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Sample Maps

  1. Download the sample maps as from Tuan's web site.
  2. Extract the directory datasrcs that you find in your into the PLSM/Samples/media/paginglandscape2 directory that you will create in the next section.
  3. Once you have extracted them, you can enable the terrains in paginglandscape2.cfg and maptools.cfg if needed. CVS users: You are required to do this.

Prebuilt Demo Binaries

  • Download the binaries here and extract all files into a directory. It doesn't matter how you call it, but here we shall call it the PLSM directory.
  • Download and extract the Sample Maps as described in the previous section. Now you should have several *.raw and *.png textures in this directory: PLSM/Samples/Media/paginglandscape2/datasrcs/.
  • Change the resources.cfg in the base directory to the following:
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# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path # This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework [Bootstrap] Zip=./ # Resource locations to be added to the default path [General] FileSystem=./ FileSystem=./fonts FileSystem=./programs FileSystem=./scripts FileSystem=./textures FileSystem=./models FileSystem=./overlays FileSystem=./particle FileSystem=./gui [PLSM2] FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/ FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/terrains FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials\textures FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/models FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/overlays FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials/scripts FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials/programs FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/datasrcs
  • Run MapSplitter.exe to generate data.
  • Change the resources_plsm2.cfg in the base directory to this:
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# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path # This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework [Bootstrap] Zip=./ # Resource locations to be added to the default path [General] FileSystem=./ FileSystem=./fonts FileSystem=./programs FileSystem=./scripts FileSystem=./textures FileSystem=./models FileSystem=./overlays FileSystem=./particle FileSystem=./gui [PLSM2] FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/ FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/terrains FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials\textures FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/models FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/overlays FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials/scripts FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/materials/programs FileSystem:=./Samples/media/paginglandscape2/datasrcs
  • In the file PLSM\Samples\Media\paginglandscape2\paginglandscape2.cfg change the first line of the file to be
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  • Run Demo_PagingLandScape2.exe from PLSM directory. Use the demo controls to move around. PLSM2 should be succesfully installed now.

WARNING: do not use any of the dll's from the binary pack to compile/run your own plsm2 applications, use the source package.

Ogre SDK Compatible Install

First of all you need the stable Ogre SDK from ogre website.

  • Unpack/install the SDK

If you want stable, Ogre 1.4 SDK compatible plsm2. Download source from here

VC9.0 + Ogre1.6RC1 Install

  • Download/checkout the PLSM2 Source
  • Unpack/move the PLSM2 source so it resides OgreSDK-Directory\paginglandscape
  • Open the plsm2_vc8 with Visual C++ 2008
  • Right click on the __Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2'''-project and select properties
  • On Configuration, select "All the configurations" so both "Release" and "Debug" modes are configured
  • Goto Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General and add ".", "OgreSDK-Directory\include" and "OgreSDK-Directory\include\opt" at the Additional Include Directories option
  • Goto Configuration Properties > Linker > General and add "OgreSDK-Directory\lib\opt", "." and "OgreSDK-Directory\lib" at the Additional Library Directories
  • Goto Configuration Properties > Linker > Input and add "Plugin_OctreeSceneManager_d.lib" at the Additional Dependencies option
  • Click Ok
  • Right click on the ''Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2__-project select "Project Only" and the "Build Only..."-option

VC8.0 Install

You will need :

  • Get Paging landscape 2 source from here.
  • Extract it so that paginglandscape is in the same directory as OgreSDK.
  • build the plsm2 Solution. (the _SDK.sln)

VC7.1 Install

You will need :

  • Get Paging landscape 2 source from here.
  • Extract it so that paginglandscape is in the same directory as OgreSDK.
  • build the plsm2 Solution. (the _SDK.sln)

Linux Install

In ogreaddons/paginglandscape/ directory:

  • execute bootstrap && ./configure && make && su && make install
  • edit Tools/Common/bin/maptools.cfg and Tools/Common/resources.cfg according to you directory structure. (mainly where are the Media)
  • cd Sample/Common/bin
  • edit maptools.cfg and resources.cfg according to you directory structure.(mainly where are the Media)
  • ./Mapsplitter
  • Resulting map splitted may be in directory no listed in resources.cgf. add them. (or uncomment them.)
  • ./PagingLandScape

Ogre CVS HEAD (Dagon) Compatible Install

If you want latest PLSM2 code, CVS ogre HEAD compatible (Dagon).
Use plsm2 CVS.

Visual Studio Install


VC 7.1 & VC8 Install

You will need :

  • latest Ogre CVS update.
  • \ogreaddons\paginglandscape from Ogre CVS.

If compiling against CVS :

  • build the Ogre Solution. (the _CVS.sln)


  1. Now you can run demo_paginglandscape2.exe from Samples/common/Debug or Samples/common/Release

Linux Install

In ogreaddons/paginglandscape/ directory:

  • execute bootstrap && ./configure && make && su && make install
  • edit Tools/Common/bin/maptools.cfg and Tools/Common/resources.cfg according to you directory structure. (mainly where are the Media)
  • cd Sample/Common/bin
  • edit maptools.cfg and resources.cfg according to you directory structure.(mainly where are the Media)
  • ./Mapsplitter
  • Resulting map splitted may be in directory no listed in resources.cgf. add them. (or uncomment them.)
  • ./PagingLandScape


If the above method didn't work try this.

I'm a newbie Ogre & C++ user so what I'm about to describe may not be by the book, some may not be neccessary but at the very least it did install a working system. Hopefully somebody with more experience will correct my errors.
If you haven't already done so you need to download Ogre & Paginglandscape from CVS. Copy Paginglandscape into the same directory where you unpacked Ogre, eg. /home/someone/Ogre/ogrenew & /home/someone/Ogre/paginglandscape.
Install Ogrenew with the usual bootstrap, ./configure&&make&&make install routine. I like to use checkinstall ( ) as this keeps track of all the files and builds a package for your system & installs that, which is an easy way to keep your box tidy.

a) In /paginglandscape/,
below "AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)"
dnl Next line added

above the "AC_CHECK_LIB" statements
dnl Next line added

below the "AC_CHECK_FUNC" statements
dnl added checks
dnl end of added checks

above the "dnl Detect endianness" statement
dnl Next 2 lines added

b) In paginglandscape/Tools/MapSplitter/
add a new line:-
c) In paginglandscape/Tools/MapSplitter/src/

In the line reading "MapSplitter_LDADD = -lOgreMain"
add $(OGRE_LIBS) so that it reads
MapSplitter_LDADD = -lOgreMain $(OGRE_LIBS)
d) In paginglandscape/Samples/PagingLandScape2/src/
In the line reading "PagingLandScape2_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/PlugIns/PagingLandScape2/src/"
add $(OGRE_LIBS) so that it reads
PagingLandScape2_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/PlugIns/PagingLandScape2/src/ $(OGRE_LIBS)
e) Copy ExampleApplication.h & ExampleFrameListener.h from ogrenew/Samples/Common/include to paginglandscape/Samples/Common/include
f) In paginglandscape/Plugins/PagingLandScape2/src/OgrePagingLandScapeAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery.cpp.

add the following if they are not already included:-

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#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTile.h" #include "OgrePagingLandScapePage.h" #include "OgrePagingLandScapePageManager.h" #include "OgrePagingLandScapeData2D.h"

f)Make Bootstrap excutable then do Bootstrap, ./configure, make etc.

Check that everything installed Ok by looking in /usr/local/include for the OGRE & PAGINGLANDSCAPE directories and in /usr/local/lib/OGRE for the PagingLandScape2 libraries.

g) Follow the instructions at for downloading and installing

h) Find resources.cfg in paginglandscape/Samples/Common/bin and rename it to resources_plsm2.cfg then open it in your favourite text editor and change the default paths according to your setup.

For example, for the setup described here:-

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[General] FileSystem=../../../../ogrenew/Samples/Media FileSystem=../../../../ogrenew/Samples/Media/fonts FileSystem=../../../../ogrenew/Samples/Media/materials/programs

and so on

We don't have fonts in fonts in the paginglandscape media directory so you can delete or comment out that line in the PLSM section.

i) cd /paginglandscape/Samples/Common/bin

Before using ./MapSplitter TsmTerrain needs a colormap named terrain_texture.jpg which doesn't exist in the datasrcs directory. However there is a terrain_texture.0.0.jpg in the material/textures directory which I copied and renamed terrain_texture..jpg, leaving it in the materials/textures directory. The extra "." is needed for some reason.

NB. This has been fixed in the latest CVS

After running ./MapSplitter you should see directories of the split maps in paginglandscape/Samples/Media/paginglandscape2/terrains/

Make sure that the new map directories are listed in resources_plsm2.cfg. If not add them.

In paginglandscape2.cfg I found that I had to change the line "European_Alpes=Alpes" to "alpes=Alpes" before ./PagingLandScape2 would work with this map.

k) After running ./PagingLandScape2 if all has gone according to plan you shold arrive at the Ogre configure dialogue and then at blue filled Ogre render window.

Press F1 a couple of time to clear the debug & help overlays. Then press K key when a small white speck will appear.

Use the W key to zoom in quickly ( may need to zoom out again with the S key). Press M key to switch to camera mode.

You can now use the mouse to look around and zoom in and out at a more respectable rate.

Xpomjon 06:38, 22 February 2007 (CST)


  • I get no terrain ?

Make sure you did run mapsplitter prior to the demo, and that data splitted is available to Ogre (resources.cfg contains the terrain data directory (media/paginglandscape2/terrains/mylandscapename))

Alias: Paging_Scene_Manager_Installation