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I think this page is getting pretty huge, and probably needs to be broken up into compiler, build system or operating system specific sections? the edit function is giving a warning that some browsers (And I think we know who it's talking about, but still) will choke because the form is too large, --Grey 21:54, 24 June 2008 (BST)

I personally think that Absolute Newbies guide has a better layout for setting up each respective compile system, but that's just me. If anyone else agrees perhaps we can figure out a better way to lay this out? Just my personal opinion, of course, it just seems confusing to break each one up. Creating a project and build settings are almost one in the same in my opinion. Somehow this seems windy, but I can't place it... any thoughts? - Josh Cryer

I think it'll be really better if there was some kind of basic project to download. As it is in NeHe Tutorials, for example. - Sidoroff "Bazzilic" Vasilli

DLL Confusion

I had some trouble getting Ogre to work, which I described here. I got it to work soon enough, but I wondered if this article should be improved to avoid such confusion. In particular, suggesting "The easiest way to get everything configured is to copy an existing OGRE sample" is misleading if some DLLs may be incompatible (version issues?), and it would be better to explicitly say to take a copy from the bin directory of the Ogre SDK installation. Also, it may be worth making it clear that debug and release DLLs cannot be mixed, and the DLLs should be located separately in the debug/release folders, rather than in the main folder of your project. Mdwh 19:40, 12 February 2006 (CST)

I have to agree, I'm a bit confused when references are made to files without explicitly explaining where they can be found and to what directories they should be copied. Even if the target directory is only an example it might clear up some confusion. Also, vague statements like: "just change the settings..." would be better if it explicitly states where these settings can be found. This article is aimed for the new user, so I think it should be written as such, with no assumptions made. - Skapie, 18 May 2006

Agreed, though I'm not sure to what extent. On the one hand, I found it easy enough to figure out. On the other hand, until I get past the tutorials without incident, I've no guarantee that I really <i>did</i> figure it out. Which is why I'm reluctant to make what seems like a very simple edit myself. Vicious Love 19:10, 14 November 2006 (CST)


I noticed the section for Dev-C++. Odd there isn't one for Code::Blocks. Any ideas?

There is a section in Code::Blocks' Installing an SDK page, so I added that. Maybe just a link would be better? Or maybe have Installing an SDK link here?
--Mr. Awesome 19:35, 5 June 2006 (CDT)

I just removed the DevCPP entry. It's not supported.
--Jacmoe 20:12, 6 June 2006 (CDT)

Looks like the tutorial's out of date; builds past 1.2.3 don't use STLport. Setup-wise, this doesn't seem to necessitate more than omitting one link library and two #defines, but I am fairly new at this, so I may well have screwed something up without yet realizing it, or at least handled things suboptimally. Anyone who knows what they're doing care to update this section? Vicious Love 19:10, 14 November 2006 (CST)

beginner to Ogre use case broken

Scenario: Experienced C++ developer, new to Ogre, interested in working through tutorials to evaluate Ogre:

  1. Main page, "Installing An SDK - Beginners start here"
  2. Install SDK per instructions
  3. Move on to Setting Up An Application - Shoggoth, per SDK install instructions
  4. "plugins.cfg" & "resources.cfg" mentioned in bold in the Prerequisites section. Existing Ogre sample & media directories suggested as a source for these files, but sample & media directories are part of the source download, not the SDK.

I'm giving some thought about how best to fix this problem.
--Dksmiffs 16:18, 25 December 2007 (GMT)