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Wiki AzathothNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.0.0 "Azathoth"
Wiki ByatisNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.8.0 "Byatis"
Wiki CthughaNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.7.0 "Cthugha"
Wiki DagonNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.2.0 "Dagon"
Wiki EihortNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.4.0 "Eihort"
Wiki Roadmap What we're working on now, and where we're expecting to go in the future.
Wiki ShoggothNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 1.6.0 "Shoggoth"
Wiki TindalosNotes ChangeLog and porting notes for OGRE 2.0.0 "Tindalos"