Because I saw lots of people on the forums and had a hard time compiling OgreODE myself I decided to write a quick howto on compiling OgreOde with Code::Blocks 1.4.7 on Windows XP [size_t error on Windows Vista? I'm going to check it] with a prebuilt OgreSDK Eihort 1.4.7 (though it should work similar with the sources) to go for the totally free way of 3D game programming 😊
This howto is based on the current (April 27, 2008) versions of the software with OgreODE still trying to use the obsolete STLport. I hope it helps.
OgreOde_core and OgreOde_prefab
To compile the OgreOde_core and OgreOde_prefab:
- Install OgreSDKSetup1.4.7_CBMingW.exe
- Get ogreaddons\ogreode via SVN and put it into $(OGRE_HOME)\ogreaddons\ogreode
- Download ode-0.9 binaries (ode-win32-0.9.zip) from the ODE website
- Unzip them to ogreaddons\ogreode and rename the resulting ode-0.9 folder to ode - you should now have a folder $(OGRE_HOME)\ogreaddons\ogreode\ode
- Open ogreaddons\ogreode\scripts\CodeBlocks\OgreOde_SDK.workspace, ignore the messages about the missing demos and the message about the missing ode_SDK.cbp - we don't need to compile that ourselves because we've got the pre-compiled release
- We need to throw out the STL Port. Change the following in the project's properties:
Linker settings -> Link libraries: Delete stlportstlg.5.0 or stlport.5.0 Search directories -> Compiler: Delete $(OGRE_HOME)\stlport\stlport Add $(OGRE_HOME)\ogreaddons\ogreode\include Search directories -> Linker: Change ..\..\ode\lib\Release to ..\..\ode\lib\DebugDLL or ..\..\ode\lib\ReleaseDLL
(The changes are the same for prefab, just there's no need to change the linker's search directories)
- In $(OGRE_HOME)\include rename the ode folder to something else - we don't want that one to be used
- In OgreOdeGeometry.cpp [line 903] change the line
dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_data,(const dReal*)_vertices, (int)vertex_count, _indices, (int)index_count);
dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_data,(const dReal*)_vertices, (int)vertex_count, (dTriIndex*)_indices, (int)index_count);
Thanks to rewb0rn for that hint!
- Add all c++ files from ogreaddons\ogreode\src and all from ogreaddons\ogreode\include to the OgreOde_Core project in Code::Blocks
- Compile! After the linking Code::Blocks might throw an error because of the post compile copy script. Ignore that and
- copy the output DLL from ogreaddons\ogreode\lib\Release (and later ogreaddons\ogreode\prefab\lib\Release) to $(OGRE_HOME)\bin\Release by hand
- Compile TinyXML, change paths in OgreOde_prefab and compile that one too
To compile the OgreOde_loader:
- Import the VC++ project from ogreaddons\ogreode\loader\scripts\VC8 with Code::Blocks (select 'All Files (*.*)' if you can't find it)
- Change the directories, 'debug win32' (or 'release win32') would be just 'debug' (or 'release') these days
Search directories -> Compiler: Change $(ODE_HOME)\include to $(OGRE_HOME)\ogreaddons\ogreode\ode\include Add $(OGRE_HOME)\ogreaddons\ogreode\loader\include Search directories -> Linker: $(OGRE_HOME)\lib to $(OGRE_HOME)\bin\Debug or $(OGRE_HOME)\bin\Release
- Compile and copy the dll from ogreaddons\ogreode\loader\lib\Debug Win32 (or Release Win32) to $(OGRE_HOME)\bin\debug (or release)
To compile the demos:
- Remove the stlport wherever you can find it
- Add OgreOde_loader to the project's link libraries
- Add OIS to the linker project's link libraries
- Compile
Getting the demos running is a tricky job because you need to provide Ogre's as well as OgreODE's media directory. Give it a try or take a look at the forum thread.
If you experience any linking problems try adding OGREODEEXPORT_LOADER to the compiler defines. Because the post compile copy scripts didn't work for me I couldn't run the demos without changing resources.cfg, maybe someone can figure out what's wrong there. I'm gonna take a coffee break 😊
written by Daerst, April 27, 2008
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