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History: GhadamonNotes
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Source of version: 37
Welcome to the ChangeLog and Porting Notes for __OGRE 1.9.0 "Ghadamon"__. {QUOTE(replyto="H.P. Lovecraft")}Ghadamon. A Seed of Azathoth. A bluish-brown, slimy monstrosity riddled with holes, and an occasional malformed head.{QUOTE} {maketoc} !!ChangeLog __Core Improvements__ *OgreMain **Extract the overlays from OgreMain and transform it into a own overlay component **Progressive Mesh improvements and new Mesh LOD sample. **Loads of documentation updates **Added Mesh::mergeAdjacentTexcoords to collapse two adjacent texcoords into one (i.e. float2 texcoord0 & float2 texcoord1 become float4 texcoord0) **According to the documentation, the default SceneManager ambient light should be black, which is wasn't though. **SceneManager: updateSceneGraph should happen BEFORE prepareShadowTextures. **AtomicScalar operators should be returning their value. Only affects using GCC or Clang. **New class ProgressiveMeshGenerator to degenerate mesh detail at runtime. **Bug fix for Sphere::merge. Inaccurate results can occur if one sphere does not fully encompass the other. **New LOD strategies 'distance_box' and 'screen_ratio_pixel_count'. Details, see Ogre Manual. **SharedPtr moved to use atomics (related API change see below in the porting notes). **SubMesh has a new method: clone(const String& newName, Mesh *parentMesh) to perform deep copies of SubMesh objects. The second parameter is optional and can be used to reparent a SubMesh. **Removed Configfile::load(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup, const String& separators, bool trimWhitespace) because it can easily be ambiguous. If you wish to load from a resource group, use the existing function loadFromResourceSystem. The arguments are identical to the removed function. See OGRE-175. *New Volume Rendering component with LOD. See [SoC2012+Volume+Rendering+with+LOD+aimed+at+terrain|GSoC 2012 Volume Rendering] *Many Terrain improvements.See [SoC2012+Improve+and+Demo+the+Terrain+System|GSoC 2012 Terrain Improvements] *RTSS **Changed error handling of RTSS sub-render state parameter creation. Sub-render state now throws exception on errors **Added 2 new demo samples: multiple lights and textured fog * CgProgramManager ** Added support for high-level output profiles glslv/glslf/glslg and hlslv/hlslf (glslg not fully working yet) __Platform Support__ *Android Port **Remove eclipse based android port **CMake based build support **Create find Ant / NDK packages (currently Ant and the NDK must be in the global path) **Generate android make files for the sample browser **Use android tool chain to compile OGRE as static lib **Cleanup RTSS (Remove OgreStringSerialiser) **Improve platform integration ***Add Android log listener into OgreRoot ***Disable Filesystem- / Zip- / EmbeddedZip- Archives on android ***Resource system improvements ***OgreAPKFileSystemArchive to handle file access inside the APK ***OgreAPKZipArchive so we can handle zip files inside the APK (APK is also compressed using zip) **Improve EGL support ***Create concrete subclasses of EGL-Support/Window/Context ***Handle context creation / configs inside OGRE ***Resource recreation / Handle it like DX device lost / restore ****Add managed resource class which every resource derive from (only active on Android - handled via macros) ****Recreation of Texture, Shader, HardwareVertexBuffer **ETC1 texture codec ***PKM support **Sample browser ***Add touch input support ***Build a APK file via CMake command line ***Add rotation support ***Fix / Enable more samples ****Compositor not working **Improve CPU/ vendor detection **Add how to build it on Linux / OSX / Win32 **Provide pre-compiled dependencies **Fix our dependencies so the can compile against the android tool chain *Windows Metro style application (WinRT) **Add support as a new platform (named WinRT). **Create a WinRT project for the sample browser. **Create a how to compile file. **Get all existing samples to work with the D3D11 render system. ***Multi monitor\device support. *Windows Phone 8 port. *OS X **Add a helper function to get a sandbox friendly temp file name for iOS and OS X. **Other fixes to file handling in response to App Store rules. **Support for building with libc++ on OS X. **Proper example of DisplayLink usage in the SampleBrowser. **Plugins and components are now built as frameworks. **Add escape key as a shortcut for Cancel. Fix crash when hitting cancel as well. __RenderSystems__ *DirectX 11 **Improvements from GSoC project. **Add tessellation shaders support. **Add tessellation sample. **Add dynamic linking support. *DirectX 9Ex support *Added OpenGL 3+ RenderSystem. Still marked as experimental and under heavy development. *OpenGL ES **GLES 2 terrain support. **OpenGL ES state and uniform caches. **Rewrote PVRTC codec, adding cube map, 3D and mipmap support. Only files created with PVRTexTool are supported now, not Apple's texturetool utility. **Experimental OpenGL ES 3.0 support. *GL RenderSystem **GLEW updated to 1.9.0. **Remove restriction that all GLSL programs have the same matrix order when linking. **GLSL binary shader cache now works properly (OGRE-251) __JIRA Tickets__ *Numerous other bug fixes, documentation fixes and updates and general code improvements including, but not limited to the following list: __''To see the complete list, check out this JIRA filter, since we stopped adding the closed tickets here after number #217:''__ [|JIRA - Ogre3D 1.9 fixed issue filter] **[|OGRE-2] - OverlayComponent break linux build **[|OGRE-5] - Hardware gamma corrected textures are not working with Nvidia cards (Windows) **[|OGRE-8] - StringConverter localisation issues **[|OGRE-9] - DFREEIMAGE_LIB prevents dynamic linking to FreeImage **[|OGRE-12] - Lots of PixelFormat are missing corresponding DXGI_FORMAT in D3D10Mappings **[|OGRE-14] - Bad image data for single-channel opacity maps **[|OGRE-16] - Material alpha effect error **[|OGRE-18] - Colurmap image file must have mipmaps to produce colourmap. **[|OGRE-19] - Alternate behavior for DDS cubemap loading **[|OGRE-21] - RenderSystemCapabilitiesCreated event needs to be added to all render systems **[|OGRE-28] - [Papercut] Missing array versions of some light auto parameters **[|OGRE-32] - Bloom + Wireframe Issue **[|OGRE-34] - [Papercut] Website links to dependency package **[|OGRE-37] - shadow_receiver_vertex_program_ref in a material corrupts shadow behaviour for other materials **[|OGRE-40] - Ogre fails to build with TBB on Linux **[|OGRE-44] - Race condition **[|OGRE-45] - Issues with building OGRE from src **[|OGRE-46] - Cubemap with combinedUVW is sampled improperly (ogre 1.8, OpenGL ES 2.0, iOS4.3.3 iPod4) **[|OGRE-50] - Problem with stencil shadows issued from a directional light **[|OGRE-53] - FrameListener and Root::renderOneFrame() confusion **[|OGRE-54] - In D3D9RenderSystem when lost device can not clear viewport. **[|OGRE-56] - MeshSerializerImpl::calcGeometrySize returns incorrect value **[|OGRE-59] - Debian packaging: using system's TinyXML before resorting to in-source copy **[|OGRE-60] - Debian packaging: Allow several versions of OGRE installed at the same time **[|OGRE-61] - Terrain sample, setShadowTextureCasterMaterial is misleading **[|OGRE-64] - Isometric surface sample broken for Mac OpenGL target **[|OGRE-65] - Compositors interact poorly with uses of scene manager visibility flags **[|OGRE-67] - Water sample causes buffer leaks on configuration change **[|OGRE-69] - Scaled SceneNode's getWorldBoundingSphere() incorrect since 1.7 **[|OGRE-70] - OS X: CMake install does not install framework, FindOGRE fails **[|OGRE-74] - Microcode caching broken when using GLSL shaders **[|OGRE-75] - Render system config window crash on linux. **[|OGRE-76] - Please consider using another font for samples **[|OGRE-78] - "receive_shadows off" doesn't work with custom pixel and vertex shaders. **[|OGRE-80] - Setting Pixel Format PF_BYTE_BGRA has no effect in OGRE 1.8.1 **[|OGRE-84] - Make iOS build simulator/device libs to separate locations **[|OGRE-87] - Example framework updates for Overlay Component **[|OGRE-88] - Applications not rendered on android 4.1 (asus eee pad) after system upgrade **[|OGRE-90] - does not handle spaces in directory name (also OUTPUT directory) **[|OGRE-91] - Stack overflow in SceneManager::destroySceneNode **[|OGRE-93] - GCC warning **[|OGRE-96] - Direct3D9 RenderSystem cannot be built when Win8-SDK (or Visual Studio 2012) is installed. **[|OGRE-99] - Little bug in SceneManager::_renderScene **[|OGRE-100] - Switching render systems while a sample is still active crashes the application **[|OGRE-101] - Hitting ESC in the BSP sample does not show the menu **[|OGRE-103] - Some Compositor samples not working with OpenGL **[|OGRE-104] - SSAO Sample doesn't work correctly in OpenGL **[|OGRE-105] - Shader System Sample: Switching to PSSM3 shadows crashes the application **[|OGRE-106] - Multi Light Sample doesn't start because of incorrect assumptions about render device **[|OGRE-107] - Shadows Sample: Crash when switching to LiSPSM **[|OGRE-110] - Material::getReceiveShadows() is ignored **[|OGRE-111] - RenderQueueGroupMap sorting is broken **[|OGRE-112] - Multi Light Sample do not work without CG plugin **[|OGRE-117] - Debug builds of unit tests and samples do not use debug versions of libs **[|OGRE-119] - [Papercut] TBB is broken in VS 2012 **[|OGRE-120] - DirectX9 make fails due changes in include path **[|OGRE-121] - SampleBrowser_d crashes due to uninitialized GpuProgramManager singleton **[|OGRE-122] - Broken compile: OgreWindowEventUtilities.h uses unknown type: RenderWindowList **[|OGRE-124] - Matrix3::QDUDecomposition returns wrong value **[|OGRE-125] - OGRE Root should take absolute paths as well. **[|OGRE-128] - Direct3D9 rendersystem crash on WindowsXP **[|OGRE-129] - Cannot build Ogre using clang with -stdlib=libc++ option on OS X **[|OGRE-130] - Incorrect handling of mip map dimensions in uncompressed DDS **[|OGRE-131] - Compiling error with POCO with thread support 2 on Ubuntu 12.04 **[|OGRE-132] - Missing OgreCommon.h include in 1.9 **[|OGRE-133] - Render subsystem GL3Plus is missing in FindOGRE.cmake **[|OGRE-137] - Letters damage in TextArea with center alignment while font material has no filtering **[|OGRE-138] - Change ResourceManager::getNextHandle() to be lock-free by using atomic counter **[|OGRE-139] - Cannot compile D3D11: Missing simultaneous render target count **[|OGRE-140] - Material errors in SampleBrowser **[|OGRE-142] - OgreHardwareVertexBuffer and many other places use 32-bit floats even when OGRE built to use 64-bit floats **[|OGRE-144] - Mercurial Windows configuration **[|OGRE-148] - Build error in OgreD3D11Texture.h using MinGW **[|OGRE-151] - Startup Crash when using GL3+ on Windows **[|OGRE-156] - ManualObject does not log an error message if the material specified is invalid **[|OGRE-162] - RTSS crashes on update after removing cloned material **[|OGRE-167] - Undeclared variable at OgreGLSLESProgramPipeline.cpp **[|OGRE-168] - Debian packaging: using system's GLEW before resorting to in-source copy **[|OGRE-171] - OpenGL OgreWin32Window.cpp has a dangling pointer **[|OGRE-172] - Optimization suggestion for MinTextureStateChangeHashFunc **[|OGRE-174] - ZLib default dependency on OS X makefile build **[|OGRE-177] - ResourceGroupManager::ResourceGroup public/protected mismatch **[|OGRE-179] - ResourceGroupManager::ResourceGroup::removeFromIndex --- function have bug **[|OGRE-180] - OgreD3D9Plugin.cpp typo in MingW header **[|OGRE-181] - On Linux you can't run SampleBrowser from install dir. **[|OGRE-182] - Resource manager memory budget feature has no effect **[|OGRE-184] - [Papercut] Rename DistanceLodStrategy::getReferenceViewEnabled to isReferenceViewEnabled **[|OGRE-185] - [Papercut] List of inaccuracies and bugs of documentation **[|OGRE-186] - [Papercut] Rename Codec::code to Codec::encode **[|OGRE-187] - [Papercut] Need some more explanations that means "Reference view" in DistanceLodStrategy **[|OGRE-190] - EAGL2Context leaked on iOS **[|OGRE-193] - Unity OpenGL3 Build Fails on Linux **[|OGRE-195] - loadImage for GLES2 Rendersystem changes underlying Image format **[|OGRE-196] - Missing header in DX11 render system **[|OGRE-197] - Terrain component generates wrong number of blend textures **[|OGRE-199] - SampleBrowser segfaults Linux unloading Sample_Volume* **[|OGRE-204] - Improve material LOD distance strategy for flat objects **[|OGRE-210] - [WIN] Linking debug and release version of boost **[|OGRE-211] - Migrate SharedPtr to atomics **[|OGRE-212] - OgreGLES2RenderSystem.cpp compile error on Android/iOS **[|OGRE-213] - GLRenderSystem::_createDepthBufferFor may crash if it needs separate depth and stencil buffers **[|OGRE-214] - Black screen: no shaders are compiled when "Separate shader objects: yes" **[|OGRE-216] - VS: Specify Precompiled Header Memory Allocation Limit **[|OGRE-217] - Missing PixelFormatDescription entries in _pixelFormats in OgrePixelFormat.cpp causing crash !!Porting Notes *GPU_ATI has been renamed to GPU_AMD *Rectangle class has been removed. It was only used in OverlayElement. RealRect already included the same functionality and can be used as a replacement. *Minimum OS X version is now 10.6 *For debug mode, Ogre now uses "Plugins_d.cfg" instead of "Plugins.cfg" *ProgressiveMesh class has been removed. Use ProgressiveMeshGenerator instead. *ShaderGenerator::finalize has been renamed to ShaderGenerator::destroy. *On iOS when using GL ES 2 and an external view controller, Ogre will not add the view to your window or call makeKeyAndVisible(). You must perform both those steps in your own code. * OgreBites::SdkTrayManager constructor changed. To pass mouse and keyboard the following lines are now needed: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c#")}OgreBites::InputContext inputContext; inputContext.mMouse = m_pMouse; inputContext.mKeyboard = m_pKeyboard; OgreBites::SdkTrayManager* pTrayMgr = new OgreBites::SdkTrayManager("TrayMgr", m_pRenderWnd, inputContext, this);{CODE} * As OgreOverlay is now its own component, you need to manually initialize it, with the following two lines of code (m_pSceneMgr is a pointer to your current Ogre::SceneManager): {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}Ogre::OverlaySystem* pOverlaySystem = new Ogre::OverlaySystem(); m_pSceneMgr->addRenderQueueListener(pOverlaySystem);{CODE} * Ogre::RenderSystem::set/getWaitForVerticalBlank() was removed due to redundancy, since Ogre::RenderWindow already had VSync settings. !!Known Issues n/a !!Annotated Roadmap * Android Port (Owner: [|Wolfmanfx]) ** Remove eclipse based android port __[[done]__ ** CMake based build support *** Create find Ant / NDK packages (currently Ant and the NDK must be in the global path) *** Generate android make files for the sample browser __[[done]__ *** Use android tool chain to compile OGRE as static lib __[[done]__ ** Cleanup RTSS (Remove OgreStringSerialiser) __[[done]__ ** Improve platform integration *** Add Android log listener into OgreRoot __[[done]__ *** Disable Filesystem- / Zip- / EmbeddedZip- Archives on android __[[done]__ *** Resource system improvements **** OgreAPKFileSystemArchive to handle file access inside the APK __[[done]__ **** OgreAPKZipArchive so we can handle zip files inside the APK (APK is also compressed using zip) __[[done]__ ** Improve EGL support *** Create concrete subclasses of EGL-Support/Window/Context __[[done]__ *** Handle context creation / configs inside OGRE __[[done]__ *** Resource recreation / Handle it like DX device lost / restore **** Add managed resource class which every resource derive from (only active on Android - handled via macros) __[[done]__ **** Recreation of Texture, Shader, HardwareVertexBuffer __[[done]__ **** Recreation of FBO's (not working atm) ** ETC1 texture codec *** PKM support __[[done]__ *** KTX support ** Sample browser *** Add touch input support __[[done]__ *** Build a APK file via CMake command line __[[done]__ *** Add rotation support __[[done]__ *** Fix / Enable more samples **** Compositor not working ** Improve CPU/ vendor detection __[[done]__ ** Add how to build it on Linux / OSX / Win32 __[[in progress]__ ** Provide pre-compiled dependencies __[[done]__ ** Fix our dependencies so the can compile against the android tool chain __[[done]__ * OgreMain ** Extract the overlays from OgreMain and transform it into a own overlay component __[[done]__ * RTSS ** Changed error handling of RTSS sub-render state parameter creation. Sub-render state now throws exception on errors __[[done]__ ** Added 2 new demo samples: multiple lights and textured fog __[[done]__ * DirectX 11 render system ** Add tessellation shaders support. __[[done]__ ** Add tessellation sample. __[[done]__ ** Add dynamic linking support. __[[done]__ * Windows Metro style application (WinRT) ** Add support as a new platform (named WinRT). __[[done]__ ** Create a WinRT project for the sample browser. __[[done]__ ** Create a how to compile file. __[[done]__ ** Get all existing samples to work with the D3D11 render system. ** Multi monitor\device support. * OpenGL render system ** Add tessellation shaders support. * Windows Phone 8 port - __[[done]__ !!Discussions about it * [|Roadmap to 1.9 and 2.0 (forum thread)]
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