Written by Archangel.
Vertex declaration
Have you figured out how to add multiple texture coordinate sets to a vertex declaration? Simply adding another one, as you do in Direct3D, causes OGRE-D3D9 to crash and OGL to break texture coordinates, so there is a knack to it. A short discussion on this would be suitable to for this tutorial. Mikademus 20:27, 21 July 2008 (BST)
- Do you know that VertexDeclaration
- :addElement has an optional parameter ? It's the index of the semantic you want to use (default to 0).
- If you want to add another element with the same semantic, you'd want to increment this index. Archangel 23:00, 21 July 2008 (BST)
- I baked that information into the step-by-step section of the article and added a texture coordinate set to the example. It wasn't covered very well in the API so it has its place here. Mikademus 14:55, 22 July 2008 (BST)