Detailed Fedora Walkthrough         The purpose of this tutorial is helping you to set up a working OGRE development environnement under Fedora Core 5

The purpose of this tutorial is helping you to set up a working OGRE development environnement under Fedora Core 5. Although not extensively tested, OGRE v1.2 - "Dagon" works on both nVIDIA and ATI Radeon hardware running under X.Org 7.0.x with their 3rd party drivers installed.

Enabling 3D support for nVIDIA graphics cards

When enabling support for nVIDIA cards you can go two ways, one is using repositories, the other is compiling the module yourself.

Using repositories

First we set up the repository to provide us with the kernel modules we need. You are required to have root or equivalent privileges during the entire installation process.

rpm -ivh

Installing the kernel-module.

yum -y install kmod-nvidia

Or, for those who can afford a dual-processor (or dual-core) machine.

yum install kmod-nvidia-smp

Set up SELinux so it won't conflict with our drivers.

setsebool -P allow_execmod=1

Shut down X.

init 3

Log back in as “root” and enable the driver.

nvidia-config-display enable

Restart X.

init 5

Compiling the nVIDIA module yourself

You are required to have root or equivalent privileges during the entire installation process.
Download the latest driver from
Make sure you installed the kernel-development package.

rpm –q kernel-devel

If it is not yet installed, install it.

yum -y install kernel-devel

Set up SELinux so it won't conflict with our drivers.

setsebool -P allow_execmod=1

Shut down X.

init 3

Run the installer.

sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-<version>.run -a

Say “No” to downloads.
Load the kernel module.

modprobe nvidia

Restart X.

init 5

Enabling 3D support for ATI Radeon graphics cards

When enabling support for ATI Radeon cards you can go two ways, one is using repositories, the other is compiling the module yourself.

Using repositories

First we set up the repository to provide us with the kernel modules we need. You are required to have root or equivalent privileges during the entire installation process.

rpm -ivh

Installing the kernel-module.

yum -y install kmod-fglrx

Or, for those who can afford a dual-processor (or dual-core) machine.

yum install kmod-fglrx-smp

Set up SELinux so it won't conflict with our drivers.

setsebool -P allow_execmod=1

Shut down X.

init 3

Log back in as “root” and enable the driver.

ati-fglrx-config-display enable

Restart X.

init 5

Compiling the ATI Radeon module yourself

You are required to have root or equivalent privileges during the entire installation process.
Download the latest driver from
Make sure you installed the kernel-development package.

rpm –q kernel-devel

If it is not yet installed, install it.

yum -y install kernel-devel

Set up SELinux so it won't conflict with our drivers.

setsebool -P allow_execmod=1

Shut down X.

init 3

Run the installer.

sh ./ati-driver-installer-<version>.run

Load the kernel module.

modprobe fglrx

Configure xorg.conf.

aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf

Restart X.

init 5

Downloading or compiling & installing dependencies

Check if all the required image libraries are present. “yum -y install <package(s)>” if not.
rpm -q libpng libmng libtiff libjpeg   libpng-devel libmng-devel libtiff-devel libjpeg-devel

If you haven't done so already set your PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig or wherever pkgconfig is located. You can do this by entering the command:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig


Install the zziplib library.

yum -y install zziplib zziplib-devel

nVIDIA Cg Toolkit 1.5

rpm -ivh ./Cg-1.5.<cpu architecture>.rpm

FreeType 2

tar xvfj ./freetype-2.<version>.tar.bz2
   cd ./freetype-2.<version>
   sudo make install


As of Eihort 1.4.0, FreeImage is required for installation.

unzip ./FreeImage<version>.zip
   cd ./FreeImage
   sudo make install


tar xvfj ./ogis-<version>.tar.bz2
   cd ./ois-<version>
   sudo make install

DevIL (OpenIL)

tar xvfz ./DevIL-<version>.tar.gz
   cd DevIL-<version>/
   sudo make install

Crazy Eddy's GUI

tar xvfj ./cegui_mk2-<version>.tar.bz2
   cd ./cegui_mk2
   sudo make install

Compiling the OGRE

Get the latest-stable from the Source Releases for the Linux and Mac OSX platforms page.

tar xvfj ./ogre-linux_osx-<version>.tar.bz2
   cd ./ogrenew

For nVIDIA cards:

./configure --with-platform=GLX
   sudo make install
   sudo /sbin/ldconfig

The others:

   sudo make install
   sudo /sbin/ldconfig

If successfully compiled and installed OGRE you can try running the demo applications in:


This tutorial was originally written by RohitChauhan but currently maintained by Qrstuvw.