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History: CodeBlocks Ogre SDK Tips
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%prevogre% {maketoc} !!Setting up context sensitive Help You need a nightly build of Code::Blocks dated 24 July 2006 or later. Run Code::Blocks. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBEnvSet.png" alt="CBEnvSet.png"} Go into Environment Settings. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBBlankHelpFiles.png" alt="CBBlankHelpFiles.png"} Scroll down the icon list on the left side and select Help files. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBAddHelp.png" alt="CBAddHelp.png"} Select Add which opens up a dialogue for entering the name of the Help. Type in Ogre SDK Help. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBHelpFileDialogue.png" alt="CBHelpFileDialogue.png"} Select Ok and a file dialogue will open where you select the file OgreAPIReference.chm in the OgreSDK subdirectory /docs/api. Select Open. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBHelpFileSettings.png" alt="CBHelpFileSettings.png"} Select the checkbox that says This is the default Help file. Select Ok. Code::Blocks is now configured to use the Ogre SDK API help file when you press F1. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBHelpContext.png" alt="CBHelpContext.png"} Left click on a word in your source that you want to lookup in the Ogre SDK Help. No need to highlight the word, just make sure the caret is somewhere in the word and then press F1. In this example we want to find out what AnimationState is. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBTopicsFound.png" alt="CBTopicsFound.png"} A Topics Found Dialogue window will be displayed if there is more than one match found in the help. In this example the constructor and destructor are listed. Left double click the one you want and viola you can now readup on what the API has to say. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBOgreAPIHelp.png" alt="CBOgreAPIHelp.png"} !!Syntax Highlighting of Ogre Scripts Code::Blocks has built in support for syntax highlighting of Material, Program, and Compositor scripts. You can also load glsl, hlsl, and Cg source and get syntax highlighting. {img src="img/wiki_up/CBOgreMaterial.png" alt="CBOgreMaterial.png"}{img src="img/wiki_up/CBOgreCompositor.png" alt="CBOgreCompositor.png"} {img src="img/wiki_up/CBGLSL.png" alt="CBGLSL.png"}
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