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The method Ogre::MovableObject::getMovableType() returns the String of the MovableType, which is useful e.g. with ray queries.

Possible movable types:

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"BillboardChain" "BillboardSet" "Camera" "Entity" "Frustum" "Light" "ManualObject" "MovablePlane" "ParticleSystem" "RibbonTrail" "SimpleRenderable" "TerrainMipMap" // related to TerrainSceneManager?

Unknown strings for return of:

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InstancedGeometry::BatchInstance StaticGeometry::Region TerrainQuadTreeNode::Movable

Possible return of plugins:

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"TerrainSceneManager" "OctreeSceneManager" "BspSceneManager" "DefaultSceneManager"

Unknown return of Ogre Terrain Component and possible Ogre Paging Component.