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{INCLUDE(page="ogrelex ext tpl")/} --- {img src="img/wiki_up/ButtonGUI1.jpg" alt="thumb|screenshot of a nice GUI" width="300" imalign="right"} __GUI__ - __G__raphical __U__ser __I__nterface. It contains display and/or input elements, e.g. buttons or text labels. You either can use a GUI system with its provided functionality or build your own GUI elements by the use of basic Ogre classes such as ((-Overlay|Overlay)), ((-Billboard|Billboard)), ((-Material|Material)), etc. !!See also * ((Comparison of GUIs)) - very useful overview * ((Integrating OpenGUI|OpenGUI)) (seems to be out of date) * ((-Overlay|Overlay)) - a basic element for GUI systems * ((-Billboard|Billboard)) - also interesting for creating a simple GUI * ((MyGUI)) - GUI library * ((Hikari)) - use Flash to create a GUI * ((Awesomium)) - show content using HTML/CSS * ((-CEGUI|CEGUI)) - Creazy Eddy GUI system * ((ButtonGUI|ButtonGUI)) * ((Gorilla)) - a quite fast 2D drawing engine for Ogre * [|Gui3D] - Extended version of Gorilla with form elements, buttons etc. * [|Game HUD using HTML] - about Awesomium, Berkelium and LibRocket * ((libRocket)) - show content using HTML/CSS __GUIs for ((MOGRE|Mogre)):__ * ((Miyagi)) - a C# GUI system specifically for Mogre (recommended) * ((Mogre MyGUI wrapper)) - use ((MyGUI)) in Mogre * ((Hikari Wrapper for MOGRE)) - embed Adobe Flash into Mogre (e.g. GUI menus) * ((MogreBetaGUI)) * ((MQuickGUI)) - an __outdated__ C# port of ((QuickGUI)) * [|MogreGorilla] - a wrapper for the quite fast 2D drawing engine ((Gorilla)) --- {INCLUDE(page="ogrelex ext tpl")/} ---
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