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History: BloodyMess Code Snippets
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Source of version: 3
{INCLUDE(page="BloodyMess tpl")}{INCLUDE} %help%~hs~__Help:__ For any problems you encounter while working with these code snippets, as well as for detailed questions and propositions, please visit the [|NxOgre OgreAddons-Forum]. {maketoc} !!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} General !!!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} Converting Ogre::Vector3 (or any Vector3-like class) to NxOgre::Vec3 Converting an Ogre vector or any other class (that has three floats named x, y, z) to a NxOgre one is something, you probably have to do quite often. This is how to do it: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")} Ogre::Vector3 myOgreVector(1, 2, 3); NxOgre::Vec3 myNxOgreVector(myOgreVector);{CODE} Or; {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}Ogre::Vector3 myOgreVector3(1, 2, 3); NxOgre::Vec3 myNxOgreVector3; myNxOgreVector3.from<Ogre::Vector3>(myOgreVector3);{CODE} If you need it the other way round...: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}Ogre::Vector3 myOgreVector3(<Ogre::Vector3>());{CODE} Or: {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}Ogre::Vector3 myOgreVector3 =<Ogre::Vector3>();{CODE} !!!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} Toggle physics simulation If you want to toggle whether BloodyMess should go on simulating physics or should pause it, this code snippet offers you the needed functionalty. Just put it in the input handler function for the respective key, you want to use for toggling. {CODE(wrap="1", colors="c++")}if(m_pTimeController->isPaused()) m_pTimeController->resume(); else m_pTimeController->pause();{CODE} !!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} Particles !!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} MeshCooking !!{img src="img/wiki_up/NxOgreCube.png" alt="NxOgreCube.png"} Cloths {INCLUDE(page="NxOgre tpl")}{INCLUDE}
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