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History: Setting Up An Application - QtCreator
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{DIV(class="Layout_box6")}{SPLIT(colsize=15%|85%)}{img fileId="1919"}--- {DIV(class="bigBold")}Setting Up An Application With QtCreator{DIV}{SPLIT} {DIV} %clear% !Introduction This set of instructions will walk you through setting up a QtCreator C++ project from scratch. When you have finished this tutorial you will be able to compile a working Ogre Application and you will be ready to start the ((Basic Tutorials)). {maketoc} !Prerequisites Get QtCreator from Get the [|stable version] that fits your setup. !New Project Click New Project in the start screen, and choose Other Project - Empty project. {img fileId="1909"} __Give it a name and a place:__ {img fileId="1910"} __Add files:__ (__Tip:__ Move your cpp and h-files to inside the Qt project folder before you do this!) {img fileId="1911"} __Files added:__ {img fileId="1907"} __Options:__ {img fileId="1908"} __Qt4 Settings:__ (__Tip:__ In Qt 5 this is called "Build & Run". If you have installed Visual Studio before you installed the Visual Studio Qt 5-version, all this should already be correct set up., so you do not have to do anything here.) {img fileId="1912"} __Edit project file:__ {img fileId="1913"} {CODE(wrap="1", colors="qmake")} TEMPLATE = app TARGET = OgreQtProject DEFINES -= UNICODE CONFIG -= qt unix { # You may need to change this include directory INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/OGRE CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += OGRE } win32 { LIBS *= user32.lib LIBS += -L$(OGRE_HOME)\\boost\\lib release:LIBS += -L$(OGRE_HOME)\\lib\\release debug:LIBS += -L$(OGRE_HOME)\\lib\\debug INCLUDEPATH += $(OGRE_HOME)\\include INCLUDEPATH += $(OGRE_HOME)\\include\\OIS INCLUDEPATH += $(OGRE_HOME)\\include\\OGRE INCLUDEPATH += $(OGRE_HOME)\\boost # If you are using Ogre 1.9 also include the following line: # INCLUDEPATH += $(OGRE_HOME)\\include\\OGRE\\Overlay } debug { TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d) LIBS *= -lOgreMain_d -lOIS_d # If you are using Ogre 1.9 also include -lOgreOverlay_d, like this: # LIBS *= -lOgreMain_d -lOIS_d -lOgreOverlay_d } release { LIBS *= -lOgreMain -lOIS # If you are using Ogre 1.9 also include -lOgreOverlay, like this: # LIBS *= -lOgreMain -lOIS -lOgreOverlay } HEADERS += \ TutorialApplication.h \ BaseApplication.h SOURCES += \ TutorialApplication.cpp \ BaseApplication.cpp {CODE} __Build All__: {img fileId="1914"} __Build Settings:__ __Note:__ In the Release configuration, go to "Build Steps -> qmake", press "Details" and add {CODE(wrap="1", colors="qmake")} "CONFIG-=debug" "CONFIG+=release" {CODE} to the "Additional arguments:" Then to this: {img fileId="1918"} __Custom Process Step settings:__ - do this for both the Debug and Release configuration: __Note:__ You can also use environment variables here, in %-signs. Like this: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="qmake")} C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c copy debug\OgreQtProjectd.exe %OGRE_HOME%\bin\debug {CODE} and you probably want to leave the Working directory to the defaul value of %{buildDir}. {img fileId="1915"} __Run Settings__ - must make one for debug, one for release: {img fileId="1917"} __New Run Configuration:__ __Note:__ You can also use environment variables here, in %-signs. Like this: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="qmake")} Executable: OgreQtProjectd.exe Working directory: %OGRE_HOME%\bin\debug {CODE} {img fileId="1916"} !Tutorial Framework Tutorial Framework: {img fileId="1657" width="400" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box"} Download the ((Ogre Wiki Tutorial Framework)) here: {ATTACH(id="61", page="Ogre Wiki Tutorial Framework",icon="1")}{ATTACH} !Project Configuration {TRANSCLUDE(page="seebox")} [|QtCreator Tips and Tricks] {TRANSCLUDE}
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