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History: Ray classes in MOGRE
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The MOGRE classes and its members are different to the Ogre API, especially at the ray tracing. This was very confusing to me. Also there are generally only few informations about ((MOGRE|Mogre)). So I want to give a class overview here. --((User:Beauty|Beauty)) {maketoc} !!Class references !!!!Ray {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_Ray.png" alt="Mogre_Class_Ray.png"} * More information in Ogre class reference of [|Ray] !!!!RaySceneQuery {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQuery.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQuery.png"} * More information in Ogre class reference of [|RaySceneQuery] and [|DefaultRaySceneQuery] !!!!RaySceneQueryListener {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryListener.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryListener.png"} * More information in Ogre class reference of [|RaySceneQueryListener] !!!!RaySceneQueryResultEntry {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResultEntry.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResultEntry.png"} * More informations in Ogre class reference of [|RaySceneQueryResultEntry] !!!!RaySceneQueryResult {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.png"} * This is an alias name for ''~np~std::vector<RaySceneQueryResultEntry>~/np~'' in Ogre. ''~np~std::vector<>~/np~'' is similar to a .Net ''List<>''. !!!!RaySceneQueryResult.Enumerator {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.Enumerator.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.Enumerator.png"} * This class doesn't exists in Ogre. Its purpose is to allow to use a foreach loop. {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c#")} foreach (RaySceneQueryResultEntry entry in result) { ... }{CODE} !!!!RaySceneQueryResult.Iterator {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.Iterator.png" alt="Mogre_Class_RaySceneQueryResult.Iterator.png"} * This class doesn't exists in Ogre. Its purpose is to allow to use a foreach loop. !!Print version Here are all references joined on 3 pages. Click to the image and on the next page click to it again. Then you will see the plain image (without HTML) and it's printable in original size. {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_RayClasses_print_1.png" alt="" width="100"} Â Â Â Â Â Â {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_RayClasses_print_2.png" alt="" width="100"} Â Â Â Â Â Â {img src="img/wiki_up/Mogre_RayClasses_print_3.png" alt="" width="100"} !!See also * Ogre class reference of [|SceneQuery] * ((Ray query with MOGRE)) (an example code)
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