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{DIV(class="Layout_box1")}{SPLIT(colsize=15%|86%)}{img fileId="6" width="87" imalign="left" link="OgreArticles"}--- {DIV(class="bigBold")}Ogre Articles{DIV} Articles about various Ogre related topics (without code).{SPLIT}{DIV} {BOX(title="OGRE Articles")}This whole page is for indepth articles utilizing Ogre and various libraries or concepts. External links and tutorials can be found on the ((Articles And Sources|External Resources)) page. Do look there, as you may find articles that are related to Ogre, but maintained off site. For articles on Art and digital content, see ((DCC Resources)).{BOX} {maketoc showhide="y"} {img src="img/wiki_up/Animation_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Animation * ((AnimationBlender)) - A class implemented to blend between two animations. * ((Morph animation)) - Explanation of how to actually get morphing to work in the engine. * ((OgreStereoVisionProblems|My game looks awfull using stereoscopy with NVIDIA's Vision drivers)) - Explanation of why graphics may be spiky with HW vertex skinning and NV's 3D stereo vision. {img src="img/wiki_up/CPP_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Application Development * ((Quaternion and Rotation Primer)) - Contains explanations, code samples and questions. {img src="img/wiki_up/UML_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Application Design * [|Designing Good Games] - Description of important aspects for designing a "good" game (written by Mark Overmars) %beginsmall% document mirror: [|here] %endsmall% * ((-Singleton|Singletons)) - A general C++ Concept used in Ogre quite extensively. * ((Architecture and Design in Games)) - Resources to help developers architect games as a whole * ((Managing Game States with OGRE)) - description of a simple system for managing game states in OGRE, based on the article [|Managing Game States in C++]. * ((RTS Sample App)) - This framework should provide a good starting point for a Real Time Strategy (RTS) style application. Complete with compass, minimap and picking. * ((Practical Application)) - A practical game application from the ground up * ((Simple Win32 Program)) - A simple win32 program that can be used as a basis for other programs . * ((Threading)) - Does Ogre support it? Do you need it? * ((How to use the WorkQueue)) - How to do work in the background of Ogre {img src="img/wiki_up/Help_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Input * ((Using SDL Input)) - A way to use the SDL library to handle user input to control your Ogre project. Bypassses the need for the Ogre input system and allows for joysticks and other input devices. {img src="img/wiki_up/Help_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Lighting * ((Deferred Shading)) - An article explaining how to use Ogre's compositor framework and various hooks to set up alternative rendering pipelines. Based on the Deferred Shading sample. * ((JaJDoo Shader Guide)) - Many pages full of useful information about shader programming * ((HDR (High Dynamic Range) )) - Explains what is HDR and why would you need it in Ogre 2.1+. {img src="img/wiki_up/Network_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Networking * ((OpenTNL)) - OpenTNL Very Simple Interface {img src="img/wiki_up/SceneManager_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Ogre in General * ((Coding and Design Philosophy)) - Concepts for coding with Ogre. Design issues * ((In Depth Tutorials)) - Tutorials that explain some of Ogre's inner workings in more detail. * ((Resources and ResourceManagers)) - Outlines in detail the process by which resources are loaded, unloaded, reloaded and destroyed. ** ((Manual Resource Loading)) - How to load your data without using Ogre's file format. ** ((Basic knowledge about Resources)) - Information for Ogre beginners {img src="img/wiki_up/Performance_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Performance * ((OgreProfiler)) * ((Optimisation checklist)) - Is your application running slowly? * ((Intel article "How to optimize Ogre applications using Intels VTune using SIMD and Multi threading)) - [] * ((Script Cache Plugin)) - How to use the Script Cache plugin in your application to speed up the loading time of you application {img src="img/wiki_up/Physics_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Physics * ((OgreBullet)) - Bullet Physics wrapper for OGRE. * ((OgreODE)) - OgreODE, an easy way to implement ODE physics with OGRE * ((GettingStartedWithOde)): Physics and Collisions using the Open Dynamics Engine physics and collision library. * ((ODE Simulation Stability)): How to reduce jitter and explosions in your ODE/OGRE simulations. * ((OgreNewt)): Using Newton with Ogre, via OgreNewt - a beginners guide * ((NxOgre)): PhysX Wrapper For OGRE * [] OgrePhysX: Ogre--PhysX interface for PhysX 3.2.1 {img src="img/wiki_up/SceneManager_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Scene Managers * ((SceneManagersFAQ|Scene Manager Overview)) - Choosing the best Scene Manager for your purpose * ((DotScene)) - Questions about the .scene format and tools. * ((Paging Scene Manager|Paging Landscape Scene Manager)) - PLSM2 provides very large terrains. Installation, demos and explanation. * ((Game Object Oriented Framework)) - The Game Object Oriented Framework (GOOF) provides generic object handling functionality, extending Ogre's existing systems. {img src="img/wiki_up/Scripting_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Scripting * ((Scripting with LuaBind in Ogre)) - Setting up a Luabind + Ogre project and a simple example of using them together * ((Squirrel Scripting Language)) - Setting up a Squirrel + Ogre project and a simple example of using them together {img src="img/wiki_up/Sound_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Sound * ((OpenAL)) (audio) wrapper class using Ogre * ((FMOD SoundManager)) FMOD wrapper class using Ogre {img src="img/wiki_up/Worlddesign_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Terrain * See PLSM2 in {ALINK(aname="Scene Managers")}Scene Managers{ALINK} * ((Ogre Compatible HeightMap|Ogre Compatible HeightMap System)) - For use with networked gameservers. Handy for headless servers that don't rely on Ogre. {img src="img/wiki_up/Video_small.png" alt="" align="left"} !Video * ((Video Overview|Video Plugin)) - Video plugins
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