Building From Source - Mac OSX - Shoggoth         Instructions for building Ogre from source under Mac OS X


At this time OS X currently only has build support for Xcode.

Eihort Instructions


  • Check your OS X and Xcode install the following packages:
    • Mac OS X 10.4+, Xcode 2.3 required, 2.4+ recommended (Xcode available from Apple).
    • You must also install the optional 10.4u System SDK, this is an option available at the time of Xcode installation.
  • Make sure you've downloaded the latest dependencies archive for OS X
    • Unzip the source archive where you would like it to be
    • Unzip the dependencies archive such that the Dependencies folder is inside 'ogre', at the same level as the Mac and OgreMain folders.


Open the Ogre Linux / OS X source to ".../ogre/Mac/Ogre/".

  • Open the "Ogre.xcodeproj" file.
  • Make sure the frameworks and dependencies you installed are seen by Xcode, If they are not they will appear in red. (Note: they may appear in red anyhow. Try building the project).
  • Fix the "OctreeZone plugin" target: Open the Target info window of the OctreeZone plugin (right click & choose "Get Info"). Find the Info.plist section and change the contents to './plist/OctreeZone Plugin-Info.plist' (without the quotes).
  • Select the configuration you want to build, Debug or Release.
    • From the Xcode menu select Project -> Set Active Build Configuration -> Build for Release
  • Hit build.


  • Navigate to ".../ogre/Mac/build/Debug(or Release)/" and drag the "Ogre.framework" file to /Library/Frameworks/, ~/Library/Frameworks, or bundle the framework with your application.
    • Note: By default the samples from ".../ogre/Mac/Samples/Samples.xcodeproj" will symbolically link frameworks inside their folder. This is to save disk space compared to copying the frameworks there (to make a drag & droppable .app). When you make a real deployable app you will actually want to copy frameworks into that location.

Dagon Instructions


  • Check your OS X and Xcode install the following packages:
    • Mac OS X 10.4, Xcode 2.3 required (Xcode available from Apple).
  • Retrieve the necessary external frameworks from SourceForge.
    • Unzip the file somewhere.
    • Install the frameworks by dragging the .framework folders to /Library/Frameworks/.
  • Check if the zzlibip lbrary is installed on your system by using for example the fink project:

sudo port install zziplib


Open the Ogre source to ".../ogre/Mac/Xcode/Ogre/".

  • Open the "Ogre.xcodeproj" file.
  • Make sure the frameworks you installed are seen by Xcode. Hit the little gear button on the project window with the "Frameworks" folder selected, and hit Add -> Existing Framework. Select the frameworks that you just installed, and hit Ok.
  • Hit build.

If you want, you can also build the source in the Deployment configuration, which makes it easier to package your apps together when you want to distribute your Ogre-based apps.
To do this:

  • Hit Project -> Set Active Build Configuration -> Deployment.