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History: Talk:The Complete Blanks Guide To Using The OGRE SDK AppWizard
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Hi, first of all I would like to say a big Thanks to jacmoe, it's *great* to be able to compile a project in just a few minutes being a newbie at C++. I only had minor problems that where easily solved through searching the forums. These are * Compiling for the first time ** Error message: cannot open include file winres.h ** Solved adding C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\include\mfc in VS include directory list. * Running the app from the IDE in debug mode ** Error message: 'This application has failed to start because MSVCP80D.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.' ** Solved setting the "Use FAT32 work-around" option = yes in the project properties (Linker -> Manifest Tool) and rebuilding. * Running the app from the IDE in release mode ** Error message: 'This application has failed to start because ogremain.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.' ** Solved setting '$(OGRE_HOME)\Bin\$(ConfigurationName)' in the project properties - debugging (release configuration of course) Dunno if it may be worth to include this in the tutorial, please ignore it if not :) Thanks again. boost Hey guys, I just made some editing on the file "OgreSDKWizard90\Files\Scripts\1033\default.js" so that when you create a project you can automatically run through the IDE without go to the properties. It's [|here]. Hope this will help you. :) --((User:Minishlink|Minishlink)) 20:11, 28 September 2009 (UTC)
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