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History: Mogre Intermediate Tutorials
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{BOX(class="Layout_box6", width="100%")} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Inter.png",imalign="left", link="Mogre Intermediate Tutorials", title="Mogre Intermediate Tutorials")}{IMG} !!((Mogre Intermediate Tutorials|Intermediate Tutorials)) ''These tutorials each cover a specific aspect of using Ogre. Note that these are kept as simple as possible. In some cases, good Object Oriented design is discarded for the sake of simplicity and clarity (though I will always try to point these design flaws out). From these tutorials you should try to learn what is being taught without becoming attached to the form in which it is presented. '' %clear% {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Toolbox.png",imalign="left")}{IMG} __Attention__: The tutorials of ((OgreDotNet)) __could run__ with Mogre. Maybe you have to edit some code, but this should be much more easy than porting Ogre C++ code. If a tutorial runs without changing, please add a comment to the list. If it works after some changes, please give the code back to the community. Create an article and link it. Or the most easy way: send the plain code lines to me (((User:Beauty|Beauty))) and I will add it. __C# Tutorials__%clear% *((MOGRE Intermediate Tutorial 1)): Animation, Walking Between Points, and Basic Quaternions (OgreDotNet version: ((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 1)) ) *((MOGRE Intermediate Tutorial 2)): RaySceneQueries and Basic Mouse Usage (OgreDotNet version: ((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 2)) ) *((MOGRE IntermediateTutorial 3 )): Mouse Picking (3D Object Selection) and SceneQuery Masks (OgreDotNet version: ((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 3)) ) *((MOGRE Intermediate Tutorial 4)): Volume Selection and Basic Manual Objects *((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 4)): Using multiple SceneManagers *((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 5)): A "hello world" app (still using cfg dialog & resource scripts) *((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 6)): Multiple Viewports using Multiple Cameras *((MOGRE Intermediate Tutorial 6)): Projective Decals *((OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 7)): Hello World Part II. Explicit RenderSystem & resource configuration *((MOGRE Intermediate Tutorial 7)): Render to texture __VB.NET Tutorials__ *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 1)): Animation, Walking Between Points, and Basic Quaternions *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 2)): RaySceneQueries and Basic Mouse Usage *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 3)): Mouse Picking (3D Object Selection) and SceneQuery Masks *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 4)): Using multiple SceneManagers *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 5)): Using multiple SceneManagers *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 6)): Multiple Viewports using Multiple Cameras *((MOgre VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 7)): Hello World Part II. Explicit RenderSystem & resource configuration *((OgreDotNet VB.NET Intermediate Tutorial 5)): A hello world app, which is still using cfg dialog & resource scripts (conversion of the C# tutorial) {BOX}
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