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Mesh Strider for Bullet physics engine
This is subclass of btStridingMeshInterface, which allows one to share the same geometry between both graphics and collision meshes
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#ifndef MeshStrider_h__ #define MeshStrider_h__ #include "..\common.h" /// Shares vertices/indexes between Ogre and Bullet class MeshStrider : public btStridingMeshInterface{ public: MeshStrider( Ogre::Mesh * m = 0 ):mMesh(m){} void set( Ogre::Mesh * m ) { ASSERT(m); mMesh = m; } // inherited interface virtual int getNumSubParts() const; virtual void getLockedVertexIndexBase(unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts,PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride,unsigned char **indexbase,int & indexstride,int& numfaces,PHY_ScalarType& indicestype,int subpart=0); virtual void getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase(const unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts,PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride,const unsigned char **indexbase,int & indexstride,int& numfaces,PHY_ScalarType& indicestype,int subpart=0) const; virtual void unLockVertexBase(int subpart); virtual void unLockReadOnlyVertexBase(int subpart) const; virtual void preallocateVertices(int numverts); virtual void preallocateIndices(int numindices); private: Ogre::Mesh * mMesh; }; #endif // MeshStrider_h__
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#include "common.h" #include "MeshStrider.h" int MeshStrider::getNumSubParts() const { int ret = mMesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ASSERT( ret > 0 ); return ret; } void MeshStrider::getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase( const unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts, PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride, const unsigned char **indexbase, int & indexstride, int& numfaces, PHY_ScalarType& indicestype, int subpart/*=0*/ ) const { Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mMesh->getSubMesh(subpart); Ogre::VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? mMesh->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData; const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION); Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource()); *vertexbase = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); // There is _no_ baseVertexPointerToElement() which takes an Ogre::Real or a double // as second argument. So make it float, to avoid trouble when Ogre::Real will // be comiled/typedefed as double: //Ogre::Real* pReal; float* pReal; posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement((void*) *vertexbase, &pReal); *vertexbase = (unsigned char*) pReal; stride = (int) vbuf->getVertexSize(); numverts = (int) vertex_data->vertexCount; ASSERT( numverts ); type = PHY_FLOAT; Ogre::IndexData* index_data = submesh->indexData; Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = index_data->indexBuffer; if (ibuf->getType() == Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT){ indicestype = PHY_INTEGER; } else{ ASSERT(ibuf->getType() == Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT); indicestype = PHY_SHORT; } if ( submesh->operationType == Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST ){ numfaces = (int) index_data->indexCount / 3; indexstride = (int) ibuf->getIndexSize()*3; } else if ( submesh->operationType == Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_STRIP ){ numfaces = (int) index_data->indexCount -2; indexstride = (int) ibuf->getIndexSize(); } else{ ASSERT( 0 ); // not supported } *indexbase = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(ibuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); } void MeshStrider::getLockedVertexIndexBase( unsigned char **vertexbase, int& numverts,PHY_ScalarType& type, int& stride,unsigned char **indexbase,int & indexstride,int& numfaces,PHY_ScalarType& indicestype,int subpart/*=0*/ ) { ASSERT( 0 ); } void MeshStrider::unLockReadOnlyVertexBase( int subpart ) const { Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mMesh->getSubMesh(subpart); Ogre::VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? mMesh->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData; const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION); Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource()); vbuf->unlock(); Ogre::IndexData* index_data = submesh->indexData; Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = index_data->indexBuffer; ibuf->unlock(); } void MeshStrider::unLockVertexBase( int subpart ) { ASSERT( 0 ); } void MeshStrider::preallocateVertices( int numverts ) { ASSERT( 0 ); } void MeshStrider::preallocateIndices( int numindices ) { ASSERT( 0 ); }