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Source of version: 16
{DIV(class="achtung")}__IMPORTANT:__ This component is unmaintaned for the last available version see [].{DIV} {BOX(class="Layout_box4")}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/QuickGUI_Logo.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} __QuickGUI__ is designed to be an easy to use, but efficient and powerful ((-GUI|GUI)) library that works with Ogre3d. QuickGUI is being actively developed, and new versions are released every few months. QuickGUI is input injection based, and works with any input system. The code is clean and well documented which makes it easy to use and extend. There is added focus on skinning which makes it easy for users to customize their GUI's appearance.{BOX} {SPLIT(colsize=40%|60%)} {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box6")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Tools.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} !!!Downloading and Installing __Note:__ You can compile the source against current version of Ogre (Ogre 1.7). %clear% __Forums__ __[|Link]__ __Stable versions__ __[|10.01]__ __SVN__ __[|Link]__ __Mogre version__ __((MQuickGUI))__{BOX} {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box6")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Star.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} !!!Using QuickGUI ''Learn how to use QuickGUI. This includes tutorials and code snippets.'' %clear% !!!!Examples and Tutorials * ((QuickGUI Integration Tutorial)) - How to integrate QuickGUI into your application * ((QuickGUI Basics)) - Registering Fonts, Skins, creating Widgets, and Message Handling. * ((QuickGUI Beginner Tutorial 2)) - Creating a Button and registering Event Handlers * ((QuickGUI Beginner Tutorial 3)) - Anchoring (keeping relative position and size) * ((QuickGUI Beginner Tutorial 4)) - A basic menu system !!!!Code Snippets None for the moment, check the QuickGUIOgreDemo application that comes with QuickGUI. {BOX} {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box6")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Artist.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} !!!Digital Content Creation ''This section is dedicated to the artist pipeline'' %clear% * ((QuickGUI Tools|Tools)) - Various tools and sandboxes that can be used to speed up -GUI prototyping __Artists Tutorials__ * ((QuickGUI Artist Tutorial 1)) - How to Skin Widgets {BOX} --- {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box5")} {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=1, view=page, max=-1, wiki="ogregallery tpl") /} !!__QuickGUI Supports the following widgets:__ * __Button__ * __CheckBox(WIP)__ * __ComboBox(WIP)__ * __Console(WIP)__ * __ContextMenu(WIP)__ * __Graphic__ * __Label__ * __List(WIP)__ * __Menu(WIP)__ * __ModalWindow(WIP)__ * __Panel__ * __ProgressBar__ * __PropertyGrid(WIP)__ * __RadioButton(WIP)__ * __TabControl(WIP)__ * __TextArea(WIP)__ * __TextBox__ * __ToolBar(WIP)__ * __TreeView(WIP)__ * __Vertical/Horizontal ScrollBar(WIP)__ * __Window (with TitleBar)__ {BOX} {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box6")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/EYE.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} !!!Community content and examples ''Examples of UI designs and skinning'' %clear% * ((QuickGUI Showcase|Showcase)) - This is the place we put glorious examples made with QuickGUI {BOX} {BOX(width="100%", class="Layout_box6")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/See_also.jpg",imalign="left")}{IMG} !Documentation and reference ''Quick help and extended information'' %clear% * ((QuickGUI Widget Desc class)) - Learn about the Desc class, its benefits, and common use * ((QuickGUI Fonts|Fonts in QuickGUI)) - How to setup fonts to work with QuickGUI * ((QuickGUI FAQ|FAQ)) - Frequently asked questions about QuickGUI {BOX} {SPLIT}
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