I've written this code, based primarily off the work done by H. Hernán Moraldo (Moraldo Games). I've adapted it for my use in a game I'm working on, and I thought it might be useful to someone else.
This code is obviously more complicated than the the SpriteManager2d class, and is intended to extend the original functionality should you desire it. If you're just after simplicity, the original class is much better. I tend to overdesign things ~_^
Because of the way this class draws (in a non-persistent fashion), you will likely not create the same amazing frame rates full 3d Ogre applications are used to. In other words, this is quite likely going to be relatively slow. If you really want to get good performance, implementing some sort of "dirty rectangle" system (or some such system) would greatly improve speed. Hopefully it runs fast enough to do what you're hoping for.
Lastly, I'm a novice, hobbyist coder. Please excuse any terrible violations of conventions, coding practices, unsightly gnomes, etc. Please let me know if I've done something terrible! I'm very open to constructive criticism. Sarcasm can be deposited in the bin at the back. Thanks! 😊
(Very lastly, thanks to absolutely everyone involved with Ogre in any way. You've not only created an awesome graphics engine, you've created a welcoming and helpful community!)
Andrew C Lytle (alytle@___gmail.com)
See also
- -Billboard
- Ogre Magic website
- forum thread
/* OgreSprites OgreSprites is made available under the MIT License. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Written by Andrew C Lytle, June 2007. Developed based on code by H. Hernán Moraldo from Moraldo Games www.hernan.moraldo.com.ar/pmenglish/field.php */ #ifndef __OGRE_SPRITES_H__ #define __OGRE_SPRITES_H__ #include <Ogre.h> #include <OgreRenderQueueListener.h> #include <string> #include <list> namespace OgreSprites { /** Holds information about a single sprite each frame. @remarks Used internally. */ struct SpriteElement { float x1, y1, x2, y2;// sprite coordinates float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;// texture coordinates Ogre::ResourceHandle texHandle;// texture handle float alpha; }; /** Holds vertex information. @remarks Used internally. */ struct VertexChunk { Ogre::ResourceHandle texHandle; unsigned int vertexCount; float alpha; }; /** Available metrics. @remarks See SpriteManager notes for details. */ enum OSMetrics { OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE }; /** Rectangle class to represent either screen or texture space. */ struct Rect { /// Default contstructor Rect() { x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0.0f; } /// Copy constructor Rect(Rect &r) { x1 = r.x1; y1 = r.y1; x2 = r.x2; y2 = r.y2; } /// Parameter constructor Rect(Ogre::Real px1, Ogre::Real py1, Ogre::Real px2, Ogre::Real py2) { x1 = px1; y1 = py1; x2 = px2; y2 = py2; } /// Equality operator bool operator==(Rect &r) { if( (x1==r.x1) && (x2==r.x2) && (y1==r.y1) && (y2==r.y2) ) return true; else return false; } /// Inequality operator bool operator!=(Rect &r) { return !(operator==(r)); } /// Left coordinate Ogre::Real x1; /// Top coordinate Ogre::Real y1; /// Right coordinate Ogre::Real x2; /// Bottom coordinate Ogre::Real y2; // bottom }; /// Macro typedef of a Rect representing the entire texture space of a sprite. extern OgreSprites::Rect FULL_SPRITE; /// Macro typedef of a Rect representing the entire screen space. extern OgreSprites::Rect FULL_SCREEN; /** Controls all sprite rendering operations. @remarks Usage: SETUP: 1) Instantiate the OgreSprites::SpriteHandler object as usual with a standard new, and leave it in a place that your program will be able to access the pointer later. OgreSprites::SpriteHandler* spriteHandler = new OgreSprites::SpriteHandler(); 2) Give the SpriteHandler a resource path, this *must* be done or you won't be able to load any sprites. Naturally, change the path to match where you save your sprites. spriteHandler->SetSpriteLocation("../sprites"); 3) Load your sprites, manually. Notice we aren't using the standard Ogre::Material concept, we're just loading regular old textures. spriteHandler->LoadSprite("sprite.png"); spriteHandler->LoadSprite("sprite2.png"); spriteHandler->LoadSprite("folder/sprite3.png"); 4) Initialize the library, giving it your current Ogre scene manager and viewport. spriteHandler->Init(mSceneMgr, mWindow->getViewport(0)); METRICS: - Decide on your metrics. The SpriteManager can interpret both screen values and sprite locations in three different ways. If I've made this unreasonably complicated, just stick to the defaults and you'll be fine. - OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE: This is the default screen metric. It considers the screen location from (0.0, 0.0) -> (1.0, 1.0) going from top left to bottom right of the screen. For sprites, the same locations represent the top left to bottom right of the sprite texture. Using this metric for your screen values ensures that your sprites will always been drawn in the same relative screen position, regardless of the size (or resolution) of your viewport. Using it for your sprites is not recommended, since your sprite data is usually static, it is often better to use OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXEL instead for sprites. - OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE: This metric is the default for Ogre's internal drawing system, and although similar to OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE, it goes from (-1, 1) to (1, -1) from top left to bottom right. You can not use this metric for sprites. - OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS: This is the default sprite metric. This metric works in actual pixel locations. If you use this for your screen metric, you will always be drawing in the same pixel locations, regardless of screen resolution. Since this is often undesireable, it is recommended you use OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE for screen metrics. DRAWING: - You can draw your sprites using whichever of the various DrawSprite methods suits your needs. I've forced myself to contain my code bloat and keep them to only three. There's lots of room to expand on them if you want specialized drawing concepts. - Method 1: DrawSprite using fixed location and the entire sprite. DrawSprite("spriteName", xLocation, yLocation, alphaValue); - Method 2: DrawSprite using fixed destination size and partial sprite. DrawSprite("spriteName", xLocation, yLocation, OgreSprites::Rect(spriteX1, spriteY1, spriteX2, spriteY2), alphaValue); - Method 2: DrawSprite using arbitrary destination size and partial sprite. DrawSprite("spriteName", OgreSprites::Rect(destX1, destY1, destX2, destY2), OgreSprites::Rect(spriteX1, spriteY1, spriteX2, spriteY2), alphaValue); SHUTDOWN: - Call spriteHandler->Shutdown() during program shutdown, and delete the pointer normally. That's it! */ class SpriteHandler : public Ogre::RenderQueueListener { public: /// Default constructor SpriteHandler(); /// Destructor virtual ~SpriteHandler(); /// Used internally by Ogre virtual void renderQueueStarted(Ogre::uint8 queueGroupId, const Ogre::String &invocation, bool &skipThisInvocation); /// Used internally by Ogre virtual void renderQueueEnded(Ogre::uint8 queueGroupId, const Ogre::String &invocation, bool &repeatThisInvocation); /** Initialize the sprite system, and register it with Ogre. @remarks This method setups up the sprite system, and must be called only after the Ogre Scene Manager has been created. @param sceneMan A pointer to the current scene manager. @param viewPort The Ogre viewport we should be rendering to. @param targetQueue The render queue that we are inserting this render operation into. @param afterQueue Should we render after this Render Queue? If not, we'll do it before. */ void Init(Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMan, Ogre::Viewport* viewPort, Ogre::uint8 targetQueue = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, bool afterQueue = true); /** Shutdown the sprite system. @remarks This will be done automatically by deleting the object, but can be done manually should you desire it. */ void Shutdown(void); /** Control screen metrics. @remarks The three available metrics for the screen are OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE, OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, and OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE. For the screen, RELATIVE means top-left origin, with bottom right as (1,1). OGRE means (-1,1) to (1,-1). And PIXELS means (0,0) to (screenWidth, screenHeight). The default value is OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE. @param metric Which metric to use */ void SetScreenMetric(OSMetrics metric); /** Control sprite metrics. @remarks The available metrics for the screen are OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE, and OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS. The function similar to screen metrics, with (0,0) always as the top-left of the texture. The default value is OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS. @param metric Which metric to use */ void SetSpriteMetric(OSMetrics metric); /** Set the folder location of the sprite data. @remarks This MUST be done before any sprites can be loaded. Failure to do so will cause LoadSprite to fail with an exception. @param pathName The relative or absolute path to the sprite texture files. */ void SetSpriteLocation(const std::string& pathName); /** Load a sprite into memory. @remarks This method will load a sprite from a texture file. You must do this with each sprite you intend to draw later. This texture file must be found in the path given by SetSpriteLocation previously. @param pathName The texture file name (with extension) */ void LoadSprite(const std::string& spriteName); /** Render a sprite. @remarks This method will draw a sprite at a given location, with a given alpha. The entire texture will be used to render the sprite. @param spriteName The file name that was loaded with LoadSprite (with extension). @param x The x coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param y The y coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param alpha The alpha value to used when drawing. 0.0 is totally transparent, 1.0 is completely solid. */ void DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, float x, float y, float alpha); /** Render a sprite. @remarks This method will draw a portion of the sprite at a given location, with a given alpha. The area specified in spriteRect will be be used to render the sprite. @param spriteName The file name that was loaded with LoadSprite (with extension). @param x The x coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param y The y coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param spriteRect A rectangle representing a 2D location in the texture (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param alpha The alpha value to used when drawing. 0.0 is totally transparent, 1.0 is completely solid. */ void DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, float x, float y, OgreSprites::Rect& spriteRect, float alpha); /** Render a sprite. @remarks This method will draw a portion of the sprite at a given location and given ending point, with a given alpha. The area specified in spriteRect will be be used to render the sprite. The area specified in destRect will be used to determine location and size of the final drawing operation. @param spriteName The file name that was loaded with LoadSprite (with extension). @param x The x coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param y The y coordinate to begin drawing the sprite at (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param spriteRect A rectangle representing a 2D location in the texture (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param spriteRect A rectangle representing a 2D location in the texture (relative or pixel, based on metrics) @param alpha The alpha value to used when drawing. 0.0 is totally transparent, 1.0 is completely solid. */ void DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, OgreSprites::Rect& destRect, OgreSprites::Rect& spriteRect, float alpha); private: /// Render all the 2d data stored in the hardware buffers. void renderBuffer(); /// Create a new hardware buffer void createHardwareBuffer(unsigned int size); /// Destroy the hardware buffer void destroyHardwareBuffer(); /// Set Ogre for rendering void prepareForRender(); /// Convert metrics void convertScreenMetrics(OSMetrics metricFrom, const float sx, const float sy, OSMetrics metricTo, float& dx, float& dy); /// Ogre Specific: render operation handler Ogre::RenderOperation renderOp; /// Ogre Specific: hardware buffer Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr hardwareBuffer; /// Sprite Buffer std::list<SpriteElement> sprites; /// Save our sprite texture path std::string spriteLocation; /// Scene manager reference pointer Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMan; /// Which queue we're rendering on Ogre::uint8 targetQueue; /// Render after or before this queue bool afterQueue; /// Viewport width int _vpWidth; /// Viewport height int _vpHalfWidth; /// Half viewport width, save time calculating later int _vpHeight; /// Half viewport height, save time calculating later int _vpHalfHeight; /// Current screen metrics OSMetrics _metricScreen; /// Current sprite metrics OSMetrics _metricSprite; }; } #endif // __OGRE_SPRITES_H__
/* OgreSprites OgreSprites is made available under the MIT License. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Written by Andrew C Lytle, June 2007. Developed based on code by H. Hernán Moraldo from Moraldo Games www.hernan.moraldo.com.ar/pmenglish/field.php */ #include "OgreSprites.h" #include <Ogre.h> #include <OgreMesh.h> #include <OgreHardwareBuffer.h> #define OGRE2D_MINIMAL_HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE 120 namespace OgreSprites { OgreSprites::Rect FULL_SPRITE(-1000.0f, -1000.0f, -1000.0f, -1000.0f); OgreSprites::Rect FULL_SCREEN(-1000.0f, -1000.0f, -1000.0f, -1000.0f); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SpriteHandler::SpriteHandler() : _metricScreen(OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE), _metricSprite(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SpriteHandler::~SpriteHandler() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::renderQueueStarted(Ogre::uint8 queueGroupId, const Ogre::String &invocation, bool &skipThisInvocation) { if (!afterQueue && queueGroupId==targetQueue) renderBuffer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::renderQueueEnded(Ogre::uint8 queueGroupId, const Ogre::String &invocation, bool &repeatThisInvocation) { if (afterQueue && queueGroupId==targetQueue) renderBuffer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::Init(Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMan, Ogre::Viewport* viewPort, Ogre::uint8 targetQueue, bool afterQueue) { // Save scene manager data SpriteHandler::sceneMan = sceneMan; SpriteHandler::afterQueue = afterQueue; SpriteHandler::targetQueue = targetQueue; // Ensure our hardware buffer is set to zero hardwareBuffer.setNull(); // Set this object as a render queue listener with Ogre sceneMan->addRenderQueueListener(this); // Gather viewport info _vpWidth = viewPort->getActualWidth(); _vpHeight = viewPort->getActualHeight(); _vpHalfWidth = (int)(_vpWidth / 2); _vpHalfHeight = (int)(_vpHeight / 2); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::Shutdown() { // Destroy the hardware buffer if (!hardwareBuffer.isNull()) destroyHardwareBuffer(); // Delist our renderqueuelistener sceneMan->removeRenderQueueListener(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::SetScreenMetric(OSMetrics metric) { _metricScreen = metric; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::SetSpriteMetric(OSMetrics metric) { if(metric == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE || metric == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) _metricSprite = metric; else _metricSprite = OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::SetSpriteLocation(const std::string& pathName) { spriteLocation = pathName; Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(pathName, "FileSystem", "OgreSprites"); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseResourceGroup("OgreSprites"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::LoadSprite(const std::string& spriteName) { Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load(spriteName, "OgreSprites"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, float x, float y, float alpha) { // Retrieve pointer to texture resource Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(spriteName); // This is the size of the original image data (pixels) int iSpriteWidth = (int)texturePtr->getWidth(); int iSpriteHeight = (int)texturePtr->getHeight(); // Get texture handle from texture resource SpriteElement spriteElement; spriteElement.texHandle = texturePtr->getHandle(); // Convert destination start to Pixels float fPixelStartX = 0; float fPixelStartY = 0; convertScreenMetrics(_metricScreen, x, y, OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY); int iPixelEndX = (int)fPixelStartX + (int)iSpriteWidth; int iPixelEndY = (int)fPixelStartY + (int)iSpriteHeight; // Convert from pixels to Ogre convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x1, spriteElement.y1); convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, iPixelEndX, iPixelEndY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x2, spriteElement.y2); // We want to draw the entire sprite spriteElement.tx1 = 0.0f; spriteElement.ty1 = 0.0f; spriteElement.tx2 = 1.0f; spriteElement.ty2 = 1.0f; // save alpha value spriteElement.alpha = alpha; // Add this sprite to our render list sprites.push_back(spriteElement); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, float x, float y, OgreSprites::Rect& spriteRect, float alpha) { // Retrieve pointer to texture resource Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(spriteName); // This is the size of the original image data (pixels) int iSpriteWidth = (int)texturePtr->getWidth(); int iSpriteHeight = (int)texturePtr->getHeight(); // Get texture handle from texture resource SpriteElement spriteElement; spriteElement.texHandle = texturePtr->getHandle(); // Drawing size int iDrawingWidth = (spriteRect.x2 - spriteRect.x1); int iDrawingHeight = (spriteRect.y2 - spriteRect.y1); // Convert destination start to Pixels float fPixelStartX = 0; float fPixelStartY = 0; convertScreenMetrics(_metricScreen, x, y, OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY); int iPixelEndX = (int)fPixelStartX + (int)iDrawingWidth; int iPixelEndY = (int)fPixelStartY + (int)iDrawingHeight; // Convert from pixels to Ogre convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x1, spriteElement.y1); convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, iPixelEndX, iPixelEndY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x2, spriteElement.y2); // We want to draw only a portion of the sprite spriteElement.tx1 = spriteElement.ty1 = 0.0f; spriteElement.tx2 = spriteElement.ty2 = 1.0f; if(spriteRect != FULL_SPRITE) { if(_metricSprite == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE) { spriteElement.tx1 = spriteRect.x1; spriteElement.ty1 = spriteRect.y1; spriteElement.tx2 = spriteRect.x2; spriteElement.ty2 = spriteRect.y2; } else if(_metricSprite == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { spriteElement.tx1 = (float)(spriteRect.x1 / iSpriteWidth); spriteElement.ty1 = (float)(spriteRect.y1 / iSpriteHeight); spriteElement.tx2 = (float)(spriteRect.x2 / iSpriteWidth); spriteElement.ty2 = (float)(spriteRect.y2 / iSpriteHeight); } } // save alpha value spriteElement.alpha = alpha; // Add this sprite to our render list sprites.push_back(spriteElement); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::DrawSprite(const std::string& spriteName, OgreSprites::Rect& destRect, OgreSprites::Rect& spriteRect, float alpha) { // Retrieve pointer to texture resource Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(spriteName); // Get texture handle from texture resource SpriteElement spriteElement; spriteElement.texHandle = texturePtr->getHandle(); // This is the size of the original image data (pixels) int iSpriteWidth = (int)texturePtr->getWidth(); int iSpriteHeight = (int)texturePtr->getHeight(); if(destRect != FULL_SCREEN) { // Convert destination start to Pixels float fPixelStartX = 0; float fPixelStartY = 0; convertScreenMetrics(_metricScreen, destRect.x1, destRect.y1, OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY); // Convert size to pixels float fPixelEndX = 0; float fPixelEndY = 0; convertScreenMetrics(_metricScreen, destRect.x2, destRect.y2, OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelEndX, fPixelEndY); // Convert from pixels to Ogre convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelStartX, fPixelStartY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x1, spriteElement.y1); convertScreenMetrics(OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS, fPixelEndX, fPixelEndY, OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE, spriteElement.x2, spriteElement.y2); } else { spriteElement.x1 = -1; spriteElement.x2 = 1; spriteElement.y1 = 1; spriteElement.y2 = -1; } // We want to draw only a portion of the sprite spriteElement.tx1 = spriteElement.ty1 = 0.0f; spriteElement.tx2 = spriteElement.ty2 = 1.0f; if(spriteRect != FULL_SPRITE) { if(_metricSprite == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE) { spriteElement.tx1 = spriteRect.x1; spriteElement.ty1 = spriteRect.y1; spriteElement.tx2 = spriteRect.x2; spriteElement.ty2 = spriteRect.y2; } else if(_metricSprite == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { spriteElement.tx1 = (float)(spriteRect.x1 / iSpriteWidth); spriteElement.ty1 = (float)(spriteRect.y1 / iSpriteHeight); spriteElement.tx2 = (float)(spriteRect.x2 / iSpriteWidth); spriteElement.ty2 = (float)(spriteRect.y2 / iSpriteHeight); } } // save alpha value spriteElement.alpha = alpha; // Add this sprite to our render list sprites.push_back(spriteElement); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::renderBuffer() { Ogre::RenderSystem* rs=Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem(); std::list<SpriteElement>::iterator currSpr, endSpr; VertexChunk thisChunk; std::list<VertexChunk> chunks; unsigned int newSize; newSize = (int)(sprites.size())*6; if (newSize<OGRE2D_MINIMAL_HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE) newSize=OGRE2D_MINIMAL_HARDWARE_BUFFER_SIZE; // grow hardware buffer if needed if (hardwareBuffer.isNull() || hardwareBuffer->getNumVertices()<newSize) { if (!hardwareBuffer.isNull()) destroyHardwareBuffer(); createHardwareBuffer(newSize); } // If we have no sprites this frame, bail here if (sprites.empty()) return; // write quads to the hardware buffer, and remember chunks float* buffer; float z=-1; buffer=(float*)hardwareBuffer->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); endSpr=sprites.end(); currSpr=sprites.begin(); thisChunk.texHandle=currSpr->texHandle; thisChunk.vertexCount=0; while (currSpr!=endSpr) { thisChunk.alpha = currSpr->alpha; // 1st point (left bottom) *buffer=currSpr->x1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y2; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty2; buffer++; // 2st point (right top) *buffer=currSpr->x2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y1; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty1; buffer++; // 3rd point (left top) *buffer=currSpr->x1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y1; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty1; buffer++; // 4th point (left bottom) *buffer=currSpr->x1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y2; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx1; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty2; buffer++; // 5th point (right bottom) *buffer=currSpr->x2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y1; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty1; buffer++; // 6th point (right top) *buffer=currSpr->x2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->y2; buffer++; *buffer=z; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->tx2; buffer++; *buffer=currSpr->ty2; buffer++; // remember this chunk thisChunk.vertexCount+=6; currSpr++; if (currSpr==endSpr || thisChunk.texHandle!=currSpr->texHandle || thisChunk.alpha != currSpr->alpha) { chunks.push_back(thisChunk); if (currSpr!=endSpr) { thisChunk.texHandle=currSpr->texHandle; thisChunk.vertexCount=0; } } } hardwareBuffer->unlock(); // set up... prepareForRender(); // do the real render! Ogre::TexturePtr tp; std::list<VertexChunk>::iterator currChunk, endChunk; endChunk=chunks.end(); renderOp.vertexData->vertexStart=0; for (currChunk=chunks.begin(); currChunk!=endChunk; currChunk++) { renderOp.vertexData->vertexCount=currChunk->vertexCount; tp=Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().getByHandle(currChunk->texHandle); rs->_setTexture(0, true, tp->getName()); Ogre::LayerBlendModeEx alphaBlendMode; alphaBlendMode.blendType=Ogre::LBT_ALPHA; alphaBlendMode.source1=Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE; alphaBlendMode.operation=Ogre::LBX_BLEND_MANUAL; alphaBlendMode.factor = currChunk->alpha; rs->_setTextureBlendMode(0, alphaBlendMode); rs->_render(renderOp); renderOp.vertexData->vertexStart+=currChunk->vertexCount; } // sprites go home! sprites.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::prepareForRender() { Ogre::LayerBlendModeEx colorBlendMode; Ogre::LayerBlendModeEx alphaBlendMode; Ogre::TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingMode uvwAddressMode; Ogre::RenderSystem* rs=Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem(); colorBlendMode.blendType=Ogre::LBT_COLOUR; colorBlendMode.source1=Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE; colorBlendMode.operation=Ogre::LBX_SOURCE1; alphaBlendMode.blendType=Ogre::LBT_ALPHA; alphaBlendMode.source1=Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE; alphaBlendMode.operation=Ogre::LBX_SOURCE1; uvwAddressMode.u=Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP; uvwAddressMode.v=Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP; uvwAddressMode.w=Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP; rs->_setWorldMatrix(Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY); rs->_setViewMatrix(Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY); rs->_setProjectionMatrix(Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY); rs->_setTextureMatrix(0, Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY); rs->_setTextureCoordSet(0, 0); rs->_setTextureCoordCalculation(0, Ogre::TEXCALC_NONE); rs->_setTextureUnitFiltering(0, Ogre::FO_LINEAR, Ogre::FO_LINEAR, Ogre::FO_POINT); rs->_setTextureBlendMode(0, colorBlendMode); rs->_setTextureBlendMode(0, alphaBlendMode); rs->_setTextureAddressingMode(0, uvwAddressMode); rs->_disableTextureUnitsFrom(1); rs->setLightingEnabled(false); rs->_setFog(Ogre::FOG_NONE); rs->_setCullingMode(Ogre::CULL_NONE); rs->_setDepthBufferParams(false, false); rs->_setColourBufferWriteEnabled(true, true, true, false); rs->setShadingType(Ogre::SO_GOURAUD); rs->_setPolygonMode(Ogre::PM_SOLID); rs->unbindGpuProgram(Ogre::GPT_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM); rs->unbindGpuProgram(Ogre::GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM); rs->_setSceneBlending(Ogre::SBF_SOURCE_ALPHA, Ogre::SBF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA); rs->_setAlphaRejectSettings(Ogre::CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS, 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::createHardwareBuffer(unsigned int size) { Ogre::VertexDeclaration* vd; renderOp.vertexData=new Ogre::VertexData; renderOp.vertexData->vertexStart=0; vd=renderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration; vd->addElement(0, 0, Ogre::VET_FLOAT3, Ogre::VES_POSITION); vd->addElement(0, Ogre::VertexElement::getTypeSize(Ogre::VET_FLOAT3), Ogre::VET_FLOAT2, Ogre::VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES); hardwareBuffer=Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( vd->getVertexSize(0), size,// buffer size Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE, false);// use shadow buffer? no renderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, hardwareBuffer); renderOp.operationType=Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST; renderOp.useIndexes=false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::destroyHardwareBuffer() { delete renderOp.vertexData; renderOp.vertexData=0; hardwareBuffer.setNull(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpriteHandler::convertScreenMetrics(OSMetrics metricFrom, const float sx, const float sy, OSMetrics metricTo, float& dx, float& dy) { // trivial case if(metricFrom == metricTo) { dx = sx; dy = sy; return; } // Convert from pixels .. if(metricFrom == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { // .. to Ogre. if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE) { dx = (sx / _vpHalfWidth) - 1; dy = 1 - (sy / _vpHalfHeight); } // .. to relative. else if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE) { dx = (sx / (float)_vpWidth); dy = (sy / (float)_vpHeight); } } // Convert from relative .. else if(metricFrom == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE) { // .. to Ogre. if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE) { dx = (sx * 2) - 1; dy = (sy * -2) + 1; return; } // .. to pixels. else if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { dx = (sx * _vpWidth); dy = (sy * _vpHeight); return; } } // Convert from ogre .. else if(metricFrom == OSPRITE_METRIC_OGRE) { // .. to pixels. if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_PIXELS) { float relx = (sx + 1) / 2; float rely = (sy - 1) / (-2); dx = (relx * _vpWidth); dy = (rely * _vpHeight); return; } // .. to relative. else if(metricTo == OSPRITE_METRIC_RELATIVE) { dx = (sx + 1) / 2; dy = (sy - 1) / (-2); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- }