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{img src="img/wiki_up/Blender_OgreMeshesExporter_2008b.png" stylebox=border imalign=right rel=box alt="" align="right"} __Author__: Michael Reimpell __Project__: OGRE Main Project (BlenderExport) __Type__: Python Script __Documentation__: [|OGRECave/blender2ogre] __Sources__: [|OGRECave/blender2ogre] __Download__: [|OGRECave/blender2ogre/releases] __Status and bug reports__: [|OGRECave/blender2ogre] --- The script ''OGRE Meshes Exporter'' converts meshes and armatures from ((Tools: Blender|Blender)) to OGRE file format {LEX()}XML{LEX} / binary mesh / material file). It supports the export of * {LEX()}mesh{LEX} objects with vertex colours, multiple materials, ((-UV Coordinates|UV)) textures and blend modes, * a multitude of {LEX()}material{LEX} properties, most notably: ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive, UV textures with and without alpha channel, vertex colours, normal maps, two sided faces, * keyframe animations of armature actions as skeleton animations, * keyframe animations of relative mesh shapes as pose or morph animations. !!Installation * [|Download] + install Blender * Download and integrate the Blender Exporter. * Install Python. This is not needed for Blender itself, but for the exporter script. Choose the same [|Python version] that is used as Base for your Blender version (you'll see it when you start Blender). {TRANSCLUDE(page="seebox")} * [|Documentation] * ((Blender to Ogre)) * ((Blender dotScene Exporter)) * ((Tools: Blender|Blender)) - overview / tools / FAQ ** There is also a linked project to load ''*.blend'' files directly by Ogre * [|Blender .blend file parser in OgreKit] * ((Blender Video Tutorials)) * ((BlenderImport)) - load Ogre meshes to Blender {TRANSCLUDE} --- Alias: (alias(OGRE Meshes Exporter)) Alias: (alias(OGRE_Meshes_Exporter)) Alias: (alias(Blender_Exporter))
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