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{BOX(width="100%")}{img src="img/wiki_up/Books.png" alt="" imalign="left"} !!!Programming Related Books ''This section exists to allow the OGRE Team and Users list their recommended programming-related books. The list was started as a result of Sinbad posting some of his personal picks in the [irc:// #ogre3d IRC channel]. Please feel free to add your own section with your favorite picks.'' ''There are two Ogre-related books, which are almost a mandatory read for any Ogre user (and definitely mandatory for any Ogre newcomer)'' * __Pro OGRE 3D Programming__ by Gregory Junker (forum name ''((User:Xavier|Xavier))'', Ogre MVP) [[ISBN 1-59059-710-9] * __OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide__ by Felix Kerger (forum name ''mirlix'') [[ISBN 1849512485] {BOX} !!Sinbad's picks * __3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition__ by Eric Lengyel [[ISBN 1-58450-277-0] * __Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.4, Fourth Edition__ by [[OpenGL Architecture Review Board [[ISBN 0-321-17348-1] * __The OpenGL Extensions Guide__ by Eric Lengyel [[ISBN 1-58450-294-0] * __3D Game Engine Design : A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics__ by David H. Eberly [[ISBN 1-55860-593-2] * __Game Programming Gems__ by Mark DeLoura [[ISBN 1-58450-049-2] * __Game Programming Gems 2__ by Mark DeLoura [[ISBN 1-58450-054-9] * __Game Programming Gems 3__ by Mark DeLoura [[ISBN 1-58450-233-9] * __Game Programming Gems 4__ by Mark DeLoura [[ISBN 1-58450-295-9] * __Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design (2nd Edition)__ by Scott Meyers [[ISBN 0-201-92488-9] * __Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library__ by Scott Meyers [[ISBN 0-201-74962-9] !!Kencho's picks * __Design Patterns__ by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides [[ISBN 0-201-63361-2] * __The UML User Guide__ by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson [[ISBN 0-201-57168-4] * __UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, Third Edition__ by Martin Fowler [[ISBN 0-321-19368-7] * __Game Development and Production__ by Erik Bethke [[ISBN 1-55622-951-8] !!Haffax' picks * __Code Complete__ by Steve McConnell [[ISBN 0-7356-1967-0] * __The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master__ by Andrew Hunt, David Thomas [[ISBN 0-201-61622-X] * __Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code__ by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts [[ISBN 0-201-48567-2] !!Snide's pick * __3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development__ by Fletcher Dunn, Ian Parberry [[ISBN 1-55622-911-9] A book that __only__ explains the mathematics behind any 3D representation. It doesn't focus itself on any driver (ie: D3D or OpenGL). It just gives the theory and some basic C++ code to implement it so you can __understand__ how 3D engine work. It's quite easy to pick up and has a ''lot'' of illustrations that makes the maths __really__ obvious. (A basic knowledge of linear algebra is still required : what is a vector/matrix and the various operations on these.). They do have a [|website ]. !!Wumpus' picks * __Modern C++ Design__ by Andrei Alexandrescu [[ISBN 9780201704315] -- A book on various useful advanced C++ template techniques. A pre if you ever want to even begin understanding how libraries like Boost do their thing. * __Real-Time Rendering__ by Tomas Akenine-Möller and Eric Haines [[ISBN 1-56881-182-9] -- Book explaining the various 3D techniques like 3d math, texturing, imposters, collision detection, shaders, BSPs, lightmaps ... It has an overview of everything from basic things to GPU heavy advanced algorithms. They also have a very nice [|website] with links to articles and code. !!Tuan Kuranes' picks * __The Art of Computer Programming__ by Donald E Knuth - Really the best book to read about programming, makes programming more of a science, and programmer more of a scientific. See []. * __AI Game Programming Wisdom 2__ - 732 page hardback book containing 67 AI articles by 55 authors. Contains large sections on learning, genre specific techniques, planning, movement and pathfinding. Includes CD-ROM. [[ISBN 1-58450-289-4] (Here's some Articles summary []) !!Ulric Boël's picks Not a book but a complete website... * __[|Mathworld]__ - A complete mathematical reference created and maintained by Eric Weisstein with contributions from the world mathematics community. !!Baldrake's picks * __The Cg Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics__ by Randima Fernando and Mark J. Kilgard [[ISBN 0-321-19496-9] -- This is a highly readable book on Cg, a high-level language used to author vertex and fragment programs. Cg programs can be embedded within Ogre materials. The only (very minor) caveat is that the authors work for Nvidia, so the shiny examples tend to favour their chips. Now available for free (along with the first GPU Gems) [|here] * __3D Game Engine Programming__ by Stefan Zerbst [[ISBN 1-59200-351-6] -- This is the book that made "the lights go on" for me. The book explains all of the parts of a game engine and runs over their implementation issues. While the code in the book isn't particularly relevant to Ogre users, the book helps in putting together all the conceptual pieces of an engine. !!Steven's picks * __Software Engineering for Game Developers__ by John P. Flynt, Omar Salem [[ISBN 1-59200-155-6] -- Unique guide/toolbox for effectively building a computer game using practices that are fostered by software engineering (UML, dev cycles, tools, etc.). This book takes a very interesting (and possibly unique) approach to game developing. It's a detailed discussion on the development of a real game (30,000 lines of code) by a small team of game developers. * __Thinking in C++__ by Bruce Eckel, Volume 1 (~878 pages) and Volume 2 (~592 pages). They are __freely downloadable__ on [] ! These books are perfect to learn C++ from begginers to experts. If you search really well you can find the ''Vol 2 - 2004 version'' (~800 pages) which includes: ''Concurrency'' (multi threading) and lots of improvements. !!Beauty's picks * __The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses__ by Jesse Schell [[ISBN 0123694965] -- fundamentals of good game design * __Das C# 2010 Codebook__ by Jürgen Bayer [[ISBN 3827329035] -- many useful code examples for common C# usage (__German__ only, recommend for ((Mogre)) users) * __Visual C# 2010: Das umfassende Handbuch__ by Andreas Kühnel [[ISBN 9783836215527] -- about C# programming (__German__ only), book content for __free__ as [|HTML] (online) and [|PDF] --- Alias: (alias(Recommended_Reading))
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