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History: Ogre Particle Lab
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{DIV(class="clearRight")}{img fileId="2082" align="right"}{DIV} Ogre Particle Lab is a __particle editor__ for the Ogre ParticleFX plugin, using QT for the graphical user interface. Author: [|akem321] %help% For questions and suggestions use this [|forum topic]. !!Features * All Ogre3D (v 1.6) default particle features availables: attributes, emitters and affectors * Reload resources, materials/textures and particle scripts at runtime * Pause/resume particles * Friendly camera * Camera tab (change background color, texture or FOV) * Light tab (useful for shader based particle effects) * Stereoscopic view parallel, crosseye or Anaglyph (using F1, F2, F3) !!Notes Most of the time parameters are linked to 2 widgets, for example a knob (or slider) and a text input, so if the first one is too limited in range or if the setup is not appropriate you can still enter the numeric value directly. Many controls have tooltips based on the Ogre Manual. !!Screenshots & video {img fileId="2083"} {img fileId="2084"} {DIV()}{IMG(fileId="2085", thumb="y", rel="box[g]", width="310", align="left", stylebox="border", desc="click to enlarge")}{IMG}{DIV} {DIV()}{IMG(fileId="2086", thumb="y", rel="box[g]", width="310", align="left", stylebox="border", desc="click to enlarge")}{IMG}{DIV} {DIV()}{IMG(fileId="2087", thumb="y", rel="box[g]", width="310", align="left", stylebox="border", desc="click to enlarge")}{IMG}{DIV} %clear% {YOUTUBE(movie="yviSvYPjPZ4",allowFullScreen="y",width=600,height=376)}{YOUTUBE} !!Download Get version 0.999 of the project [|here]. Alternative direct download link [|here]. !!See also * [|Forum topic] of this editor * ((-Particle|Particle)) - general information and useful links * ((Particle Accelerator)) - an editor * ((OGRE Particle Editor))
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