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I did not follow the instructions up to the first build of BezierPatch. Hence my setup may have been a bit wrong. Stupidly enough I did not read about the mingw32-make/make on the forum. I had problems running non-default make.

'Building target: OgreMain.dll'

'Invoking: GCC C++ Linker'

The input line is too long.

<something> Error 255

I found this in the end:

I'm very grateful for your walkthrough Steven, sorry I wasn't awake enough to notice the note straight away. Maybe it should be made even more uncertain wheither one should use default make or not. Other than that, great job!

End of rambling.


Q: Hey hey, did anybody give Eclipse+CDT on linux a try? My first fast test wasn't successful.
--Yavin 16:40, 10 April 2006 (CDT)

A: As you are on Linux you need appropriate settings and libraries, see Building from source Linuxto find them. Also this wiki page is for an "old" version of Ogre, it must probably be updated. In this case I would look at and . Of course, if you succed in compiling on Linux you could create a new wiki page about it ๐Ÿ˜‰ --Steven 04:28, 11 April 2006 (CDT)