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{BOX(width="100%",class="Layout_box9")}{SPLIT(colsize=10%|70%)}{IMG(fileId="1711",imalign="left",link="Prerequisites",title="Prerequisites")}{IMG} --- {DIV(class="bigBold")}((Prerequisites)){DIV} What you need to build Ogre from source. {SPLIT}{BOX} !!Introduction This is a small check list of things you need to do before you're ready to ((Building Ogre|build Ogre from source)). {maketoc} {VERSIONS(nav="y",title="y",default="Microsoft Windows")} {SPLIT(colsize=10%|70%)}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Big_Logo_Windows.jpg",height="66",width="66",imalign="left")}{IMG} --- ~tc~clear~/tc~ !!%done%Install paths Make sure that Cmake and the project are both installed in a folder with no spaces and latin characters only. !! %done% Compiler Specific Prerequisites !!! %done% Visual Studio You need the latest service packs for the following versions of Visual Studio: || Visual Studio 2008 (VC9) | Service pack 1 __and__ the ATL security fix (available from Microsoft Update) Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) | Service pack 1 || Visual Studio Express users do not need a separate service pack or ATL security fix because the latest install download already contains that fix. Get it from [http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/]. !!! %done% MinGW Get the latest MinGW installer from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-inst/|here] and install MinGW. Make sure to include the __C++ compiler__ (it is the only required compiler for Ogre, but installing all of them doesn't hurt). You most likely do not want the full "MinGW Developer Toolkit", but you should check the "MSYS Basic System". Install it to {MONO()}C:\mingw{MONO}. Also add {MONO()}C:\mingw\bin{MONO} to your PATH. The installer might ask if it should do that for you, but if you did not install with admin rights, this likely did not work. In any case, you should check and make sure it is correctly added to your PATH. !! %done% Boost Boost is not required to build Ogre - it's optional. (:smile:) The Boost Threads library is used by the paging component, which in turn is used by the terrain component, enabling background loading and thus faster response times. It's recommended to get at least Boost version 1.49.0 or newer. Also, around the same boost version, bjam was renamed to b2, so don't be confused if newer boost manuals require you to use "b2" instead of "bjam" when building. It's actually the same. Lucky users of Visual Studio 2003 - 2010 can use the [http://www.boostpro.com/download|Boostpro Boost Installers]. Select your compiler and "Multithreaded" and "Multithreaded Debug". Be sure to install Boost Date Time and Boost Thread. The default selection (all) makes sure it's installed. CMake depends on the following environment variables to find Boost successfully: {MONO()}BOOST_ROOT{MONO} (''C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_49'') {MONO()}BOOST_INCLUDEDIR{MONO} (''C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_49'') {MONO()}BOOST_LIBRARYDIR{MONO} (''C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_49\lib'') Well, at least {MONO()}BOOST_ROOT{MONO}, but it can't hurt to set the two others. __Building boost from source__ As boostpro is not always up-to-date with the newest boost versions, you sometimes might want to build boost from sources yourself. MinGW users will always have to build boost from sources. Get Boost from [http://www.boost.org/|www.boost.org] and the b2 executable as detailed on [http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/more/getting_started/windows.html#or-build-binaries-from-source|the Boost compile page] and follow the chapter 5.2 as a guide on how to build boost from source. %note% __For MinGW users:__ When asked to run "bootstrap.bat", make sure to run "bootstrap.bat gcc" instead. As an example, this line builds Boost date_time and thread using VC10: %note% Use the Visual Studio Command Prompt when issuing the command. {CODE(wrap="1")}b2 --build-dir="C:\boost-vc10" toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete --with-date_time --with-thread{CODE} This line builds Boost date_time and thread using gcc: {CODE(wrap="1")}b2 --build-dir="C:\boost-gcc" toolset=gcc --build-type=complete --with-date_time --with-thread{CODE} If you just want all of boost installed, just do the same command without "-with-date_time -with-thread" When done building, move the contents of ''boost_dir/stage/lib'' to ''boost_dir/lib''. If you are sure you're not going to rebuild Boost, you can safely delete the build directory (i.e. C:\boost-vc10) !! %done% DirectX To build Ogre on Windows you'll need the DirectX SDK. As of the release of Windows 8, DirectX is no longer a standalone package, rather it is bundled in the Windows 8.x SDK (latest version is the [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891.aspx|Windows 8.1 SDK].) In addition the installation of the [http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812|DirectX 9 SDK (DX SDK June 2010)] is essential for v1.x and [http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=84168#p520476|even recommended] for v2.1. !! %done% Dependencies A repository containing a all sources of the Ogre dependencies (along with the necessary CMake scripts) is available [https://bitbucket.org/cabalistic/ogredeps|here at Bitbucket]. Make sure to read our [http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Getting+Started+With+CMake|CMake Guide] if you haven't yet. %warning2% The following two links are outdated and ''only relevant for Ogre 1.7''. It is probably the best to simply build the dependencies using the repository and CMake as described above. But you may of course try to use them: __Visual Studio users__ need to compile the dependencies themselves: [https://sourceforge.net/projects/ogre/files/ogre-dependencies-vc%2B%2B/1.7/OgreDependencies_MSVC_20101231.zip/download|Visual Studio Dependencies] __MinGW users__ can grab the precompiled [https://sourceforge.net/projects/ogre/files/ogre-dependencies-mingw/1.7/OgreDependencies_MinGW_20100216.zip/download|MinGW Dependencies] Unpack the dependencies into either your Ogre source directory, your Ogre build directory or somewhere else. The directory should be named ''Dependencies'' if put either into the source or the build directory (this ensures that the Ogre CMake scripts should automatically find and user it). If you choose to place it elsewhere, you can name it however you like, as long as you're setting an environment variable {MONO()}OGRE_DEPENDENCIES_DIR{MONO} pointing to its location. It's recommended to use the last option - {MONO()}OGRE_DEPENDENCIES_DIR{MONO} - as it makes it easier to manage several different dependencies (VC9, VC10, MinGW, etc.) on the same computer, against the same Ogre source directory. %note% Additional information for OIS linking error with dxguid.lib can be found in the [http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=70302|forums]. %note% Building FreeImage with Visual Studio once was buggy (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL bug). If you experience any issues, you can compile FreeImage in the following way: # Build the full FreeImage packet on Debug for all platforms # Switch actual configuration to Release # Save the project map and close VS # Delete all temporary folders of the project (look for "Intermediate Directory") # Start VS and load FreeImage project # Build the full FreeImage packet on Release for all platforms {SPLIT} ---(Linux)--- {SPLIT(colsize=10%|70%)}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Big_Logo_Linux.jpg",height="66",width="66",imalign="left")}{IMG} --- ~tc~clear~/tc~ !!Before you begin Ogre does not play well with "Software Rasterizers", so if you run {MONO()}glxinfo | grep Software{MONO} and it finds "OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer", you may need to investigate upgrading your graphics card or its drivers. See {MONO()}jockey-gtk{MONO} on Ubuntu for driver help. The easiest way to get Ogre is to install via package manager, e.g. {MONO()}sudo apt-get install libogre-1.9-dev{MONO} {REMARKSBOX(type="note",title="Check Ogre Versions")}However, this may be out of date, e.g. for Ubuntu 10.04 only Ogre 1.6.4 is available, although the latest release is 1.7.1. Ogre 1.9 is available for Ubuntu 14.4.{REMARKSBOX} If you want the latest version of Ogre, follow the directions below and then the ((CMake Quick Start Guide)) !! %done% Ubuntu {img src="img/wiki_up/Ubuntu_logo.png" alt="" imalign="right"} For Ubuntu Karmic and above: {CODE(caption="Compiler And Configuration Tools",wrap="1",colors="bash")}sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool{CODE} {CODE(caption="Required Dependencies",wrap="1",colors="bash")}sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libfreeimage-dev libzzip-dev libxrandr-dev libxaw7-dev freeglut3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev{CODE} If during Ogre build any headers are still missing, try adding these one at a time, and update the list above please! :) * libxt-dev * libpng3-dev Could probably use {MONO()}libglew1.5-dev{MONO} instead of {MONO()}freeglut3-dev{MONO}. It is an open question whether or not {MONO()}libxt-dev{MONO} and {MONO()}libpng3-dev{MONO} is required. {CODE(caption="Not Strictly Required Dependencies",wrap="1",colors="bash")}sudo apt-get install nvidia-cg-toolkit libois-dev libboost-thread-dev{CODE} %note% While {MONO()}nvidia-cg-toolkit{MONO}, {MONO()}libois-dev{MONO} and {MONO()}libboost-thread-dev{MONO} are not strictly required, you'll want to install them: *{MONO()}nvidia-cg-toolkit{MONO} is used by the Cg plugin for Cg shaders. *{MONO()}libois-dev{MONO} is used as input library for the demos. *{MONO()}libboost-thread-dev{MONO} is used by the paging component and other background threading. {CODE(caption="Entirely Optional Dependencies",wrap="1",colors="bash")}sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz libcppunit-dev{CODE} ---- !! %done% Fedora {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Fedora.jpg",alt="fedora.jpg", imalign="right")}{IMG} This is a list of packages to install for Fedora 13: {CODE(caption="Required Dependencies", wrap="1",colors="bash")}gcc-c++ libXaw-devel freetype-devel freeimage-devel zziplib-devel cmake{CODE} {CODE(caption="Not Strictly Required Dependencies",wrap="1",colors="bash")}boost-devel ois-devel Cg{CODE} WARNING: To install the Cg package, you need to enable the [http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration|nonfree RPMFusion repositories] {CODE(caption="Entirely Optional Dependencies", wrap="1",colors="bash")}doxygen cppunit-devel{CODE} ---- !! %done% OpenSUSE {IMG(src="tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2140&display",imgalign="right")}{IMG} This is a list of packages to install for OpenSUSE 12.2: To install these optional dependencies (recommended) you will need to add the OpenSUSE games repo: {CODE(caption="Add games repo",wrap="1",colors="bash")}zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games/openSUSE_Factory/ games{CODE} {CODE(caption="Required Dependencies", wrap="1",colors="bash")}zypper in gcc-c++ libXaw-devel freetype2-devel freeimage-devel libxrandr-devel zziplib-devel cmake{CODE} {CODE(caption="Not Strictly Required Dependencies",wrap="1",colors="bash")}zypper in boost-devel libOIS-devel cg-devel{CODE} {CODE(caption="Entirely Optional Dependencies", wrap="1",colors="bash")}zypper in doxygen cppunit-devel{CODE} ---- !! %done% Arch Linux {IMG(fileId="2081",alt="archlinux.png", imalign="right")}{IMG} Run this to install the Ogre dependencies for Arch Linux: {CODE(wrap="1",colors="bash")}pacman -S boost-libs boost freeimage freetype2 libxaw libxrandr mesa nvidia-cg-toolkit ois zziplib cmake gcc{CODE} {SPLIT} ---(Mac OS X & iOS)--- {SPLIT(colsize=10%|70%)}{IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Big_Logo_Macintosh.jpg",height="66",width="66",imalign="left")}{IMG} --- !!!Installing Dependencies ''Option 1:'' Extract the [http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54533|dependencies] into your Ogre source root. Precompiled archive containing PPC and i386 binaries compiled against the 10.4u SDK are available: [https://sourceforge.net/projects/ogre/files/ogre-dependencies-mac/1.7/OgreDependencies_OSX_20091230.zip/download|OS X Dependencies] (link is only valid for Ogre version 1.7). A larger selection of precompiled dependency packages including more recent updates and iOS packages can be browsed to from the [http://sourceforge.net/projects/ogre/files/ogre-dependencies-mac/|ogre-dependencies-mac] page. ''Option 2:'' Install Ogre dependencies system-wide via [http://www.macports.org/install.php|MacPorts]. Be forewarned if you intend to distribute binaries, you may have to jump through a few hoops to link against the static archives ({MONO()}.a{MONO}) or extract the dynamic libraries and modify their install name ({MONO()}install_name_tool{MONO}). However individual developers may find this easier to manage on their local machines for general development. {CODE(wrap="1", colors="sh")}sudo port install libpng +universal jpeg +universal libxml2 +universal sudo port install pkgconfig xmlto autoconf automake libtool sudo port install freetype +universal freeimage +universal libzzip +universal boost +universal ois +universal sudo port install cmake{CODE} * Ogre3D requires a 32 bit build due to use of Carbon interfaces via OIS. Thus the +universal specifications to ensure 32 and 64 bit builds for libraries. * You need the first line even if you already have libpng/jpeg/xml2 installed because they will be re-installed within the package system and we need to ensure universal build. You may need {MONO()}--enforce-variants{MONO} if you have already installed these packages. * The second line is the build dependencies of libzzip, they do not need to be universal, but use +no_x11 +quartz to avoid unnecessary additional packages Finally, from the terminal: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="bash")}touch ~/.bash_profile open -a TextEdit ~/.bash_profile{CODE} If it is not already present, add: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="bash")}export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib"{CODE} Finally, you need to install [http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cg_download.html|Cg] and [http://sourceforge.net/projects/wgois/|OIS]. (Not strictly required by Ogre, but required for Demos, and generally recommended.) {SPLIT} {VERSIONS}
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