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History: Tutorials
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Source of version: 70
{DIV(class="achtung")}__IMPORTANT:__ These tutorials were not yet updated for Ogre 1.10+. You can find a [|selection of updated tutorials here]. Alternatively consider updating a tutorial yourself and [|create a pull-request].{DIV} {SPLIT()} {INCLUDE(page="Basic Tutorials")}{INCLUDE} {INCLUDE(page="In Depth Tutorials", stop=>"---")}{INCLUDE} {INCLUDE(page="External Tutorials")}{INCLUDE} {INCLUDE(page="Older Tutorials")}{INCLUDE} --- {INCLUDE(page="Intermediate Tutorials")}{INCLUDE} {INCLUDE(page="Mad Marx Tutorials")}{INCLUDE} {DIV(width="95%",float="left", class="Layout_box5")} {img src="img/wiki_up/Toolbox.png" alt="" align="left" max="60" title="Cookbook" link="Cookbook"} {DIV(type="span", class="bigBold")} ((Cookbook|Beyond the Tutorials)) {DIV} ''Once you've finished the tutorials you can begin reading through the ((Cookbook)) for further examples of using Ogre.'' {DIV} {DIV(width="95%",float="left", class="Layout_box5")} {img src="img/wiki_up/Artist.png" alt="" align="left" max="60" title="DCC Tutorials" link="DCC Tutorials"} {DIV(type="span", class="bigBold")} ((DCC Tutorials|Content Creation)) {DIV} ''Check out these artist tutorials on the ((DCC Tutorials)) page.'' {DIV} {DIV(width="95%",float="left", class="Layout_box5")} {DIV(type="span", class="bigBold")} Related Materials: {DIV} [|Ogre Manual]: ''The'' OGRE Manual: ((Python-Ogre|PyOgre Tutorials)): Ogre with Python ((OgreDotNet|OgreDotNet Tutorials)): Ogre with the .Net languages ((Mogre Tutorials|MOGRE Tutorials)): Basic level tutorials for ((MOGRE)), an advanced .NET wrapper for OGRE ((Recommended reading)): OGRE Team and Users recommended programming-related books.{DIV} {SPLIT} --- ~tc~ Alias: (alias(Ogre Tutorials)) Alias: (alias(Ogre_Tutorials)) ~/tc~
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