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History: Assembling a production pipeline
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{DIV()} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/Tools.png", imalign="left")}{IMG} -=((DCC Tools|Digital Content Creation Tools))=- As the acronym implies, OGRE is a graphics rendering engine. This means that to build full applications such as games, you will require other tools. Tools can help with creating models and model animations, creating terrains, modeling your application's physics, adding music, and helping with a host of other issues. This section lists a set of tools that other Ogre users have recommended. {DIV} %clear% {DIV()} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/OGRE_DCC_Tools.png", imalign="left")}{IMG} -=((OGRE DCC Tools|OGRE Digital Content Creation Tools))=- This section is for the tools that, simulating the OGRE environment, help artists test or create new content. These tools are mainly provided by active OGRE community. {DIV} %clear% {DIV()} {IMG(src="img/wiki_up/OgreDCCtools.png", imalign="left")}{IMG} -=((OGRE Exporters))=- This section is for the tools that help artists getting data out of authoring tools and into OGRE. There are many exporters available, some in the main CVS, some in ogreaddons and some external. {DIV} --- Alias: (alias(Assembling_a_production_pipeline))
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