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History: File dialog code CEGUICommonFileDialog.h for Linux
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Source of version: 3
__CEGUICommonFileDialog.h__ {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}/***************************************************************************** Written by spookyboo ported to Linux by ancestral ( *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUI_COMMON_FILE_DIALOG_H_ #define _CEGUI_COMMON_FILE_DIALOG_H_ #include "CEGUISingletonX.h" #include <CEGUI/CEGUIBase.h> #include <CEGUI/CEGUIWindow.h> #include <CEGUI/CEGUIWindowManager.h> #include <CEGUI/elements/CEGUIPushButton.h> #include <CEGUI/elements/CEGUIListboxTextItem.h> #include <CEGUI/elements/CEGUIListbox.h> #include "CEGUIHashMapTemplates.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif using namespace std; namespace CEGUI { const String NAME_LAYOUT_COMMON_FILE_DIALOG = "CommonFileDialog.layout"; const String NAME_FRAMEWINDOW_COMMON_FILE_DIALOG = "CommonFileDialog"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_BACK = "CommonFileDialog/BackButton"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_OK = "CommonFileDialog/OkButton"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_CANCEL = "CommonFileDialog/CancelButton"; const String NAME_COMBOBOX_FILE = "CommonFileDialog/FileCombobox"; const String NAME_COMBOBOX_EXTENSION = "CommonFileDialog/ExtensionCombobox"; const String NAME_COMBOBOX_DRIVE = "CommonFileDialog/DriveCombobox"; const String NAME_LISTBOX_FILES = "CommonFileDialog/Listbox"; const String NAME_FRAMEWINDOW_PROMPT_LOAD = "CommonFileDialog/PromptLoad"; const String NAME_STATICTEXT_PROMPT_LOAD = "CommonFileDialog/PromptLoad/Text"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_OK_PROMPT_LOAD = "CommonFileDialog/PromptLoad/OkButton"; const String NAME_FRAMEWINDOW_PROMPT_SAVE = "CommonFileDialog/PromptSave"; const String NAME_STATICTEXT_PROMPT_SAVE = "CommonFileDialog/PromptSave/Text"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_OK_PROMPT_SAVE = "CommonFileDialog/PromptSave/OkButton"; const String NAME_PUSHBUTTON_CANCEL_PROMPT_SAVE = "CommonFileDialog/PromptSave/CancelButton"; const String DEFAULT_TEXT_DIALOG_LOAD = "Load"; const String DEFAULT_TEXT_DIALOG_SAVE = "Save As"; const String DEFAULT_TEXT_PROMPT_LOAD = "Cannot find the requested file."; const String DEFAULT_TEXT_PROMPT_SAVE = "The file already exist. Replace it?"; const String EXTENSION_ALL = "*.*"; const String EXTENSION_PRESENTATION_DEFAULT = "All files (*.*)|*.*|"; const String BRACKET_OPEN = "<"; const String BRACKET_CLOSED = ">"; const ulong BRACKET_OPEN_ASCII = 0x03C; // for Linux : const String SEPARATOR = "/"; // for Windows : //const String SEPARATOR = "\\"; const uint MAX_NUMBER_OF_HISTORY_ITEMS = 12; enum CommonFileDialogAction { ACTION_OK, ACTION_CANCEL, ACTION_WINDOW_CLOSED }; /************************************************************************* Class: CommonFileDialogInput *************************************************************************/ class CommonFileDialogInput { private: uint _uHandle; // Handle, that is supplied by the calling function. This // handle serves as an identifier that determines the 'caller'. // It will be added to the output object 'CommonFileDialogOutput' // after the Ok button in the CommonFileDialog has been pressen, // so the triggered function (registered by means of ´subscribe´) // is able to identify who has originally called the dialog. // Default: 0 (no handle) String _szFilter; // Filter for allowed extensions // Default: "All files|*.*|" // The filter is build according to the windows common file dialog filter string. // An example: The filter // // "HTML Files (*.htm)|*.htm|Active Server Pages (*.asp)|*.asp|Perl Script (*.pl)|*.pl|All files|*.*|" // (don't forget the last | or otherwise the last element will not be parsed) // // produces a list that looks like this in the combobox: // // HTML Files (*.htm) // Active Server Pages (*.asp) // Perl Script (*.pl) // All files String _szDefaultExtension; // Default Extension // Default: *.* String _szFileName; // Filename // Default: "" (no filename) String _szTitle; // Title of the window. // Default title is "Load" in case _bOpenFileDialog is TRUE // Default title is "Save as" in case _bOpenFileDialog is FALSE bool _bOpenFileDialog; // TRUE for FileLoad, FALSE for FileSaveAs // Default: TRUE bool _bDoPrompt; // TRUE for prompting (are you sure?), FALSE for non-prompting // Default: TRUE String _szPromptText; // Define text in the prompt window // Default for Load: "Cannot find the requested file." // Default for Save: "The file already exist. Replace it?" protected: public: CommonFileDialogInput ( const uint uHandle = 0, const String szFileName = "", const String szFilter = EXTENSION_PRESENTATION_DEFAULT, const String szDefaultExtension = EXTENSION_ALL, const String szTitle = "", bool bOpenFileDialog = true, bool bDoPrompt = true, const String szPromptText = "") : _uHandle (uHandle), _szFileName (szFileName), _szFilter (szFilter), _szDefaultExtension (szDefaultExtension), _szTitle (szTitle), _bOpenFileDialog (bOpenFileDialog), _bDoPrompt (bDoPrompt), _szPromptText (szPromptText){}; virtual ~CommonFileDialogInput(void){}; uint getHandle (void); String getFileName (void); String getFilter (void); String getDefaultExtension (void); String getTitle (void); bool getOpenFileDialog (void); bool getDoPrompt (void); String getPromptText (void); void setHandle (const uint); void setFileName (const String); void setFilter (const String); void setDefaultExtension (const String); void setTitle (const String); void setOpenFileDialog (const bool); void setDoPrompt (const bool); void setPromptText (const String); }; /************************************************************************* Class: CommonFileDialogOutput *************************************************************************/ class CommonFileDialogOutput { private: uint _uHandle; String _szFullQualifiedFileName; // File name including drive and (absolute) path. String _szDrive; // The selected drive. String _szAbsolutePath; // The absolute path, with drive and without filename. String _szRelativePath; // The relative path (only set if the working directory // is in the selected drive). String _szFileName; // File name. CommonFileDialogAction _action; // Determines how the dialog was ended. bool _bFileExisting; // TRUE if file exists // FALSE if file doesn't exist protected: public: CommonFileDialogOutput (const uint uHandle = 0, const String szFullQualifiedFileName = "", const String szDrive = "", const String szAbsolutePath = "", const String szRelativePath = "", const String szFileName = "", const bool bFileExisting = false) : _uHandle (uHandle), _szFullQualifiedFileName (szFullQualifiedFileName), _szDrive (szDrive), _szAbsolutePath (szAbsolutePath), _szRelativePath (szRelativePath), _szFileName (szFileName), _bFileExisting(bFileExisting){}; virtual ~CommonFileDialogOutput(void){}; uint getHandle (void); String getFullQualifiedFileName (void); String getDrive (void); String getAbsolutePath (void); String getRelativePath (void); String getFileName (void); CommonFileDialogAction getAction (void); bool isFileExisting (void); void setHandle (const uint); void setFullQualifiedFileName (const String); void setDrive (const String); void setAbsolutePath (const String); void setRelativePath (const String); void setFileName (const String); void setAction (CommonFileDialogAction); void setFileExisting (const bool); }; /************************************************************************* Class: CCommonFileDialog *************************************************************************/ class CCommonFileDialog { private: // ------------------ Inner class that represents a filter element for extension combobox ------------------ class _FilterElement : public ListboxTextItem { private: public: _FilterElement( const String& szDescription, const String& szExtension) : szDescription(szDescription), szExtension(szExtension), ListboxTextItem(szDescription) {}; String szDescription; // Description presented in the combobox String szExtension; // File extension }; // ------------------ Inner class that represents drive, path and filename ------------------ // made a small change to the original posting here because of an error // (exchanged szRelativePath with szAbsolutePath in the constructor --- Cheers, Ben811 ) class _Path : public ListboxTextItem { private: protected: public: _Path(const String& szAbsolutePath) : szAbsolutePath(szAbsolutePath), szRelativePath(""), ListboxTextItem(szAbsolutePath) {}; virtual ~_Path(void){}; String szAbsolutePath; String szRelativePath; }; // ------------------ Inner class representing a filter element in a more appropriate way ------------------ class _Filter { private: protected: public: _Filter(void) {}; virtual ~_Filter(void){}; String szDescription; // Description presented in the combobox String szExtension; // File extension }; // ------------------ Inner class that parses the filter ------------------ class _FilterParser { private: vector<_Filter*>__filter; // Parsed filter void __deleteFilter(); protected: public: _FilterParser(void) {}; virtual ~_FilterParser(void){__deleteFilter();}; void parseFilter(const String); vector<_Filter*> getParsedFilter(void); }; _FilterParser _filterParser; // Object that contains the parsed filter // Open/close/enable/disable windows and widgets void _disableDialog (void); void _enableDialog (void); void _closeWindow (void); void _closePromptWindowLoad (void); void _closePromptWindowSave (void); void _openPromptWindowLoad (void); void _openPromptWindowSave (void); // Handlers bool _handleClose (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleCancel (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); void _okExecute (void); bool _handleOk (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleBack (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleDriveSelect (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleFilterSelect (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleFileSelect (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handleDirectorySelect (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handlePromptLoadOk (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handlePromptSaveOk (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); bool _handlePromptSaveCancel (const CEGUI::EventArgs&); // Other private functions bool _isFileExisting (const String); void _prefillOutputAndClearInput (void); void _determineDrives (void); String _getWorkingPath (void); String _getCurrentDrive (void); _FilterElement* _getCurrentFilterElement (void); void _setCurrentFile (const String); String _getCurrentFile (void); void _addFileNameToHistory (const String); void _adjustPathOfSelectedDrive (const String); _Path* _getPathOfSelectedDrive (void); String _stripBrackets(const String); String _stripDrive(const String); String _stripFileExtension( const String, bool returnRightPart = true); bool _matchItem (const String); void _fillListbox (void); // Widgets Window* _mWindow; // Main dialog window PushButton* _mBtnBack; // Back button PushButton* _mBtnOk; // Ok button PushButton* _mBtnCancel; // Cancel button Combobox* _mCmbFile; // Combobox, containing the file to be loaded or // saved, including the history of the last ´x´ // loaded/saved filenames Combobox* _mCmbDrives; // Combobox, containing all active drives Combobox* _mCmbExtensions; // Combobox, that contains the filter elements (extensions) Listbox* _mLbxFiles; // Listbox, that represents the files and (sub)directories // of the current path FrameWindow* _mWindowPromptLoad; // Prompt window, displayed in case file to load doesn't exists //StaticText* _mStPromptLoad; // Message in the prompt window Window* _mStPromptLoad; PushButton* _mBtnPromptLoadOk; // Ok button FrameWindow* _mWindowPromptSave; // Prompt window, displayed in case file to save already exists //StaticText* _mStPromptSave; // Message in the prompt window Window* _mStPromptSave; PushButton* _mBtnPromptSaveOk; // Ok button PushButton* _mBtnPromptSaveCancel; // Cancel button // Other private attributes vector<String> _drives; // Vector containing all drives CommonFileDialogInput _currentInput; // The input data, set after each call (function 'openDialog') is stored CommonFileDialogOutput _currentOutput; // The output data __gnu_cxx::hash_map<string, _Path*> _currentPaths; // Map that contains the last selected dir's for each particular drive protected: public: CCommonFileDialog(void); virtual ~CCommonFileDialog(void); Window* getWindow() {return _mWindow;}; void openDialog (CommonFileDialogInput&); CommonFileDialogOutput getResult (void); }; typedef CEGUISingletonX<CCommonFileDialog> CommonFileDialog; }; #endif {CODE}
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