System.Drawing.Image = New Bitmap(_CtrlToCapture.Size.Width, _CtrlToCapture.Size.Height, g) g = _CtrlToCapture.CreateGraphics() newImage = New Bitmap(_CtrlToCapture.Size.Width, _CtrlToCapture.Size.Height, g) _RecordDate = Date.Now.ToString _RecordDate = RecordDate.Replace("/", "-") _RecordDate = RecordDate.Replace(":", "-") FilmManager = New AviFile.AviManager(CheminFilm + "\" + NomFilm + "_" + _RecordDate + ".avi", False) bRecordVideo = True FilmStream = FilmManager.AddVideoStream(True, _NbCapturedFrameBySecond, newImage, _ChoixDuCodec) End Sub Public Sub CloseVideoStream() 'Arrête la capture vidéo / stop video capture bRecordVideo = False FilmManager.Close() End Sub #End Region #Region "Privées" Private Sub InitNewton(ByVal Langue) Dim CamNode As ArrayList = New ArrayList 'Le node de la caméra / camera node Dim CamViewNode As ArrayList = New ArrayList Dim CamBody As ArrayList = New ArrayList 'Le corps physique de la caméra / physical cam body Dim CamColl As CollisionPrimitives.Ellipsoid 'Le type de collision / collision type If Langue = "FR" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Initialisation du moteur physique....Merci de patienter." ElseIf Langue = "DE" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Initialisierung der körperlichen Maschine.... Bitte sich gedulden." ElseIf Langue = "ES" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Inicialización del motor físico.... Gracias por tener paciencia." ElseIf Langue = "IT" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Inizio del motore fisico....Grazie essere paziente.." ElseIf Langue = "PO" Then myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Iniciação do motor físico....Lhe agradeça ser paciente." Else myfrminfo.lblInfo.Text = "Initialization of the physics engine.....Please wait" End If myfrminfo.Refresh() 'Initialisation de Newton pour la gestion des collision caméras 'Newton init to handle cam colision If _myWorld Is Nothing Then _myWorld = New World 'le monde physique / physical world 'et initialisation de sa taille, par défaut elle est de 100 sur chaque axes. 'and init of it's size by default it's 100 on each axes 'myWorld.SetWorldSize(_NewtonWorldSizeMin, _NewtonWorldSizeMax) _myWorld.SetWorldSize(New Mogre.Vector3(-100000, -100000, -100000), New Mogre.Vector3(100000, 100000, 100000)) End If _myWorld.SetMinimumFrameRate(_NewtonUpdateFps) TimeUpdate = 1 / _NewtonUpdateFps 'Création du monde physique pour Newton / creating newton physical world Dim stat_col As MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.TreeCollisionSceneParser = New MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.TreeCollisionSceneParser(_myWorld) stat_col.ParseScene(_OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode, False) 'Utilisation du parser de scène Newton, attention, à ce jour (juillet 2008), le parmètre true, au mieux, ne fonctionne pas et au pire plante le programme. 'use of newton scene parser. Beware if true is use, physical world is not well initialised 'Création et paramétrage du body pour le monde / creation and initialisation of body world Dim bod As MogreNewt.Body = New MogreNewt.Body(_myWorld, stat_col) stat_col.Dispose() bod.AttachToNode(_OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode) bod.SetPositionOrientation(New Mogre.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Quaternion.IDENTITY) For i As Integer = 0 To Scene.CameraList.Count - 1 _OgreCamera = Scene.CameraList(i) 'Collision de la caméra / camera collision Dim PosCam As Mogre.Vector3 = _OgreSceneManager.GetSceneNode(_OgreCamera.Name).Position 'on récupère la position de la caméra / cam position Dim OrientCam As Quaternion = _OgreSceneManager.GetSceneNode(_OgreCamera.Name).Orientation 'on récupère l'orientation de la caméra / cam orientation Dim localcambody As MogreNewt.Body CamNode.Add(Nothing) CamBody.Add(Nothing) CamViewNode.Add(Nothing) CamNode(i) = _OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode("N" + _OgreCamera.Name) 'on crè un Scennode / scenenode creation CamNode(i).SetScale(_CamSize) 'on le met à la taille de la caméra / applying cam size CamColl = New CollisionPrimitives.Ellipsoid(_myWorld, _CamSize) 'on crè le système de collision / collision system creation localcambody = New Body(_myWorld, CamColl) 'on l'applique au body représentant la caméra / applying it to cam body CamColl.Dispose() 'on libère la collision / freeing collision localcambody.AttachToNode(CamNode(i)) 'et on l'attache au noeud créé précédement / attach it to node 'calcul de l'inertie de la caméra / inertia camera Dim cam_inertia As Mogre.Vector3 = MomentOfInertia.CalcEllipsoidSolid(_CammMass, _CamSize) localcambody.SetMassMatrix(_CammMass, cam_inertia) AddHandler localcambody.ForceCallback, AddressOf camera_force_callback 'la fonction appelée lors de l'update du monde physique / function call at each physical update localcambody.AutoFreeze = False 'Important, sinon, impossible de déplacer le body... / important else body don't move CamBody(i) = localcambody 'Création d'un "UP Vector" pour empécher le body de tomber / creation of a "UP Vector" so body can't fall Dim uv2 As BasicJoints.UpVector = New BasicJoints.UpVector(_myWorld, CamBody(i), Mogre.Vector3.UNIT_Y) 'Création d'un scenenode 1 unités au dessus du camnode pour y mettre la caméra 'Creation of a scene node 1 units above camnode to put camera in CamViewNode(i) = CamNode(i).CreateChildSceneNode("Newt" + _OgreCamera.Name, New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0)) 'création du scenenode / scene node creation _OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode.DetachObject(_OgreCamera) 'on détache la caméra du rootscenenode (créé par OSMLoader) / detaching camera from root scene node (create by OSM Loader) CamViewNode(i).AttachObject(_OgreCamera) 'et on attache la caméra au viewnode / attachin cam to viewnode CamBody(i).SetPositionOrientation(PosCam, OrientCam) 'Sert à récupérer la position et orientation initiale de la caméra pour positionner son corp. / Puting body in initial cam position and orientation InitialCamBodyOrient = get_body_orientation(CamBody(i)) InitialCamBodyPos = get_body_position(CamBody(i)) Dim StructCam As New Camera StructCam.Camera = _OgreCamera StructCam.CamNode = CamNode(i) StructCam.CamViewNode = CamViewNode(i) StructCam.CamBody = CamBody(i) ListeCamera.Add(StructCam) Next _CurrentCamBody = CamBody(0) CurrentCamNode = CamNode(0) CurrentCamViewNode = CamViewNode(0) _OgreCamera = Scene.CameraList(0) If _DebugNewton Then MogreNewt.Debugger.Instance.Init(_OgreSceneManager) 'et on initialise le debugger newton. / newton debugger initialisation End If End Sub Private Sub preRenderTargetUpdate() 'Procedure exécutée avant le render de la texture de réflection 'On cache le plan de réflextion et on active la reflection de la caméra 'Proc executed before reflection render 'we hide reflection plan, and activate camera reflection If ReflectOn Then 'si la reflection est active/ if reflection on mPlaneEnt.Visible = False _OgreCamera.EnableReflection(ReflectionPlane) End If End Sub Private Sub postRenderTargetUpdate() 'Procedure exécutée après le render de la texture de réflection 'On désactive la reflection de la caméra et on réaffiche le plan de réflection 'Proc executed after reflection render 'we show reflection plan, and deactivate camera reflection If ReflectOn Then 'si la reflection est active / if reflection on _OgreCamera.DisableReflection() mPlaneEnt.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub InitInputHandler() Dim param As MOIS.ParamList = New MOIS.ParamList() 'Les 4 premiers paramètres servent à signaler que MOIS ne sera pas le seul à être capable de gérer le clavier et la souris 'ceci permet de disposer du curseur de la souris pour faire autre chose pendant que Ogre rend ses frames 'The first four parameters are to say to MOIs than it's not the only one than can handle keyboard and mouse 'this permit to do other things with mouse and keyboard whne ogre is rendereing param.Insert("w32_mouse", "DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE") param.Insert("w32_mouse", "DISCL_FOREGROUND") param.Insert("w32_keyboard", "DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE") param.Insert("w32_keyboard", "DISCL_FOREGROUND") param.Insert("WINDOW", _TopWindowHandle.ToString) 'ici, on passe le handle de notre "top level window" (cf. DirectX et DirectInput) / handle of "top level window" (see DirectX and DirectInput) 'Hook de l'input manager à la fenêtre / hook of window input manager inputManager = MOIS.InputManager.CreateInputSystem(param) If Not inputManager Is Nothing Then 'Creation des device de capture MOIS / creating device capture Try 'Le clavier / keyboard inputKeyboard = CType(inputManager.CreateInputObject(MOIS.Type.OISKeyboard, False), MOIS.Keyboard) Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException 'en cas d'erreur.... / if error If OISException.IsThrown Then MsgBox(OISException.LastException.eText, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ "Exeption OIS!") Else MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") End If End Try Try 'La souris / mouse inputMouse = CType(inputManager.CreateInputObject(MOIS.Type.OISMouse, False), MOIS.Mouse) Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException 'en cas d'erreur.... / if error If OISException.IsThrown Then MsgBox(OISException.LastException.eText, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ "Exeption OIS!") Else MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") End If End Try 'A répéter pour d'autre input, joystick par exemple : 'to repeat for another input, joystick for example : '' ''Try '' '' inputJoy = CType(inputManager.CreateInputObject(MOIS.Type.OISJoyStick, False), MOIS.JoyStick) '' ''Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException '' '' 'en cas d'erreur.... '' '' If OISException.IsThrown Then '' '' MsgBox(OISException.LastException.eText, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ '' '' "Exeption OIS!") '' '' Else '' '' MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") '' '' End If '' ''End Try End If ' Et l'évènement qui sera attaché au FrameStarted / and event to attach to framestarded AddHandler _OgreRacine.FrameStarted, AddressOf FrameStarted AddHandler _OgreRacine.FrameEnded, AddressOf FrameEnded End Sub Private Function FrameStarted(ByVal evt As FrameEvent) As Boolean 'Gère les évènements clavier et souris 'handle mouse and keyboard events 'le test pour annuler le mouvement de la caméra est mis en externe par rapport 'au test de detection de collision car si on relache la souris avant les touches 'la caméra continue à se déplacer, donc, on annule sa vélocité et sa rotation à la fin de la fonction 'test to cancel cam movement is externalise because if we release mouse buton befor keyboard 'cam continue to move, so, we cancel is velocity and rotation at end of function 'Le code du système pour réduire le nombre de FPS est du à Beauty sur le forum MOGRE, merci beaucoup 'FPS reduction system is due to Beauty on MOGRE forum. Thanks a lot. If FPS = 0 Then '-- initialize at first run -- 'FPSMax = 85 ' set wanted fps 'C'est un paramètre passé à la classe / it's a parameters pass to the class FrameTime = 1000 / _OgreMaxFPS ' wanted time for one frame 'LastFrameTime = New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks) LastFrameTime = OgreTimer.MillisecondsCPU End If 'TimeSinceLastFrames = New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - LastFrameTime.Ticks) 'LastFrameTime = New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks) TimeSinceLastFrames = OgreTimer.MillisecondsCPU - LastFrameTime LastFrameTime = OgreTimer.MillisecondsCPU If TimeSinceLastFrames < FrameTime Then 'wait if needed Try If FrameTime - TimeSinceLastFrame > 0 Then System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(FrameTime - TimeSinceLastFrame) End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End If Dim PasdeMouvement As Boolean = True CaptureFunction() 'on lance la capture clavier/souris par MOIS / go capture If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_SYSRQ) Then 'Capture de l'écran / to capture screen Dim temp As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "screenshot*.jpg") Dim fileName As String = _StartupPath + "\" + String.Format("screenshot{0}.jpg", temp.Length + 1) OgreRenderWindow.WriteContentsToFile(fileName) ElseIf inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_ESCAPE) Then 'On stop le rendu / stop render _RenderOn = False End If TimeSinceLastFrame = evt.timeSinceLastFrame If _moving Then 'Si on a cliqué sur le bouton gauche de la souris, on se déplace dans le monde / if mouse button lef clicked, we move 'Il y a 2 systèmes de mouvement, avec ou sans détection de collisions / there is 2 movement systeme one with newton, and the other not If _CollisionDetection Then 'Avec / with 'Le principe est de récupérer l'orientation du corps de la caméra sur l'axe de déplacement choisi 'et de lui affecter une vitesse de déplacement sur cette axe. 'Lorsque l'on arrête le déplacement, on annule la vitesse. 'we get cam body orientation then applying it a velocity on move axe. When we stop, we cancel velocity Dim direction As Mogre.Vector3 If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_UP) Then direction = get_body_orientation(_CurrentCamBody) * Mogre.Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = _CurrentCamBody.Velocity * New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0) + direction * _MoveFactor PasdeMouvement = False End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_DOWN) Then direction = get_body_orientation(_CurrentCamBody) * Mogre.Vector3.UNIT_Z _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = _CurrentCamBody.Velocity * New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0) + direction * _MoveFactor PasdeMouvement = False End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_LEFT) Then direction = get_body_orientation(_CurrentCamBody) * Mogre.Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_X _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = _CurrentCamBody.Velocity * New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0) + direction * _MoveFactor PasdeMouvement = False End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_RIGHT) Then direction = get_body_orientation(_CurrentCamBody) * Mogre.Vector3.UNIT_X _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = _CurrentCamBody.Velocity * New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0) + direction * _MoveFactor PasdeMouvement = False End If 'Pour le déplacement sur Y (vertical) on se déplace sur le Y du monde et pas de la caméra 'Donc, pas besoin de récupérer la direction de la caméra 'For moving on Y (vertical) we move on worl Y and not cam Y so, no needs to get cam orientation If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_PGUP) Then _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = New Mogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0) * _MoveFactor * 2 PasdeMouvement = False End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_PGDOWN) Then _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = New Mogre.Vector3(0, -1, 0) * _MoveFactor PasdeMouvement = False End If 'Pour la rotation de la caméra, on récupère le déplacement de la souris sur X et Y 'Fot cam rotation, we get x y mouse movement Dim mouseState As MOIS.MouseState_NativePtr = inputMouse.MouseState camera_rotation_x = -mouseState.X.rel * _Rotate If camera_rotation_x <> 0 Then PasdeMouvement = False End If camera_rotation_y = -mouseState.Y.rel * 0.5F 'On travaille sur le camviewnode pour que l'axe de la caméra soit orienté correctement 'working on cam view node for cam axes well oriented CurrentCamViewNode.Pitch(camera_rotation_y) 'Si on atteint un angle de rotation maximale vers le haut ou le bas, on annule la rotation 'if we reach max vertical movement, we cancel it y_rotation_cont += camera_rotation_y If y_rotation_cont > y_limit_a Or y_rotation_cont < y_limit_b Then CurrentCamViewNode.Pitch(-camera_rotation_y) y_rotation_cont -= camera_rotation_y End If Else 'Sans / without 'On applique simplement une translation ou une rotation à la caméra 'It's a simpl translation or rotation on camera Dim myTranslation As Mogre.Vector3 = Mogre.Vector3.ZERO 'Pour le déplacement de la caméra sur ces axes sans détection de collision / for mowing camera without collision detection myTranslation.z = 0 myTranslation.x = 0 myTranslation.y = 0 If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_UP) Then myTranslation.z += -_Translate End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_DOWN) Then myTranslation.z += _Translate End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_LEFT) Then myTranslation.x += -_Translate End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_RIGHT) Then myTranslation.x += _Translate End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_PGUP) Then myTranslation.y += _Translate End If If inputKeyboard.IsKeyDown(MOIS.KeyCode.KC_PGDOWN) Then myTranslation.y += -_Translate End If Dim mouseState As MOIS.MouseState_NativePtr = inputMouse.MouseState camera_rotation_x = mouseState.X.rel * -_Rotate camera_rotation_y = mouseState.Y.rel * -_Rotate 'Et on déplace la caméra / and move camera _OgreCamera.Position += _OgreCamera.Orientation * myTranslation * evt.timeSinceLastFrame _OgreCamera.Yaw(camera_rotation_x * evt.timeSinceLastFrame) _OgreCamera.Pitch(camera_rotation_y) 'si on multiplie par timesincelastframe, le résultat est plus qu'étrange...A voir. / if multiplying by timesincelastframe, stange result appear...Must see that End If End If 'C'est ici que l'on annule la vélocité et la rotation de la caméra. / it's here tha we cancel velocity and camera rotation If PasdeMouvement And _CollisionDetection Then _CurrentCamBody.Velocity = New Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0) camera_rotation_x = 0 End If Return _RenderOn 'tant que l'on ne quitte pas l'appli, on renvoi True. / if not quiting, return true End Function Private Function FrameEnded(ByVal evt As FrameEvent) As Boolean 'Fonction exécuté àaprès le dessin d'une frame. Ici, sert à la capture vidéo 'Function executed after a frame is drawn. Here, it's used to cature a video If bRecordVideo Then Dim g As Graphics = _CtrlToCapture.CreateGraphics() Dim MyImage As System.Drawing.Image = New Bitmap(_CtrlToCapture.Size.Width, _CtrlToCapture.Size.Height, g) Dim memoryGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(MyImage) 'get handle Dim src As IntPtr = g.GetHdc() Dim dest As IntPtr = memoryGraphics.GetHdc() ' more information here: ' BitBlt(dest, 0, 0, _CtrlToCapture.Size.Width, _CtrlToCapture.Size.Height, src, 0, 0, 13369376) ' release handles g.ReleaseHdc(dest) g.Dispose() memoryGraphics.ReleaseHdc(src) memoryGraphics.Dispose() FilmStream.AddFrame(MyImage) End If Return True End Function Private Sub CaptureFunction() 'Lance la capture du clavier et de la souris / lauch keyboard and mouse capture inputKeyboard.Capture() inputMouse.Capture() End Sub Private Function get_body_position(ByVal bod As Body) As Mogre.Vector3 'retourne la position du body / return body position Dim orient As Quaternion Dim pos As Mogre.Vector3 bod.GetPositionOrientation(pos, orient) Return pos End Function Private Function get_body_orientation(ByVal bod As Body) As Quaternion ' retourne l'orientation du body / return body orientation Dim orient As Quaternion Dim pos As Mogre.Vector3 bod.GetPositionOrientation(pos, orient) Return orient End Function Private Sub camera_force_callback(ByVal Corps As Body) 'Cette procédure est appelée à chaque update du monde physique. 'On y applique la gravité ainsi que la rotation sur l'axe des X 'this proc is called by each physical worl update 'we put gravity force and X rotation If _GravityOnOff Then Dim masse As Single Dim inertie As Mogre.Vector3 Dim Force As Mogre.Vector3 = New Mogre.Vector3(0, _Gravity * 10, 0) 'on récupère la position et l'orientation du corp passé en paramètre / gettinf position and orientation of param body Dim posBody As Mogre.Vector3 = get_body_position(_CurrentCamBody) * Mogre.Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z Dim OrientBody As Quaternion = get_body_orientation(_CurrentCamBody) Corps.GetMassMatrix(masse, inertie) 'on récupère sa masse et son inertie / getting it's mass and inertia 'on y applique la gravité / applying gravity Force *= masse Corps.AddForce(Force) 'on applique la force de gravité / applying forces End If Corps.Omega = New Mogre.Vector3(0, camera_rotation_x, 0) 'pour la rotation sur X / rotation on X End Sub Private Sub LoadAxe() 'Permet de charger l'objet Axe et de l'ajouter à la scene 'allow to load axe object and adding to scene Dim Axe01 As Entity 'Sera l'axe afficher sur les objets / object axe Dim AxeMonde As Entity 'Comme son nom l'indique / world axe Try Axe01 = _OgreSceneManager.CreateEntity("Axe01", "Axe.mesh") 'on charge l'objet / loading object AxeMonde = Axe01.Clone("AxeMonde") 'on le clone pour avoir deux axes séparés / cloning it to have 2 of it 'On crè le node qui contiendra l'axe du monde / world axe node NodeAxeMonde = _OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChild("AxeMonde") NodeAxeMonde.AttachObject(AxeMonde) NodeAxeMonde.SetPosition(0, 0, 0) NodeAxeMonde.SetScale(1, 1, 1) NodeAxeMonde.SetVisible(False) NodeAxeMonde.ResetToInitialState() 'on fait pareil pour l'axe des objets / world axe object NodeAxe = _OgreSceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChild("Axe01") NodeAxe.AttachObject(Axe01) NodeAxe.SetPosition(0, 0, 0) NodeAxe.SetScale(1, 1, 1) NodeAxe.InheritOrientation = False 'si on ne fait pas ça, l'axe se comporte étrangement lorsque l'objet tourne / to handle correct rotation axe NodeAxe.InheritScale = False 'Pareil, le scale de l'objet s'ajoute au scale de l'axe / same for scale NodeAxe.SetVisible(False) Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException 'en cas d'erreur.... / if error If OgreException.IsThrown Then MsgBox(OgreException.LastException.FullDescription, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, _ "Exeption OGRE!") Else MsgBox(ex.ToString, "Erreur") End If End Try End Sub Private Sub UpdateNewton(ByVal TimeSinceLastFrame As Single) 'La fonction d'update du monde physique / function to update physical world If _TimeFactor <> 0 Then TimeElapsed = 3.5 * TimeSinceLastFrame * _TimeFactor End If 'If TimeElapsed > TimeUpdate Then 'si le temps passé depuis le dernier update est plus grand que le temp minimum choisi, on se rattrape / if time passed since last update greater than minimum time, running after time ' While TimeElapsed > TimeUpdate ' myWorld.Update(TimeUpdate) ' TimeElapsed -= TimeUpdate ' End While 'Else 'sinons / else... If TimeElapsed < TimeUpdate Then 'Le temps passé est plus petit que le temps minimum, on ne fait rien / time elapsed smaller than minimum time Else _myWorld.Update(TimeUpdate) 'sinon, on update / else updating End If 'End If End Sub #End Region #End Region End Class

By the way, you need to define object in the form. The most important is the panel to render to, here panRender.

You will need this too, it's the ofusion loader library. I found it somewhere in the wiki. It's not of my own programation, I change only the log system, because it cause crash if I use the class more than one time in soft.

Note: The code is from the wiki page MOGRE OSMSceneLoader 2

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/********************************************************************** *< oFusion Scene Loader CE (see License.txt) FILE: OgreOSMScene.cpp DESCRIPTION: Contains the OE_XMLScene reader (oe_scene) IMPLEMENTED BY: Andres Carrera HISTORY: Original implementation by Lasse Tassing (Channex) 2005 ITE ApS, Lasse Tassing *> Copyright (c) 2006, All Rights Reserved. **********************************************************************/ /* Mogre port notes (28/Jan/2007) by smernesto (Ernesto Gutierrez): * Tested with Mogre 0.1.9 + OGRE 1.2.5 * Changed initilise -> Initialize * Changed Ogre Exceptions with .Net Exceptions * I ported the code very similar to the C++ code. * I used the same event convention as in the old mogre osm loader. * I used List<> for the created objects because the C++ code also use lists. * Only one line not ported. mSceneMgr.SetOption("PrimaryCamera", primaryCamera.NativePtr); //unsafe * The commented code was commented also in the C++ code and is code not used in the oFusion CE version. * Added StandardisePath() because Mogre doesn´t have a wrapper to the Ogre::StringUtil class. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml; using System.Globalization; using Mogre; namespace OFusion { public class OSMScene { //For culture independent code private NumberFormatInfo numberFormat = new NumberFormatInfo(); private const int SceneSkyPlane = 1; private const int SceneSkyBox = 2; private const int SceneSkyDome = 3; // Created objects private List<Camera> mCameras = new List<Camera>(); private List<Light> mLights = new List<Light>(); private List<Entity> mEntities = new List<Entity>(); // Callback interface (Changed to Events) public delegate void LoadedSceneObjectEventHandler(Object objectCreated, XmlElement xmlElement); public event LoadedSceneObjectEventHandler OnCameraCreate; public event LoadedSceneObjectEventHandler OnNodeCreate; public event LoadedSceneObjectEventHandler OnLightCreate; public event LoadedSceneObjectEventHandler OnEntityCreate; //virtual void OnHelperCreated(Ogre::SceneNode* pHelper, XmlElement pHelperDesc) {}; //virtual void OnShapeLoaded(const Ogre::SimpleSpline& spline) //virtual bool OnStaticGeometryCreated(Ogre::StaticGeometry* pStatic, const NodeList& nodeList) // Scene manager private SceneManager mSceneMgr; private RenderWindow mWindow; // Scene XML document private XmlDocument mXMLDoc; public OSMScene(SceneManager pSceneMgr, RenderWindow win) { numberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; mSceneMgr = pSceneMgr; if (win != null) mWindow = win; else mWindow = Mogre.Root.Singleton.AutoCreatedWindow; } // Init overloads - use either of them public bool Initialize(string pszXMLFile) { //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("********************************"); //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("** oScene Loader Lib **"); //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("********************************"); string msg = "oSceneLoader: Loading '"; msg += pszXMLFile; msg += "' file"; //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage(msg); // Create new XML document mXMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); DataStreamPtr pStream = ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.OpenResource(pszXMLFile); if (!(pStream.Size() > 0)) { throw new System.IO.InvalidDataException("oSceneLoader: Empty scene file"); } string pBuf = pStream.AsString; pStream = null; try { mXMLDoc.LoadXml(pBuf); } catch (XmlException ex) { mXMLDoc = null; throw ex; } XmlElement locations = (XmlElement)mXMLDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("locations"); if (locations != null) { FileInfoListPtr fileInfo = ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.FindResourceFileInfo(ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, pszXMLFile); string strPath = fileInfo[0].archive.Name; strPath = StandardisePath(strPath); //In C++ StringUtil::standardisePath foreach (XmlElement pLocationElem in locations.ChildNodes) { // Ogre could cast an exception, in which case we just try to // continue reading the other location paths try { string pszName = pLocationElem.GetAttribute("path"); string strDir = strPath + pszName; ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.AddResourceLocation(strDir, "FileSystem"); } catch { } } } return true; } // Declare all resources used in the scene public void DeclareResources() { if (mXMLDoc != null) { XmlElement rootElem = mXMLDoc.DocumentElement; try { // Get mesh filename from entities XmlElement pMeshNode = (XmlElement)rootElem.SelectSingleNode("entities"); if (pMeshNode != null) { // Iterate all meshes, creating them. foreach (XmlElement pMeshElem in pMeshNode.ChildNodes) { //Verify the Element is an entity element. if (pMeshElem.Name != "entity") continue; // Declare mesh resource string pszFileName = pMeshElem.GetAttribute("filename"); ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.DeclareResource(pszFileName, "Mesh"); } } } catch { } } } // Create scene, optionally attaching it to a parent node public bool CreateScene(SceneNode pParent) { if (mXMLDoc != null) { string msg = "oSceneLoader: Creating scene on '"; msg += pParent != null ? pParent.Name : "Root"; msg += "' node"; //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage(msg); bool bHandled = false; XmlElement rootElem = mXMLDoc.DocumentElement; if (mSceneMgr == null) { if (rootElem.SelectSingleNode("sceneManager") != null) pParent = CreateSceneManager(rootElem, ref bHandled); else mSceneMgr = Root.Singleton.CreateSceneManager(SceneType.ST_GENERIC); } if (pParent == null) pParent = mSceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pParent != null); XmlElement list; try { // Entities list = (XmlElement)rootElem.SelectSingleNode("entities"); if (list != null) CreateEntities(list, pParent); } catch (Exception ex) { //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading entities"); throw new Exception("oSceneLoader: Error while loading entities. " + ex.Message); } try { // lights list = (XmlElement)rootElem.SelectSingleNode("lights"); if (list != null) CreateLights(list, pParent); } catch (Exception ex) { //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading lights"); throw new Exception("oSceneLoader: Error while loading lights. " + ex.Message); } if (!bHandled) { try { // cameras list = (XmlElement)rootElem.SelectSingleNode("cameras"); if (list != null) CreateCameras(list, pParent); } catch (Exception ex) { //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading cameras"); throw new Exception("oSceneLoader: Error while loading cameras. " + ex.Message); } } /* try { // helpers list = rootElem.SelectSingleNode("helpers"); if(list) createHelpers(list, pParent); } catch(...) { LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading helpers"); OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_RT_ASSERTION_FAILED, "oSceneLoader: Error while loading helpers", "OSMScene::createScene"); } try { // shapes list = rootElem.SelectSingleNode("shapes"); if(list) createShapes(list); } catch(...) { LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading shapes"); OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_RT_ASSERTION_FAILED, "oSceneLoader: Error while loading shapes", "OSMScene::createScene"); } try { // External skeletal animation files list = rootElem.SelectSingleNode("skeletal_animations"); if(list) { SkeletonHandles skelHandles; loadAnimations(list, skelHandles); } }catch(...) { LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("Error while loading external animations"); OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_RT_ASSERTION_FAILED, "oSceneLoader: Error while loading external animations", "OSMScene::createScene"); } */ // Set scene properties SetSceneProperties(rootElem); // Static Geometry list = (XmlElement)rootElem.SelectSingleNode("staticGeometry"); if (list != null) CreateStaticGeometry(list); //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("********************************"); //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("** oSceneLoader: Scene loaded **"); //LogManager.Singleton.LogMessage("********************************"); return true; } return false; } // Get list of cameras in this scene public List<Camera> CameraList { get { return mCameras; } } // Get list of lights in this scene public List<Light> LightList { get { return mLights; } } // Get list of entities in this scene public List<Entity> EntityList { get { return mEntities; } } public SceneManager SceneMgr { get { return mSceneMgr; } } private SceneNode CreateNode(XmlElement pElem, SceneNode pSceneRoot) { SceneNode pNode = null; // Try to find the parent node string pszName = pElem.GetAttribute("name"); if (pszName == string.Empty) return null; // Check if this node has a parent string pszParent = pElem.GetAttribute("parent"); if (pszParent == string.Empty) { // Check if the scene node has already been created by a child //DisableLogManager(); try { pNode = mSceneMgr.GetSceneNode(pszName); } catch { pNode = pSceneRoot.CreateChildSceneNode(pszName); } //EnableLogManager(); } else { SceneNode pParent = null; DisableLogManager(); try { // Try to find parent scenenode pParent = mSceneMgr.GetSceneNode(pszParent); } catch { // We try to create the parent node as child of root node. // Later when the parent (hopefully) is created, we can adjust it, // if it is child of another node. pParent = pSceneRoot.CreateChildSceneNode(pszParent); } try { // Check if the scene node has already been created by a child // In this case we would have to change the parent. pNode = mSceneMgr.GetSceneNode(pszName); // Get old parent (probably scene root) SceneNode pOldParent = pNode.ParentSceneNode; // Remove this node pOldParent.RemoveChild(pNode); // Insert us as child on the "real" parent pParent.AddChild(pNode); } catch { pNode = pParent.CreateChildSceneNode(pszName); } EnableLogManager(); } // Position XmlElement posElem = (XmlElement)pElem.SelectSingleNode("position"); if (posElem != null) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(); pos.x = float.Parse(posElem.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat); pos.y = float.Parse(posElem.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat); pos.z = float.Parse(posElem.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat); /*pos.x /= 100; pos.y /= 100; pos.z /= 100;*/ pNode.Position = pos; } // Rotation XmlElement rotElem = (XmlElement)pElem.SelectSingleNode("rotation"); if (rotElem != null) { pNode.SetOrientation( float.Parse(rotElem.GetAttribute("w"), numberFormat), float.Parse(rotElem.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat), float.Parse(rotElem.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat), float.Parse(rotElem.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat)); } // Scale XmlElement scaleElem = (XmlElement)pElem.SelectSingleNode("scale"); if (scaleElem != null) { Vector3 scale; scale.x = float.Parse(scaleElem.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat); scale.y = float.Parse(scaleElem.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat); scale.z = float.Parse(scaleElem.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat); pNode.SetScale(scale); } // Notify if (OnNodeCreate != null) OnNodeCreate(pNode, pElem); // Animation XmlElement animList = (XmlElement)pElem.SelectSingleNode("animations"); if (animList != null) { // foreach (XmlElement animElem in animList.ChildNodes) { if (animElem.Name != "animation") continue; // Get name of animation string pszName1 = animElem.GetAttribute("name"); Animation pAnim = null; DisableLogManager(); try { pAnim = mSceneMgr.GetAnimation(pszName1); } catch { } EnableLogManager(); // If this animation has not been created yet, we create it if (pAnim == null) { float fLength = float.Parse(animElem.GetAttribute("length"), numberFormat); pAnim = mSceneMgr.CreateAnimation(pszName1, fLength); pAnim.SetInterpolationMode(Animation.InterpolationMode.IM_LINEAR); } // Create animation track for this node NodeAnimationTrack pTrack = pAnim.CreateNodeTrack((ushort)(pAnim.NumNodeTracks + 1), pNode); // Iterate all keyframes for this node foreach (XmlElement pKeyframeElem in animElem.ChildNodes) { if (pKeyframeElem.Name != "keyframe") continue; float fTime = float.Parse(pKeyframeElem.GetAttribute("time"), numberFormat); TransformKeyFrame pKeyFrame = pTrack.CreateNodeKeyFrame(fTime); // Position XmlElement posElem1 = (XmlElement)pKeyframeElem.SelectSingleNode("position"); if (posElem1 != null) { Vector3 trans = new Vector3(); trans.x = float.Parse(posElem1.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat); trans.y = float.Parse(posElem1.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat); trans.z = float.Parse(posElem1.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat); pKeyFrame.Translate = trans; } // Rotation XmlElement rotElem1 = (XmlElement)pKeyframeElem.SelectSingleNode("rotation"); if (rotElem1 != null) { Quaternion qRot = new Quaternion(); qRot.x = float.Parse(rotElem1.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat); qRot.y = float.Parse(rotElem1.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat); qRot.z = float.Parse(rotElem1.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat); qRot.w = float.Parse(rotElem1.GetAttribute("w"), numberFormat); pKeyFrame.Rotation = qRot; } // Scale XmlElement scaleElem1 = (XmlElement)pKeyframeElem.SelectSingleNode("scale"); if (scaleElem1 != null) { Vector3 scale = new Vector3(); scale.x = float.Parse(scaleElem1.GetAttribute("x"), numberFormat); scale.y = float.Parse(scaleElem1.GetAttribute("y"), numberFormat); scale.z = float.Parse(scaleElem1.GetAttribute("z"), numberFormat); pKeyFrame.Scale = scale; } } } } return pNode; } // Create SceneManager private SceneNode CreateSceneManager(XmlElement sceneProp, ref bool bHandled) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(sceneProp != null); // Scene manager XmlElement sceneMgrElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("sceneManager"); int type = int.Parse(sceneMgrElem.GetAttribute("type")); SceneType sceneType = (SceneType)(1 << (type - 1)); mSceneMgr = Mogre.Root.Singleton.CreateSceneManager(sceneType); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mSceneMgr != null); SceneNode pSceneRoot = mSceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pSceneRoot != null); // Scene shadows XmlElement shadowsElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("shadowTechnique"); if (shadowsElem != null) { int type1 = int.Parse(shadowsElem.GetAttribute("type")); ShadowTechnique shadowType = (ShadowTechnique)type1; mSceneMgr.ShadowTechnique = shadowType; ushort tex_size = ushort.Parse(shadowsElem.GetAttribute("tex_size")); ushort tex_count = ushort.Parse(shadowsElem.GetAttribute("tex_count")); mSceneMgr.SetShadowTextureSettings(tex_size, tex_count); // Shadow Color XmlElement colorElem = (XmlElement)shadowsElem.SelectSingleNode("color"); if (colorElem != null) { ColourValue color = new ColourValue(); color.r = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat); color.g = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat); color.b = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat); mSceneMgr.ShadowColour = color; } } // Scene fog XmlElement fogElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("fogMode"); if (fogElem != null) { int type2 = int.Parse(fogElem.GetAttribute("type")); FogMode mode = (FogMode)type2; float density = float.Parse(fogElem.GetAttribute("density"), numberFormat); float linearStart = float.Parse(fogElem.GetAttribute("linearStart"), numberFormat); float linearEnd = float.Parse(fogElem.GetAttribute("linearEnd"), numberFormat); ColourValue color = new ColourValue(); // Fog Color XmlElement colorElem = (XmlElement)fogElem.SelectSingleNode("color"); if (colorElem != null) { color.r = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat); color.g = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat); color.b = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat); } mSceneMgr.SetFog(mode, color, density, linearStart, linearEnd); } // World Geometry string worldGeometry = sceneMgrElem.GetAttribute("worldGeometry"); if (worldGeometry != string.Empty) { // Some scene managers need cameras created before the world geometry try { // cameras XmlElement list = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("cameras"); if (list != null) CreateCameras(list, pSceneRoot); if (sceneType == SceneType.ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE) { if (mCameras.Count == 0) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("oSceneLoader: Scene dont contain cameras, Terrain Scene Manager needs a camera to initialize"); } Camera primaryCamera = mCameras[0]; mWindow.GetViewport(0).Camera = primaryCamera; //mSceneMgr.SetOption("PrimaryCamera", primaryCamera.NativePtr); //unsafe } // cameras created, the main scene loader method should not re-parse the list bHandled = true; } catch { } mSceneMgr.SetWorldGeometry(worldGeometry); } return pSceneRoot; } // Set Scene Properties private void SetSceneProperties(XmlElement sceneProp) { // Ambient light Color XmlElement colorElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("lightColor"); if (colorElem != null) { ColourValue color = new ColourValue(); color.r = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat); color.g = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat); color.b = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat); mSceneMgr.AmbientLight = color; } // Background Color colorElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("bkgcolor"); if (colorElem != null && mWindow != null) { int numViewports = mWindow.NumViewports; if (numViewports > 0) { ColourValue color = new ColourValue(); color.r = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat); color.g = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat); color.b = float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat); for (ushort i = 0; i < numViewports; ++i) mWindow.GetViewport(i).BackgroundColour = color; } } // Scene sky XmlElement skyElem = (XmlElement)sceneProp.SelectSingleNode("skyTechnique"); if (skyElem != null) { int type = int.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("type")); string materialName = skyElem.GetAttribute("material"); if (materialName != " ") { string drawFirstAttribute = skyElem.GetAttribute("drawFirst"); bool drawFirst = drawFirstAttribute == "yes"; float tiling = float.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("tiling"), numberFormat); float scale = float.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("scale"), numberFormat); float dist = float.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("dist"), numberFormat); float bow = float.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("bow"), numberFormat); int xSegments = int.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("xSegments")); int ySegments = int.Parse(skyElem.GetAttribute("ySegments")); Quaternion quat = Quaternion.IDENTITY; Plane plane = new Plane(); plane.d = dist; plane.normal = -(Vector3.UNIT_Y); switch (type) { case SceneSkyPlane: mSceneMgr.SetSkyPlane(true, plane, materialName, scale, tiling, drawFirst, bow, xSegments, ySegments); mSceneMgr.SetSkyBox(false, ""); mSceneMgr.SetSkyDome(false, ""); break; case SceneSkyBox: mSceneMgr.SetSkyBox(true, materialName, dist, drawFirst, quat); mSceneMgr.SetSkyPlane(false, plane, ""); mSceneMgr.SetSkyDome(false, ""); break; case SceneSkyDome: mSceneMgr.SetSkyDome(true, materialName, bow, tiling, dist, drawFirst, quat, xSegments, ySegments); mSceneMgr.SetSkyPlane(false, plane, ""); mSceneMgr.SetSkyBox(false, ""); break; } } } } // Create all entities in scene private void CreateEntities(XmlElement pEntityNode, SceneNode pSceneRoot) { // Iterate all meshes, creating them. foreach (XmlElement pMeshElem in pEntityNode.ChildNodes) { if (pMeshElem.Name != "entity") continue; // Ogre could cast an exception, in which case we just try to // continue reading the other meshes try { string pszName = pMeshElem.GetAttribute("name"); string pszFileName = pMeshElem.GetAttribute("filename"); // try to create the mesh Entity pEntity = mSceneMgr.CreateEntity(pszName, pszFileName); if (pEntity == null) continue; // Check if the object should cast shadows string pszCastShadows = pMeshElem.GetAttribute("CastShadows"); if (pszCastShadows == "no") pEntity.CastShadows = false; else pEntity.CastShadows = true; // Create node with full information SceneNode pObjNode = CreateNode(pMeshElem, pSceneRoot); // Attach the mesh entity to node pObjNode.AttachObject(pEntity); // Notify if (OnEntityCreate != null) OnEntityCreate(pEntity, pMeshElem); // Add to entity list mEntities.Add(pEntity); } catch { continue; } } } // Create all Lights in scene private void CreateLights(XmlElement pLightNode, SceneNode pSceneRoot) { // Iterate all Lights, creating them. We do not attach them yet, since // we need to make sure all potential parent entities have been created. foreach (XmlElement pLightElem in pLightNode.ChildNodes) { if (pLightElem.Name != "light") continue; // Ogre could cast an exception, in which case we just try to // continue reading the other Lights try { string pszName = pLightElem.GetAttribute("name"); Light pLight = mSceneMgr.CreateLight(pszName); if (pLight == null) continue; // Figure out which type of light we are using string pszType = pLightElem.GetAttribute("type"); if (pszType == "omni") { pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_POINT; } else if (pszType == "spot") { pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_SPOTLIGHT; pLight.SetSpotlightRange( new Radian(new Degree(float.Parse(pLightElem.GetAttribute("hotspot"), numberFormat))), new Radian(new Degree(float.Parse(pLightElem.GetAttribute("falloff"), numberFormat)))); pLight.SetDirection(0f, 0f, -1f); } else if (pszType == "directional") { pLight.Type = Light.LightTypes.LT_DIRECTIONAL; } // Check if the light should be on string pszOn = pLightElem.GetAttribute("on"); if (pszOn == "true") pLight.Visible = true; else pLight.Visible = false; // Check if the object should cast shadows string pszCastShadows = pLightElem.GetAttribute("CastShadows"); if (pszCastShadows == "no") pLight.CastShadows = false; else pLight.CastShadows = true; // Diffuse Color XmlElement colorElem = (XmlElement)pLightElem.SelectSingleNode("color"); if (colorElem != null) { pLight.DiffuseColour = new ColourValue( float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat), float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat), float.Parse(colorElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat)); } // Specular Color XmlElement specularElem = (XmlElement)pLightElem.SelectSingleNode("specular"); if (specularElem != null) { pLight.SpecularColour = new ColourValue( float.Parse(specularElem.GetAttribute("r"), numberFormat), float.Parse(specularElem.GetAttribute("g"), numberFormat), float.Parse(specularElem.GetAttribute("b"), numberFormat)); } // Attenuation XmlElement attenElem = (XmlElement)pLightElem.SelectSingleNode("attenuation"); if (attenElem != null) { pLight.SetAttenuation( float.Parse(attenElem.GetAttribute("range"), numberFormat), float.Parse(attenElem.GetAttribute("constant"), numberFormat), float.Parse(attenElem.GetAttribute("linear"), numberFormat), float.Parse(attenElem.GetAttribute("quadratic"), numberFormat)); } // Create node with full information SceneNode pLightNode1 = CreateNode(pLightElem, pSceneRoot); // Attach the Light entity to node pLightNode1.AttachObject(pLight); // Target XmlElement targetElem = (XmlElement)pLightElem.SelectSingleNode("target"); if (targetElem != null) { // Create node with full information SceneNode pTargetNode = CreateNode(targetElem, pSceneRoot); pLightNode1.SetAutoTracking(true, pTargetNode); } // Notify if (OnLightCreate != null) OnLightCreate(pLight, pLightElem); // Add to light list mLights.Add(pLight); } catch { continue; } } } // Create all Cameras in scene private void CreateCameras(XmlElement pCameraNode, SceneNode pSceneRoot) { // Iterate all Cameras, creating them. We do not attach them yet, since // we need to make sure all potential parent entities have been created. foreach (XmlElement pCameraElem in pCameraNode.ChildNodes) { if (pCameraElem.Name != "camera") continue; // Ogre could cast an exception, in which case we just try to // continue reading the other Cameras try { string pszName = pCameraElem.GetAttribute("name"); // Create camera Camera pCamera = mSceneMgr.CreateCamera(pszName); if (pCamera == null) continue; // Set Field of View on camera pCamera.FOVy = new Radian(float.Parse(pCameraElem.GetAttribute("FOV"), numberFormat)); pCamera.NearClipDistance = 5f; // Create node with full information SceneNode pCameraNode1 = CreateNode(pCameraElem, pSceneRoot); // Attach the Camera entity to node pCameraNode1.AttachObject(pCamera); // Target XmlElement targetElem = (XmlElement)pCameraElem.SelectSingleNode("target"); if (targetElem != null) { // Create node with full information SceneNode pTargetNode = CreateNode(targetElem, pSceneRoot); pCameraNode1.SetAutoTracking(true, pTargetNode); } if (mWindow == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("oSceneLoader: RenderWindow not valid, If the RenderWindow was not auto created you must add it in the OSMScene object contructor"); } // If viewport(s) are not present, create a default viewport if (mWindow.NumViewports == 0) { Viewport vp = mWindow.AddViewport(pCamera); // Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport pCamera.AspectRatio = (float)vp.ActualWidth / (float)vp.ActualHeight; } // Notify if (OnCameraCreate != null) OnCameraCreate(pCamera, pCameraElem); // Add to camera list mCameras.Add(pCamera); } catch { continue; } } } // For CE version, helpers, shapes, static geometry // and external skeleton animation support is not provided private void CreateHelpers(XmlElement pHelperNode, SceneNode pSceneRoot) { } private void CreateShapes(XmlElement pShapeNode) { } private void CreateStaticGeometry(XmlElement pStaticGeom) { } //void LoadAnimations(XmlElement animationsNode, SkeletonHandles& handles) { // Iterate all skeletons, adding animations from ".anim" files //} private void EnableLogManager() { LogManager.Singleton.SetLogDetail(LoggingLevel.LL_NORMAL); } private void DisableLogManager() { LogManager.Singleton.SetLogDetail(LoggingLevel.LL_LOW); } //This method is used because Mogre doesn´t have a wrapper for the Ogre::StringUtil class //It was ported from the c++ source of Ogre. private string StandardisePath(string init) { string path = init; path = path.Replace('\\', '/'); if (path[path.Length - 1] != '/') path += '/'; return path; } } //OSMAnimSerializer::OSMAnimSerializer() { //} //void OSMAnimSerializer::addAnimation(Ogre::SkeletonPtr skel, const Ogre::String& filename) { }

Alias: clOgre