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For some purposes, in particular printing images on real surfaces (which requires high dpi), it is interesting to create high resolution screenshots that exceed the standard video modes. But how can we increase the resolution of Ogre screenshots? The idea is to subdivide the Ogre rendered view into a grid of smaller views, to capture a screenshot of each subsview, and to assemble the whole into a huge screenshot. Check out the following sketch and [] for some explanations (thanks DWORD and Rackle). Forum thread [|forum thread] {img src="img/wiki_up/Hires.png" alt="Hires.png"} These subscreenshots can not be obtained by shifting the camera. Instead, we have to manipulate the frustum by manually setting the projection matrix. We need "asymmetrical perspective projections". The actual calculations can be found at [] The following method "gridScreenshots()" subdivides the current view into gridSize*gridSize subviews (in the order from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, by setting up the corresponding projection matrices) and saves the resulting screenshots to the hard drive. Passing true to the last parameter will stitch these subview screenshots into a large image file as well as delete these intermediary sub views. This program will fail since the resource group "General" defined within ogrenew\Samples\Common\bin\Debug\resources.cfg does not include the current directory. Solutions include 1) addding that current directory to the resources.cfg file, by adding a "FileSystem=." entry, 2) modifying the call to writeContentsToFile() such that it places the temporary grid screenshot in a valid resource directory, 3) changing the resource group used by sourceImage.load(). ''Note:'' this code is designed for Eihort (v1.4.x). In Shoggoth (v1.6.x) you no longer need to use custom projection matrices, you can use Camera::setFrustumExtents to set the 'window' of the larger whole into which to render. {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}#include "Ogre.h" void gridScreenshots(Ogre::RenderWindow* pRenderWindow, Ogre::Camera* pCamera, const int& pGridSize, const Ogre::String& pFileName, const Ogre::String& pFileExtention, const bool& pStitchGridImages) { /* Parameters: * pRenderWindow: Pointer to the render window. This could be "mWindow" from the ExampleApplication, * the window automatically created obtained when calling * Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->initialise(false) and retrieved by calling * "Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->getAutoCreatedWindow()", or the manually created * window from calling "mRoot->createRenderWindow()". * pCamera: Pointer to the camera "looking at" the scene of interest * pGridSize: The magnification factor. A 2 will create a 2x2 grid, doubling the size of the screenshot. A 3 will create a 3x3 grid, tripling the size of the screenshot. * pFileName: The filename to generate, without an extention. To generate "MyScreenshot.png" this * parameter would contain the value "MyScreenshot". * pFileExtention: The extention of the screenshot file name, hence the type of graphics file to generate. * To generate "MyScreenshot.png" this parameter would contain ".png". * pStitchGridImages: Determines whether the grid screenshots are (true) automatically stitched into a single * image (and discarded) or whether they should (false) remain in their unstitched * form. In that case they are sequentially numbered from 0 to * pGridSize * pGridSize - 1 (if pGridSize is 3 then from 0 to 8). * */ Ogre::String gridFilename; if(pGridSize <= 1) { // Simple case where the contents of the screen are taken directly // Also used when an invalid value is passed within pGridSize (zero or negative grid size) gridFilename = pFileName + pFileExtention; pRenderWindow->writeContentsToFile(gridFilename); } else { // Generate a grid of screenshots pCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(false); // reset projection matrix Ogre::Matrix4 standard = pCamera->getProjectionMatrix(); double nearDist = pCamera->getNearClipDistance(); double nearWidth = (pCamera->getWorldSpaceCorners()[0] - pCamera->getWorldSpaceCorners()[1]).length(); double nearHeight = (pCamera->getWorldSpaceCorners()[1] - pCamera->getWorldSpaceCorners()[2]).length(); Ogre::Image sourceImage; Ogre::uchar* stitchedImageData; // Process each grid for (int nbScreenshots = 0; nbScreenshots < pGridSize * pGridSize; nbScreenshots++) { // Use asymmetrical perspective projection. For more explanations check out: // int y = nbScreenshots / pGridSize; int x = nbScreenshots - y * pGridSize; Ogre::Matrix4 shearing( 1, 0,(x - (pGridSize - 1) * 0.5) * nearWidth / nearDist, 0, 0, 1, -(y - (pGridSize - 1) * 0.5) * nearHeight / nearDist, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); Ogre::Matrix4 scale( pGridSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, pGridSize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); pCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, standard * shearing * scale); Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->renderOneFrame(); gridFilename = pFileName + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(nbScreenshots) + pFileExtention; // Screenshot of the current grid pRenderWindow->writeContentsToFile(gridFilename); if(pStitchGridImages) { // Automatically stitch the grid screenshots sourceImage.load(gridFilename, "General"); // Assumes that the current directory is within the "General" resource group int sourceWidth = (int) sourceImage.getWidth(); int sourceHeight = (int) sourceImage.getHeight(); Ogre::ColourValue colourValue; int stitchedX, stitchedY, stitchedIndex; // Allocate memory for the stitched image when processing the screenshot of the first grid if(nbScreenshots == 0) stitchedImageData = new Ogre::uchar[(sourceImage.getWidth() * pGridSize) * (sourceImage.getHeight() * pGridSize) * 3]; // 3 colors per pixel // Copy each pixel within the grid screenshot to the proper position within the stitched image for(int rawY = 0; rawY < sourceHeight; rawY++) { for(int rawX = 0; rawX < sourceWidth; rawX++) { colourValue = sourceImage.getColourAt(rawX, rawY, 0); stitchedX = x * sourceWidth + rawX; stitchedY = y * sourceHeight + rawY; stitchedIndex = stitchedY * sourceWidth * pGridSize + stitchedX; Ogre::PixelUtil::packColour(colourValue, Ogre::PF_R8G8B8, (void*) &stitchedImageData[stitchedIndex * 3]); } } // The screenshot of the grid is no longer needed remove(gridFilename.c_str()); } } pCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(false); // reset projection matrix if(pStitchGridImages) { // Save the stitched image to a file Ogre::Image targetImage; targetImage.loadDynamicImage(stitchedImageData, sourceImage.getWidth() * pGridSize, sourceImage.getHeight() * pGridSize, 1, // depth Ogre::PF_R8G8B8, false); + pFileExtention); delete[] stitchedImageData; } } }{CODE} This example is designed for Shoggoth (v1.6.x). It describes a ScreenshotManager class that allows you to create large size screenshots. Parts of this class based on the previous Eihort (v1.4.x) code (incl. comments) and the Render to Texture - Tutorial. The approach is to render into a texture and copy the content to a PixelBox. Finally use Ogre::Image::loadDynamicImage(params) to store the content of the PixelBox into a file. This is the fastest way we could find to make hires screenshots, if someone know an improvement, please let us know. The Header file {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}#ifndef __ScreenshotManager_h__ #define __ScreenshotManager_h__ /* Class encapsulates Screenshot functionality and provides a method for making multi grid screenshots. * pRenderWindow: Pointer to the render window. This could be "mWindow" from the ExampleApplication, * the window automatically created obtained when calling * Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->initialise(false) and retrieved by calling * "Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->getAutoCreatedWindow()", or the manually created * window from calling "mRoot->createRenderWindow()". * gridSize: The magnification factor. A 2 will create a 2x2 grid, doubling the size of the screenshot. A 3 will create a 3x3 grid, tripling the size of the screenshot. * fileExtension: The extension of the screenshot file name, hence the type of graphics file to generate. * To generate "MyScreenshot.png" this parameter would contain ".png". */ class ScreenshotManager { public: ScreenshotManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* pRenderWindow, int gridSize, Ogre::String fileExtension, bool overlayFlag); ~ScreenshotManager(); /* Creates a screenshot with the given camera. * @param camera Pointer to the camera "looking at" the scene of interest * @param fileName the filename of the screenshot file. */ void makeScreenshot(Ogre::Camera* camera, Ogre::String fileName) const; protected: Ogre::String mFileExtension; unsigned int mGridSize, mWindowWidth, mWindowHeight; bool mDisableOverlays; //temp texture with current screensize Ogre::TexturePtr mTempTex; Ogre::RenderTexture* mRT; Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr mBuffer; //PixelBox for a large Screenshot, if grid size is > 1 Ogre::PixelBox mFinalPicturePB; //Pointer to the color data of the pixel box Ogre::uint8* mData; }; #endif // __ScreenshotManager_h__{CODE} the CPP file {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}#include <stdafx.h> #include "ScreenshotManager.h" using namespace Ogre; ScreenshotManager::ScreenshotManager(Ogre::RenderWindow* pRenderWindow, int gridSize, Ogre::String fileExtension, bool overlayFlag) { //set file extension for the Screenshot files mFileExtension = fileExtension; // the gridsize mGridSize = gridSize; // flag for overlay rendering mDisableOverlays = overlayFlag; //get current window size mWindowWidth = pRenderWindow->getWidth(); mWindowHeight = pRenderWindow->getHeight(); //create temporary texture mTempTex = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual("ScreenShotTex", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TEX_TYPE_2D, mWindowWidth, mWindowHeight,0, PF_B8G8R8, TU_RENDERTARGET); //get The current Render Target of the temp Texture mRT = mTempTex->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget(); //HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr to the Buffer of the temp Texture mBuffer = mTempTex->getBuffer(); //create PixelBox mData = new uint8[(mWindowWidth * mGridSize) * (mWindowHeight * mGridSize) * 3]; mFinalPicturePB = PixelBox(mWindowWidth * mGridSize,mWindowHeight * mGridSize,1,PF_B8G8R8,mData); } ScreenshotManager::~ScreenshotManager() { delete[] mData; } /* Creates a screenshot with the given camera. * @param camera Pointer to the camera "looking at" the scene of interest * @param fileName the filename of the screenshot file. */ void ScreenshotManager::makeScreenshot(Ogre::Camera* camera, Ogre::String fileName) const { //Remove all viewports, so the added Viewport(camera) ist the only mRT->removeAllViewports(); mRT->addViewport(camera); //set the viewport settings Viewport *vp = mRT->getViewport(0); vp->setClearEveryFrame(true); vp->setOverlaysEnabled(false); // remind current overlay flag bool enableOverlayFlag = myApplication::getSingletonPtr()->getDefaultViewport()->getOverlaysEnabled(); // we disable overlay rendering if it is set in config file and the viewport setting is enabled if(mDisableOverlays && enableOverlayFlag) MyApplication::getSingletonPtr()->getDefaultViewport()->setOverlaysEnabled(false); if(mGridSize <= 1) { // Simple case where the contents of the screen are taken directly // Also used when an invalid value is passed within gridSize (zero or negative grid size) mRT->update(); //render //write the file on the Harddisk mRT->writeContentsToFile(fileName + "." + mFileExtension); } else { //define the original frustum extents variables Real originalFrustumLeft, originalFrustumRight, originalFrustumTop, originalFrustumBottom; // set the original Frustum extents camera->getFrustumExtents(originalFrustumLeft, originalFrustumRight, originalFrustumTop, originalFrustumBottom); // compute the Stepsize for the drid Real frustumGridStepHorizontal = (originalFrustumRight * 2) / mGridSize; Real frustumGridStepVertical = (originalFrustumTop * 2) / mGridSize; // process each grid Real frustumLeft, frustumRight, frustumTop, frustumBottom; for (unsigned int nbScreenshots = 0; nbScreenshots < mGridSize * mGridSize; nbScreenshots++) { int y = nbScreenshots / mGridSize; int x = nbScreenshots - y * mGridSize; // Shoggoth frustum extents setting // compute the new frustum extents frustumLeft = originalFrustumLeft + frustumGridStepHorizontal * x; frustumRight = frustumLeft + frustumGridStepHorizontal; frustumTop = originalFrustumTop - frustumGridStepVertical * y; frustumBottom = frustumTop - frustumGridStepVertical; // set the frustum extents value to the camera camera->setFrustumExtents(frustumLeft, frustumRight, frustumTop, frustumBottom); // ignore time duration between frames MyApplication::getSingletonPtr()->getOgreRoot()->clearEventTimes(); mRT->update(); //render //define the current Box subBox = Box(x* mWindowWidth,y * mWindowHeight,x * mWindowWidth + mWindowWidth, y * mWindowHeight + mWindowHeight); //copy the content from the temp buffer into the final picture PixelBox //Place the tempBuffer content at the right position mBuffer->blitToMemory(mFinalPicturePB.getSubVolume(subBox)); } // set frustum extents to previous settings camera->resetFrustumExtents(); Image finalImage; //declare the final Image Object //insert the PixelBox data into the Image Object finalImage = finalImage.loadDynamicImage(static_cast<unsigned char*>(, mFinalPicturePB.getWidth(),mFinalPicturePB.getHeight(),PF_B8G8R8); // Save the Final image to a file + "." + mFileExtension); } // do we have to re-enable our overlays? if(enableOverlayFlag) myApplication::getSingletonPtr()->getDefaultViewport()->setOverlaysEnabled(true); // reset time since last frame to pause the scene MyApplication::getSingletonPtr()->getOgreRoot()->clearEventTimes(); }{CODE} --- Alias: (alias(High_resolution_screenshots))
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