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//TWEAK HERE // // #define PER_VERTEX 1 -> TODO /?/ // #define SPOT_LIGHTS 1 -> TODO // #define DETAIL_BUMP_TEXTURE 1 -> TODO (bump means normal map, height in alpha optional) // #define DETAIL_DIFFUSE_TEXTURE 1 -> TODO // #define SPECULAR_POWER_TEXTURE 1 -> TODO (stored in diffuse texture's alpha) // #define ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING 1 -> TODO // #define AMBIENT_OCCLUSION 1 -> TODO (modulates envir. lighting aka. ambient) // #define OPACITY_TEXTURE 1 -> TODO (offset-mapped decals, for.ex) // // Other suggestions? #define FADING 0 //fading is buggy, experimental guarantees :) #define ATTENUATION 0 #define LIGHT0_IS_DIRECTIONAL 0 //if u have directional light (suppose a healthy 1 only), it is always light0 //(regarding that you turn off lights in RECOMMENDED ORDER of 2,1,0) //so do not attenuate it, but then we have power to attenuate light1, and light2 //even with offset mapping on ! #define ANY_TEXTURE 1 #define DIFFUSE_TEXTURE 1 #define AT_LEAST_PERPIXEL 1 #define AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING 1 #define OFFSET_MAPPING 1 #define AMBIENT 1 #define DIFFUSE 1 #define SPECULAR 1 #define LIGHT0 1 #define LIGHT1 1 #define LIGHT2 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VERT COMES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //quite chaotic form, maybe more logical arrangement possible void monster_vs ( float4 position : POSITION, float3 normal : NORMAL, out float4 oPosition : POSITION, #if ANY_TEXTURE float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, out float2 oUv : TEXCOORD0, uniform float scale, #endif #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING float3 tangent : TEXCOORD1, #elif AT_LEAST_PERPIXEL //just normal perpixel, use texcoord7 to transmit to frag (holds eyedir in offset case) out float3 oNorm : TEXCOORD7, #endif // Still in frag shader! // #if AMBIENT // uniform float4 ambient, // out float4 oColor : COLOR, // #endif #if LIGHT0 uniform float4 lightPosition0, // object space #if DIFFUSE out float3 oLightDir0 : TEXCOORD1, #endif #if SPECULAR out float3 oHalfAngle0 : TEXCOORD4, #endif #endif #if LIGHT1 uniform float4 lightPosition1, // object space #if DIFFUSE out float3 oLightDir1 : TEXCOORD2, #endif #if SPECULAR out float3 oHalfAngle1 : TEXCOORD5, #endif #endif #if LIGHT2 uniform float4 lightPosition2, // object space #if DIFFUSE out float3 oLightDir2 : TEXCOORD3, #endif #endif #if ATTENUATION out float4 dist : TEXCOORD6, // .x, .y, and .z is used for light distances #elif SPECULAR out float3 oHalfAngle2 : TEXCOORD6, #endif #if OFFSET_MAPPING //needs eye no matter specular uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space out float3 oEyeDir : TEXCOORD7, #elif SPECULAR //no need to output eye, even if normal-mapping is on uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space #elif FADING uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space //Fading will modify alpha, and will be passed to frag in COLOR, //though I could do it with dist.w, which is unmodified even with atten //but I do not use dist without atten, anyway. Dunno which is faster. #endif #if FADING out float4 oFadeColor : COLOR, uniform float4 fadefirst, uniform float4 fadesecond, #endif uniform float4x4 worldviewproj ) { oPosition = mul(worldviewproj , position); #if ANY_TEXTURE oUv = uv * scale; #endif #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING float3 binormal = cross(tangent, normal); float3x3 rotation = float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal); #elif AT_LEAST_PERPIXEL oNorm = normal; #endif #if OFFSET_MAPPING //no matter specular, I need eye for offsetting float3 eyeDir = eyePosition -; eyeDir = normalize(mul(rotation, eyeDir)); oEyeDir = eyeDir; #elif SPECULAR //I need eye only if specular other than offset, plus no eye output now float3 eyeDir = normalize(eyePosition -; #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING //eye needs adjustment if normal-mapping eyeDir = normalize(mul(rotation, eyeDir)); #endif #endif //if DIFFUSE is commented out, we only need temp_lightDirX for oHalfAngle //and if both DIFFUSE and SPECULAR is out, we shall not calculate any lighting #if LIGHT0 #if ATTENUATION #if LIGHT0_IS_DIRECTIONAL // light0 is directional, atten is on, but we do not atten light0 float3 temp_lightDir0 = normalize( - (position * lightPosition0.w)); dist.x = 0; //I need dist.x even I do not use it now. Compiler blah-blah about continous oTex6. #else float3 temp_lightDir0 = - (position * lightPosition0.w); dist.x = length(temp_lightDir0); temp_lightDir0 = temp_lightDir0 / dist.x; //normalize it this way // oatten.x = 1/(atten.y + dist0*atten.z + dist0*dist0*atten.w); // Attenuation calc, could be even much faster if it could be done in vertex shader. // Think about leaving kl component only, and calculating atten value here, // instead doing only distance here, and calculating atten in frag shader. #endif #else float3 temp_lightDir0 = normalize( - (position * lightPosition0.w)); #endif #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING temp_lightDir0 = normalize(mul(rotation, temp_lightDir0)); #if DIFFUSE oLightDir0 = temp_lightDir0; #endif #elif DIFFUSE //just normal perpixel oLightDir0 = temp_lightDir0; #endif #if SPECULAR oHalfAngle0 = normalize(eyeDir + temp_lightDir0); #endif #endif #if LIGHT1 #if ATTENUATION float3 temp_lightDir1 = - (position * lightPosition1.w); dist.y = length(temp_lightDir1); temp_lightDir1 = temp_lightDir1 / dist.y; //normalize it this way #else float3 temp_lightDir1 = normalize( - (position * lightPosition1.w)); #endif #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING temp_lightDir1 = normalize(mul(rotation, temp_lightDir1)); #if DIFFUSE oLightDir1 = temp_lightDir1; #endif #elif DIFFUSE //just normal perpixel oLightDir1 = temp_lightDir1; #endif #if SPECULAR oHalfAngle1 = normalize(eyeDir + temp_lightDir1); #endif #endif #if LIGHT2 #if ATTENUATION float3 temp_lightDir2 = - (position * lightPosition2.w); dist.z = length(temp_lightDir2); temp_lightDir2 = temp_lightDir2 / dist.z; //normalize it this way #else float3 temp_lightDir2 = normalize( - (position * lightPosition2.w)); #if SPECULAR oHalfAngle2 = normalize(eyeDir + temp_lightDir2); #endif #endif #if AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING temp_lightDir2 = normalize(mul(rotation, temp_lightDir2)); #if DIFFUSE oLightDir2 = temp_lightDir2; #endif #elif DIFFUSE //just normal perpixel oLightDir2 = temp_lightDir2; #endif #endif #if FADING float ratio = saturate(1-(distance(eyePosition, / fadesecond); oFadeColor = float4(0,0,0,ratio); #endif } // Helper: Expand a range-compressed vector float3 expand(float3 v) { return (v - 0.5) * 2; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FRAG COMES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void monster_ps( #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE uniform sampler2D diffuseMap : register(s1), float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, #elif ANY_TEXTURE float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, #endif #if LIGHT0 #if DIFFUSE float3 LightDir0 : TEXCOORD1, uniform float4 lightDiffuse0, #endif #if SPECULAR float3 HalfAngle0 : TEXCOORD4, uniform float4 lightSpecular0, #endif #endif #if LIGHT1 #if DIFFUSE float3 LightDir1 : TEXCOORD2, uniform float4 lightDiffuse1, #endif #if SPECULAR float3 HalfAngle1 : TEXCOORD5, uniform float4 lightSpecular1, #endif #endif #if LIGHT2 #if DIFFUSE float3 LightDir2 : TEXCOORD3, uniform float4 lightDiffuse2, #endif #endif #if OFFSET_MAPPING float3 EyeDir : TEXCOORD7, uniform float4 scaleBias, uniform sampler2D normalHeightMap : register(s0), #elif AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING uniform sampler2D normalHeightMap : register(s0), #elif AT_LEAST_PERPIXEL //no normal-mapping, use standard normal, in eyedir's place float3 normalvec : TEXCOORD7, #endif #if SPECULAR uniform float exponent0, // uniform float exponent1, // uniform float exponent2, #endif #if AMBIENT uniform float4 ambient, #endif #if ATTENUATION //if on, supposed to have light0 on as well, OR light0_directional! float4 dist : TEXCOORD6, #if !LIGHT0_IS_DIRECTIONAL uniform float4 atten0, #endif #if LIGHT1 uniform float4 atten1, #endif #if LIGHT2 uniform float4 atten2, #endif #elif SPECULAR #if LIGHT2 float3 HalfAngle2 : TEXCOORD6, uniform float4 lightSpecular2, #endif #endif #if FADING float4 inFadeColor : COLOR, #endif out float4 oColor : COLOR ) { #if OFFSET_MAPPING float height = tex2D(normalHeightMap, uv).a; float scale = scaleBias.x; float bias = scaleBias.y; float displacement = (height * scale) + bias; float3 uv2 = float3(uv, 1); float2 newTexCoord = ((EyeDir * displacement) + uv2).xy; float3 bumpVec = expand(tex2D(normalHeightMap, newTexCoord ).xyz); // float3 bumpVec = tex2D(normalHeightMap, newTexCoord ).xyz; float3 N = normalize(bumpVec); #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE float3 diffusetex = tex2D(diffuseMap, newTexCoord).xyz; #endif #elif AT_LEAST_NORMAL_MAPPING float3 bumpVec = expand(tex2D(normalHeightMap, uv).xyz); // float3 N = tex2D(normalHeightMap, uv).xyz; float3 N = normalize(bumpVec); #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE float3 diffusetex = tex2D(diffuseMap, uv).xyz; #endif #elif AT_LEAST_PERPIXEL float3 N = normalize(normalvec); #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE float3 diffusetex = tex2D(diffuseMap, uv).xyz; #endif #elif DIFFUSE_TEXTURE float3 diffusetex = tex2D(diffuseMap, uv).xyz; #endif //If different exponents for different specular-lights, change 3 places here! #if LIGHT0 #if DIFFUSE float NdotL0 = dot(normalize(LightDir0), N); #if SPECULAR //both float NdotH0 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle0), N); float4 Lit0 = lit(NdotL0,NdotH0,exponent0); #else //just diffuse float4 Lit0; Lit0.y = saturate(NdotL0); #endif #elif SPECULAR //just specular float NdotH0 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle0), N); float4 Lit0; Lit0.z = pow(saturate(NdotH0),exponent0); #endif #endif #if LIGHT1 #if DIFFUSE float NdotL1 = dot(normalize(LightDir1), N); #if SPECULAR //both float NdotH1 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle1), N); float4 Lit1 = lit(NdotL1,NdotH1,exponent0); #else //just diffuse float4 Lit1; Lit1.y = saturate(NdotL1); #endif #elif SPECULAR //just specular float NdotH1 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle1), N); float4 Lit1; Lit1.z = pow(saturate(NdotH1),exponent0); #endif #endif #if LIGHT2 #if DIFFUSE float NdotL2 = dot(normalize(LightDir2), N); #if SPECULAR //both #if !ATTENUATION float NdotH2 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle2), N); float4 Lit2 = lit(NdotL2,NdotH2,exponent0); #else float4 Lit2; Lit2.y = saturate(NdotL2); #endif #else //just diffuse float4 Lit2; Lit2.y = saturate(NdotL2); #endif #elif SPECULAR //just specular #if !ATTENUATION float NdotH2 = dot(normalize(HalfAngle2), N); float4 Lit2; Lit2.z = pow(saturate(NdotH2),exponent0); #else float4 Lit2; Lit2 = float4(1,0,0,1); #endif #endif #endif oColor = #if ATTENUATION //since usage rules specify it, we have at least light0 on with at least either //diffuse or specular also on ! // - if you want no lighting, just textures, turn attenuation off! //But yes, you can have diffusetex with just specular :) //Note that you can't have specular of light2 with attenuation on. See docs. // Final color formula with atten // oColor = atten0 * (diffusetex * lightDiffuse0 * Lit0.y + lightSpecular0 * Lit0.z) // atten1 * (diffusetex * lightDiffuse1 * Lit1.y + lightSpecular1 * Lit1.z) // atten2 * (diffusetex * lightDiffuse2 * Lit2.y + lightSpecular2 * Lit2.z) // + ambient; #if !DIFFUSE //we start with the no diffuse just diffusetex case, here only spec is attenuated #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE float4(diffusetex,1) + #endif #endif // 1/(atten0.y + atten0.z*dist.x + atten0.w*dist.x*dist.x)* ( // use simpler formular instead: counts much in FPS! #if !LIGHT0_IS_DIRECTIONAL 1/(1 + atten0.z*dist.x)* ( #else ( //for syntax #endif //we always have light0 on here, and spec0 or diffuse0 with it #if SPECULAR lightSpecular0 * Lit0.z #if DIFFUSE + #else //light0 has only spec, light0 done ) #endif #endif #if DIFFUSE lightDiffuse0 * Lit0.y //without + sign, we are good at no specular case as well #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE * float4(diffusetex,1)) //light0 done #else ) //light0 done #endif #endif #if LIGHT1 //optional, but if we have it, we have either diff1 or spec1, difftex can be 0/1 // + 1/(atten1.y + atten1.z*dist.y + atten1.w*dist.y*dist.y) * ( // use simpler formula instead + 1/(1 + atten1.z*dist.y) * ( #if SPECULAR lightSpecular1 * Lit1.z #if DIFFUSE + #else //light1 has only spec, light1 done ) #endif #endif #if DIFFUSE lightDiffuse1 * Lit1.y //without + sign here, we are good at no specular case as well #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE * float4(diffusetex,1)) //light1 done #else ) //light1 done #endif #endif #endif #if LIGHT2 //ditto goes for diff2, and difftex (no specular here) // + 1/(atten2.y + atten2.z*dist.z + atten2.w*dist.z*dist.z) * ( // use simpler formula instead + 1/(1 + atten2.z*dist.z) * ( #if DIFFUSE lightDiffuse2 * Lit2.y //without + sign here, we are good at no specular case as well #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE * float4(diffusetex,1)) //light2 done #else ) //light2 done #endif #endif #endif #else // And wo. atten // oColor = diffusetex // * (lightDiffuse0 * Lit0.y + lightDiffuse1 * Lit1.y + lightDiffuse2 * Lit2.y) // + lightSpecular0 * Lit0.z + lightSpecular1 * Lit1.z + lightSpecular2 * Lit2.z // + ambient; float4(0,0,0,0) //this is needed to simplify preprocessor stuff, no FPS cost :) #if DIFFUSE_TEXTURE //at least diffuse texture, no lighting yet + float4(diffusetex,1) #if DIFFUSE //modulate texture with lighting *( #if LIGHT0 lightDiffuse0 * Lit0.y #endif #if LIGHT1 + lightDiffuse1 * Lit1.y #endif #if LIGHT2 + lightDiffuse2 * Lit2.y #endif ) #endif #elif DIFFUSE //just diffuse lighting, no modulation #if LIGHT0 + lightDiffuse0 * Lit0.y #endif #if LIGHT1 + lightDiffuse1 * Lit1.y #endif #if LIGHT2 + lightDiffuse2 * Lit2.y #endif #endif #if SPECULAR #if LIGHT0 + lightSpecular0 * Lit0.z #endif #if LIGHT1 + lightSpecular1 * Lit1.z #endif #if LIGHT2 + lightSpecular2 * Lit2.z #endif #endif #endif #if AMBIENT + ambient #endif ; #if FADING //WARNING: this will eat up all original/computed alpha! oColor = float4(oColor.x, oColor.y, oColor.z, inFadeColor.w); #endif }