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History: File dialog code CEGUIHashMapTemplates.h
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Source of version: 3
__CEGUIHashMapTemplates.h__ {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}#ifndef _CEGUI_HASHMAP_TEMPLATES_H_ #define _CEGUI_HASHMAP_TEMPLATES_H_ #include <hash_map> #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4786) #endif using namespace std; namespace CEGUI { /********************************************************************************************* Method : getEntryFromHashMap Description : The following template methods provide generic methods, such as adding, searching and deleting entries to/from a HashMap. The HashMap is a hash_map with attributes of type Z as an identifying key and attributes of class T as the object to be stored. This template method is used to search an object in the HashMap, using the id as search key. Parameters : NA Returnvalue : NA **********************************************************************************************/ template<typename Z, class T> T getEntryFromHashMap (Z id, hash_map<Z, T>* hashMap) { // Search the entry in the hashMap if (hashMap) { hash_map<Z, T>::iterator hashMapIterator; hashMapIterator = hashMap->find (id); if (hashMapIterator != hashMap->end()) { // Found it return hashMapIterator->second; } } return NULL; }; /********************************************************************************************* Method : addEntryToHashMap Description : This template method is used to add an entry to the hashMap. If an entry with the same key is already present, the stored object is deleted! Parameters : NA Returnvalue : NA **********************************************************************************************/ template<typename Z, class T> void addEntryToHashMap (Z id, T object, hash_map<Z, T>* hashMap) { if (hashMap) { T existingObject = getEntryFromHashMap (id, hashMap); if (existingObject == NULL) { // Not found; insert it hashMap->insert (make_pair(id, object)); } else { if (object != existingObject) { // The key exists, but the object differs hashMap->erase (id); // Remove the entry from the hash_map delete existingObject; // Delete the object hashMap->insert (make_pair(id, object)); } } } }; /********************************************************************************************* Method : eraseEntryFromHashMap Description : This template method is used to remove one entry from the hashMap. The entry itself will not be deleted! Parameters : NA Returnvalue : NA **********************************************************************************************/ template<typename Z, class T> void eraseEntryFromHashMap (Z id, hash_map<Z, T>* hashMap) { // Remove one entry; it wil not be deleted if (hashMap) { hash_map<Z, T>::iterator hashMapIterator; hashMapIterator = hashMap->find (id); if (hashMapIterator != hashMap->end()) { // Found it hashMap->erase (hashMapIterator); } } }; /********************************************************************************************* Method : deleteEntryFromHashMap Description : This template method is used to remove one entry from the hashMap and delete it. Parameters : NA Returnvalue : NA **********************************************************************************************/ template<typename Z, class T> void deleteEntryFromHashMap (Z id, hash_map<Z, T>* hashMap) { // Remove one entry; it wil not be deleted if (hashMap) { hash_map<Z, T>::iterator hashMapIterator; hashMapIterator = hashMap->find (id); if (hashMapIterator != hashMap->end()) { // Found it hashMap->erase (hashMapIterator); delete hashMapIterator->second; } } }; /********************************************************************************************* Method : deleteAllEntriesFromHashMap Description : This template method is used to delete all entries from the hashMap. Parameters : NA Returnvalue : NA **********************************************************************************************/ template<typename Z, class T> void deleteAllEntriesFromHashMap (hash_map<Z, T>* hashMap) { // Delete all hashMap entries if (hashMap) { hash_map<Z, T>::iterator hashMapIterator; for (hashMapIterator = hashMap->begin(); hashMapIterator != hashMap->end(); hashMapIterator++) { if (hashMapIterator->second) delete hashMapIterator->second; } hashMap->clear(); } }; }; #endif{CODE}
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