A list of Ogre Wiki things which needs doing
If you want to help out, but don't know where to start, this page is for you. ๐
 Really Easy Things To-Do
- Tag Pages
You can do this without entering edit mode: use the 'Tags for this page' tool in the sidebar.
Makes it a lot easier to find things.
- Change links to Ogre Lexicon to using the LEX tag
As of now, all lexicon links are just regular Wiki links.
They need to be changed into using the LEX tag.
See LEX wiki-plugin
- Remove 'funny characters'
The conversion from latin1 to utf8 made some characters 'weird'.
Feel free to fix it.
- Change initial headings from !! to !
Lots of pages are using Heading 2 as the initial heading
Should be changed to using Heading 1 (H1)
Procedure: Remove one single exclamation (!) from all headers.
 Minor Things To-Do
- Give each page a description
Descriptions are used for link descriptions and shown on the page itself.
Saves typing and manual labour later.
To track progress, use the TOC pages of the structures:
TOC Tutorials, etc.
See How do I give a page a description?
- Fix Broken images
Because Tiki is case sensitive (and MediaWiki is not) some of the images are broken.
Usually, this can be fixed simply by capitalizing the first letter.
- Fix anchor links
should be:
I.e. the double '##' is replaced by '|#'
should be:
- Fix Strange Syntax
Some pages are not yet fully ported from MediaWiki - see Porting from MediaWiki
 Important Things To-Do
- Update Tutorials and other pages to current stable Ogre
With your development environment ready, update the tutorials one by one to work with current stable Ogre, ie Cthugha (Ogre 1.7).
When done - and you've checked that it actually works! please put the page in the 'current' category.
- Update links to OGRE source repository
CVS and SVN links are no longer valid; they need to be updated to point to the Mercurial source repository.
 Wiki Bug Tracker To-do's
- Do Ogre Wiki Bugtracker entries
See if you can fix the issues in the Ogre Wiki Page Bug Tracker.
Delete the entry when it's fixed.
 Ongoing To-do (Maintenance)
- Implement the Wiki Ideas
If you want to add to the Ogre Wiki, you're welcome to look at the list of ideas to new wiki content.
- Reorder pages in the structures to match the structure.
Especially the Tools structure is in bad shape: Exporters needs to be moved under the exporters page.
 Major Tasks
- Tools structure
Write better overview pages - hard to find things without watching the TOC.
- Libraries structure
Clean it up and write better overview pages.