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History: Managed Hydrax Wrapper
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((Hydrax)) is a an add-on library for Ogre to render __pretty water__ scenes. With the Managed Hydrax ((-Wrapper)) (short form: __MHydrax__) Hydrax can be used by ((MOGRE|Mogre)) too. I hope you enjoy MHydrax. Any feedback is welcome. __Author__: ((User:raygeee|raygeee)) (retired) __Project__: Managed Hydrax -Wrapper __Current version__: 0.5.1 __License__: [|GNU Lesser General Public License] (free for any use) __Wrapped project__: ((Hydrax)) __Wrapped project license__: [|GNU Lesser General Public License] (free for any use) __Type__: C++/CLI -Wrapper __Dependencies__: Ogre 1.7 / Mogre 1.7 (For Mogre 1.6 use MHydrax 0.4) %help% For questions and latest information use this [|forum topic]. {YOUTUBE(movie="",width="640",height="420",allowFullScreen="y")}{YOUTUBE} {img src="img/wiki_up/Hydrax_04_2.png" alt="Hydrax_04_2.png"} More pictures and a full feature list are available on the ((Hydrax)) page. {maketoc} !Downloads * [|Managed Hydrax Wrapper 0.5.1] - related to Mogre 1.7 ** The linked post also contains __build instructions__. ** There seems to be an improved version. Just follow the forum topic to get the newest MHydrax version. * [|Managed Hydrax Wrapper 0.5] - related to Mogre 1.6 Original Hydrax (see ((Hydrax))) * [|Precompiled Hydrax demo] (version 0.5) * [|Hydrax/Demo sources and media files] (version 0.5) * [|Hydrax editor] (with sources, version 0.5) !Installation ''related to Hydrax 0.5 and MHydrax 0.5'' !!!Things to do in Hydrax Adjustments in ''*.cpp''-files to work with Ogre 1.4x: (as told in [|this thread]) * Change these lines in ''MaterialManager::_createUnderwaterCompositor()'' {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c#")} Ogre::PixelFormatList l; l.push_back(Ogre::PF_A8R8G8B8); TDef->formatList = l;{CODE} to: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c#")} TDef->format = Ogre::PF_A8R8G8B8; // New code line for Ogre 1.4.x{CODE} * Comment this line in ''Decal::setSize()'' if it's not already commented: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c#")} mProjector->setOrthoWindow(Size.x, Size.y);{CODE} * Optional: Change Hydrax to compile as static library (''*.lib''). (You may still choose to not do that...) The result is that the managed ''MHydrax.dll'' doesn't need any native ''Hydrax.dll''. !!!Things to do in MHydrax project properties * In Framework and References: Adjust refence to ''Mogre.dll'' (the one corresponding to your current build mode) * In C/C++: Adjust additional include directories to match yours * In Linker: Adjust additional library directories to match yours !!!Things to do in Samples project properties * In References: Adjust references to ''Mogre.dll'' and ''MOIS.dll'' (the ones corresponding to your current build mode) * General things to do: ** Copy folder "Media" from Hydrax to MHydrax solution directory or adjust the ''resources.cfg''. ** Make sure the ''dll''s Ogre needs to run are in the ''debug''/''release'' folders. (OgreMain, OIS, OctreeSceneManager, CgProgramManager, cg, RenderSystems..) !Samples An almost similar Samples project like in Hydrax is included. It's written in VB.NET code, but can be easily translated to C# or any other managed code language. For example by the VB.NET-to-C#-Converter: [|]. Also you can look to the ((MHydrax code example)). !Wrapper status Wrapped classes (with prefix 'M' in MHydrax): * Hydrax (as far as the other wrapped classes allow) * Module * ProjectedGrid * SimpleGrid * RadialGrid * Noise * Perlin * FFT * MaterialManager * CfgFileManager * GodRaysManager * DecalsManager * Decal * Mesh * Size * several Enum classes Classes not wrapped yet: * GPUNormalMapManager * RttManager * TextureManager Known bugs: * None at the moment. Please tell us in the [|MHydrax forum thread] if you find a possible one. !See also * ((MHydrax code example)) * [|current forum topic] of the Managed Hydrax wrapper ** [|old forum thread] of the Managed Hydrax wrapper * [|Hydrax forum] - the common Hydrax discussion place * ((Hydrax)) page for a full feature list, example videos, etc. * [|Hydrax API documentation] * ((EGO Game Editor)) - Has support for Hydrax * [|Integration to Ogre 1.7] - code snippet {SUB()}(a backup is attached to this wiki page){SUB} * [|Unfinished Hydrax wrapper] - An alternative wrapper for Hydrax. It isn't finished, but most parts were done. --- Alias: (alias(Managed_Hydrax_Wrapper)), (alias(MHydrax))
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