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History: High resolution screenshots


Information Version
Tue 26 of Feb, 2013 12:44 GMT-0000 saftschachtel fixed some typos. 8
Tue 26 of Feb, 2013 12:42 GMT-0000 saftschachtel 7
Fri 22 of Feb, 2013 15:47 GMT-0000 saftschachtel "delete[] data " in the destructor led to an error, because "data" was no member. Fixed that issue. Constructor and header-file were adapted too. 6
Mon 01 of Aug, 2011 00:08 GMT-0000 jacmoe 5
Wed 13 of Apr, 2011 09:06 GMT-0000 spacegaier added alias 4
Sun 03 of Jan, 2010 00:11 GMT-0000 jacmoe 3
Fri 25 of Dec, 2009 20:18 GMT-0000 jacmoe 2
Tue 11 of Nov, 2008 19:19 GMT-0000 OgreWikiBot Robot: Cosmetic changes 1