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History: Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX
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{BOX(title="((Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX))",width="100%",class="Layout_box9")}{SPLIT(colsize=10%|70%)}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Big_Logo_Macintosh.jpg",height="66",width="66",imalign="left",link="Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX",title="Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX")}{IMG} --- !Introduction When it comes to creating and compiling your own applications or the Ogre Tutorial Framework on OSX, you have the choice of using CMake or XCode templates to generate your initial XCode project. If you are planning on developing using XCode, the XCode templates are a quick way to get up and running. A full description of the steps for using the XCode templates can be found here: ((Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX - XCode Templates|Setting Up An Application - Mac OSX - XCode Templates)) Creating an Ogre project in Xcode 4 from scratch is described here: ((Manually configure an Xcode 4 project)) If you would like to use CMake to create your projects, keep reading. !!! Step 01.00 Create an OGRE application using Xcode-3.2.x and the OGRE Tutorial Framework. !!!!Step 01.01: Create a project folder. Extract the contents of the TutorialFramework.rar file to a new project folder, e.g. OGRETutorialFramework. !!!!Step 01.02: Create a CMakeLists.txt file with the following contents: {CODE(caption="CMakeLists.txt",wrap="1",colors="cmake",cpy="1")}#/* #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Filename: CMakeLists.txt #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #This source file is part of the # ___ __ __ _ _ _ # /___\__ _ _ __ ___ / / /\ \ (_) | _(_) # // // _` | '__/ _ \ \ \/ \/ / | |/ / | #/ \_// (_| | | | __/ \ /\ /| | <| | #\___/ \__, |_| \___| \/ \/ |_|_|\_\_| # |___/ # Tutorial Framework # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #*/ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) set(CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS TRUE) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) # Use relative paths # This is mostly to reduce path size for command-line limits on windows if(WIN32) # This seems to break Xcode projects so definitely don't enable on Apple builds set(CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS true) set(CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION true) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "$ENV{OGRE_HOME}/CMake/;${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") set(OGRE_SAMPLES_INCLUDEPATH $ENV{OGRE_HOME}/Samples/include) endif() set(OGRE_PROJECT_NAME "OGRETutorialFramework" ) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/Users/elvis/Project/DR/Tutorial/OGRE/OGRETutorialFramework/build/bin") project(${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME}) # Include necessary submodules set(OGRE_SOURCE_DIR "/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake" "${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/Utils" "${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/Packages" ) set(OGRE_SAMPLES_INCLUDEPATH "${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/Samples/Common/include" ) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(MacroLogFeature) include(OgreConfigTargets) include(PreprocessorUtils) set(OGRE_TEMPLATES_DIR "${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/Templates") ##################################################################### # Set up the basic build environment ##################################################################### if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "") # CMake defaults to leaving CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE empty. This screws up # differentiation between debug and release builds. set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) endif () if (NOT APPLE) # Create debug libraries with _d postfix set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d") endif () # Set compiler specific build flags if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-msse OGRE_GCC_HAS_SSE) if (OGRE_GCC_HAS_SSE) add_definitions(-msse) endif () endif () if (MSVC) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL STREQUAL "nmake") # set variable to state that we are using nmake makefiles set(NMAKE TRUE) endif () set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /fp:fast") # Enable intrinsics on MSVC in debug mode set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /Oi") if (CMAKE_CL_64) # Visual Studio bails out on debug builds in 64bit mode unless # this flag is set... set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /bigobj") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} /bigobj") endif () endif () if (MINGW) add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500) endif () if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT MINGW) # Test for GCC visibility include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fvisibility=hidden OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY) if (OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY) # determine gcc version execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpversion OUTPUT_VARIABLE OGRE_GCC_VERSION) message(STATUS "Detected g++ ${OGRE_GCC_VERSION}") message(STATUS "Enabling GCC visibility flags") set(OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FLAGS "-DOGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY -fvisibility=hidden") # check if we can safely add -fvisibility-inlines-hidden string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" OGRE_BUILD_TYPE) if (OGRE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "debug" AND OGRE_GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4.2") message(STATUS "Skipping -fvisibility-inlines-hidden due to possible bug in g++ < 4.2") else () set(OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FLAGS "${OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") endif () endif (OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY) # Fix x64 issues on Linux if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL "x86_64" AND NOT APPLE) add_definitions(-fPIC) endif() endif (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT MINGW) # determine system endianess #include(TestBigEndian) #test_big_endian(OGRE_TEST_BIG_ENDIAN) set(OGRE_TEST_BIG_ENDIAN FALSE) # Add OgreMain include path include_directories("${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/OgreMain/include") include_directories("${OGRE_BINARY_DIR}/include") if (APPLE) if (OGRE_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE OR OGRE_BUILD_PLATFORM_APPLE_IOS) include_directories("${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/OgreMain/include/iPhone") # Set static early for proper dependency detection set(OGRE_STATIC TRUE) else () include_directories("${OGRE_SOURCE_DIR}/OgreMain/include/OSX") endif () endif (APPLE) find_package(OGRE REQUIRED) if(NOT "${OGRE_VERSION_NAME}" STREQUAL "Cthugha") message(SEND_ERROR "You need Ogre 1.7 Cthugha to build this.") endif() find_package(OIS REQUIRED) if(NOT OIS_FOUND) message(SEND_ERROR "Failed to find OIS.") endif() # Find Boost if (NOT OGRE_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE AND NOT OGRE_BUILD_PLATFORM_APPLE_IOS) if (WIN32 OR APPLE) set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS TRUE) else () # Statically linking boost to a dynamic Ogre build doesn't work on Linux 64bit set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ${OGRE_STATIC}) endif () if (MINGW) # this is probably a bug in CMake: the boost find module tries to look for # boost libraries with name libboost_*, but CMake already prefixes library # search names with "lib". This is the workaround. set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES} "") endif () set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.42" "1.42.0" "1.41.0" "1.41" "1.40.0" "1.40" "1.39.0" "1.39" "1.38.0" "1.38" "1.37.0" "1.37" ) # Components that need linking (NB does not include header-only components like bind) set(OGRE_BOOST_COMPONENTS thread date_time) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS ${OGRE_BOOST_COMPONENTS} QUIET) if (NOT Boost_FOUND) # Try again with the other type of libs set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS NOT ${Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS}) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS ${OGRE_BOOST_COMPONENTS} QUIET) endif() find_package(Boost QUIET) # Set up referencing of Boost include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) set(OGRE_LIBRARIES ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) endif() set(HDRS ./BaseApplication.h ./TutorialApplication.h ) set(SRCS ./BaseApplication.cpp ./TutorialApplication.cpp ) include_directories( ${OIS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OGRE_SAMPLES_INCLUDEPATH} ) add_executable(${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} WIN32 ${HDRS} ${SRCS}) set_target_properties(${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX _d) target_link_libraries(${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} ${OIS_LIBRARIES}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dist/bin) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dist/media) # post-build copy for win32 if(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) add_custom_command( TARGET ${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} PRE_BUILD COMMAND if not exist .\\dist\\bin mkdir .\\dist\\bin ) add_custom_command( TARGET ${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND copy \"$(TargetPath)\" .\\dist\\bin ) endif(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) if(MINGW) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/dist/bin) endif(MINGW) if(WIN32) install(TARGETS ${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS All) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/Media DESTINATION ./ CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDebInfo Debug ) install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/bin/plugins.cfg ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/bin/resources.cfg DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDebInfo ) install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/bin/plugins_d.cfg ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/bin/resources_d.cfg DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Debug ) install(FILES ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL}/OgreMain.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL}/RenderSystem_Direct3D9.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL}/RenderSystem_GL.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL}/OIS.dll DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDebInfo ) install(FILES ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_DBG}/OgreMain_d.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_DBG}/RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_DBG}/RenderSystem_GL_d.dll ${OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_DBG}/OIS_d.dll DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Debug ) endif(WIN32) {CODE} !!!!Step 01.03: Modify the template CMakeLists.txt as follows: Specify the OGRE project name {CODE()}set(OGRE_PROJECT_NAME "OGRETutorialFramework" ){CODE} Specify the OGRE source installation {CODE()}set(OGRE_SOURCE_DIR "/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1"){CODE} !!!!Step 01.04: Use CMake to create the Xcode project. Run CMake using the command line configuration utility. You may need to set the OGRE_HOME environment variable first if you get the ''Could not locate OGRE'' error {CODE()}$ export OGRE_HOME=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1 $ cd OGRETutorialFramework $ mkdir build $ cd build $ ccmake -GXcode ..{CODE} Update the CMake settings {CODE()}CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = ${HOME}/Project/OGRE/OGRETutorialFramework/build/install{CODE} Press c to configure, and then press q to quit. !!!!Step 01.05: Use Xcode to build the OGRE project. Launch XCode using the newly generated OGRETutorialFramework.xcodeproj file. Edit the project settings, by clicking on menu option Project > Project Settings and modifying the following entries: {CODE()}Architectures = i386 x86_64 Base SDK = Current Mac OS C/C++ Compiler Version = LLVM-GCC 4.2 Instruction Scheduling = None{CODE} Click on menu option Build > Build to build the project. This will build the OGRETutorialFramework application executable in the OGRETutorialFramework/build/RelWithDebInfo folder. !!!!Step 01.06: Copy the OGRE resource and plugin configuration files to the application folder. Copy the resouces.cfg and plugins.cfg files to the your OGRE application folder, which in this case, would be OGRETutorialFramework/build/RelWithDebInfo {CODE(caption="resources.cfg")}# Resources required by the sample browser and most samples. [Essential] Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/thumbnails # Common sample resources needed by many of the samples. # Rarely used resources should be separately loaded by the # samples which require them. [Popular] FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/fonts FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/materials/programs FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/materials/scripts FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/materials/textures FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/materials/textures/nvidia FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/models FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/particle FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/DeferredShadingMedia FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/PCZAppMedia FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/RTShaderLib FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/RTShaderLib/materials Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ Zip=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media/packs/ [General] FileSystem=/Users/elvis/Tool/ogre-1.7.1/Samples/Media {CODE} {CODE(caption="plugins.cfg")}# Defines plugins to load # Define plugin folder PluginFolder=/usr/local/lib/ # Define plugins # Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D9 # Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D10 # Plugin=RenderSystem_Direct3D11 Plugin=RenderSystem_GL # Plugin=RenderSystem_GLES Plugin=Plugin_ParticleFX Plugin=Plugin_BSPSceneManager Plugin=Plugin_CgProgramManager Plugin=Plugin_PCZSceneManager Plugin=Plugin_OctreeZone Plugin=Plugin_OctreeSceneManager {CODE} Ensure that you update the location of the plugins in the plugin.cfg file. !!!!Step 01.07: Run the OGRE application. Type the following commands into a terminal to run the application {CODE()}cd OGRETutorialFramework/build/RelWithDebInfo $ ./OGRETutorialFramework{CODE} !!!Step 02.00: Resolve issues that you may encounter when attempting to run the OGRE application. !!!!Issue 01: Duplicate libjpeg.dylib in you $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you get issues relating to duplicate libjpeg.dylib installed in /usr/local/lib, then make sure that you remove any references to that path in the $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, defined in your .profile. This is probably because OGRE links to libJPEG.dylib, plus case-preserving but case-insensitive makes it see them as the same library (when DYLD env vars are messed with). {CODE(wrap="1")}$ otool -L /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/ImageIO ... /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0) ... {CODE} Instead define the $DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable {CODE(wrap="1")}export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH = $HOME/lib;/usr/local/lib;/usr/lib{CODE} !!!!Issue 02: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resources.cfg' file not found! Ensure that the resouces.cfg file generated from the ORGRE build process, located in build/bin is put in the same location as your application executable. !!!!Issue 03: OpenGL rendering subsystem and OGRE plugins not getting loaded. Ensure that the plugins.cfg file is located in the same folder as your application executable. Also ensure that you specify the location of the OGRE plugins, in the pluging.cfg file as follows: !!!!Issue 04: Window doesn't seem to get focus. If the application window is unable to get focus, the parameters in the configuration dialog cannot be changed, and the application will not receive mouse and keyboard input events. Add the following line to the CMakeList.txt file to create a bundle for the application: {CODE(wrap="1")}set_property(TARGET ${OGRE_PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTY MACOSX_BUNDLE TRUE){CODE} {SPLIT}{BOX}
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