Personal Details
- Name:
- Email:
- Forum username:
- GTalk or Skype ID (for IM and voice chats):
- Link to forum thread for project proposal discussion:
Project Proposal
Here you should detail what it is you're proposing to develop. Take a look at our current ideas list to see if there's anything there you fancy tackling - the list is very roughly in preference order. However, feel free to propose an idea of your own, since last time we checked we weren't omnipotent.
Things you need to consider:
- How will this project benefit Ogre3D users?
- Is this project within the core scope of Ogre3D? Project proposals which are 'addons', such as external applications or highly specialised techniques with only a small audience will be less useful than core features.
- Is it realistic to achieve over a summer? Extensions and refinements can happen later of course (this is open source after all), but something self-contained and useful should be achievable within the time you have available.
Set out here a schedule of milestones for your project - be realistic, because if accepted you will be expected to meet them as part of the mentor review process, upon which your student payment depends. You should aim to define a milestone roughly every week.
Do you have any other commitments during the summer? Bear in mind that commitment to the Summer of Code is a full-time one over the few weeks that the program runs. If you have exams or other commitments, make sure you factor those into your schedule and plan to catch up later.
Future Extensions
After the summer, how would you envisage the project being extended in the future? No concrete plans are required here, just some ideas of where you might like to take the project later.
Why you?
Tell us why you think you're the one to tackle this particular project. You'll want to mention your qualifications, development experience, experience working in teams, technical skills (with particular emphasis on C++ and graphics systems), and particularly how long you've been using Ogre3D for. Existing work with Ogre3D and/or active technical discussions in the forums will help your case here. If available, you should definitely provide links to code samples that you've written too, again preferably with Ogre3D.
Communication skills are just as key in the Google Summer of Code as technical skills - you'll be expected to talk to your mentor and the wider community regularly. Therefore examples of being actively involved in a community (preferably the Ogre3D forums obviously) will support your application.
Why Ogre3D?
Tell us a little about why you're choosing to apply to Ogre3D for the Google Summer of Code.
Anything Else
Feel free to include here any other points you want to make about your application.
Alias: GSoCApplicationTemplate