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GetScreenspaceCoords         Get screenspace coordinates of a MovableObject

Obtaining the screenspace (2D) coordinates of a 3D MovableObject is a fairly common issue. The most common need for this ability is for determining where to place an object's title (an overlay) on the screen.

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/** * This little snippet gets the screenspace coordinates for a MovableObject * * @param object The object to retrieve the coordidnates of. * @param camera The active camera * @param result The Vector2 to store the result in * * @return Returns true if the object is visible and the coordinates were * retrieved, false otherwise. */ bool getScreenspaceCoords(Ogre::MovableObject* object, Ogre::Camera* camera, Ogre::Vector2& result) { if(!object->isInScene()) return false; const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox &AABB = object->getWorldBoundingBox(true); /** * If you need the point above the object instead of the center point: * This snippet derives the average point between the top-most corners of the bounding box * Ogre::Vector3 point = (AABB.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_TOP) * + AABB.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_TOP) * + AABB.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_TOP) * + AABB.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_RIGHT_TOP)) / 4; */ // Get the center point of the object's bounding box Ogre::Vector3 point = AABB.getCenter(); // Is the camera facing that point? If not, return false Ogre::Plane cameraPlane = Plane(Vector3(camera->getDerivedOrientation().zAxis()), camera->getDerivedPosition()); if(cameraPlane.getSide(point) != Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE) return false; // Transform the 3D point into screen space point = camera->getProjectionMatrix() * (camera->getViewMatrix() * point); // Transform from coordinate space [-1, 1] to [0, 1] and update in-value result.x = (point.x / 2) + 0.5f; result.y = 1 - ((point.y / 2) + 0.5f); return true; }