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About me<br /> |
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My project<br /><br /> It's a visualization environment for underwater vehicles which are navigated by external behavior simulators (e.g. implemented with Matlab/Simulink). Additionally my project simulates underwater sensors (e.g. sonar) which perform measurement inside of the virtual 3D world. The simulated sensor data will be sent back to the vehicle simulators and are used for navigation and inspection purpose. <br /> For measurement simulation the project uses my self developed library by help of Ogre ray query (on polygon level) and collision detection by the Newton physics library. More technical details you find here.<br /> <br /> In 2009 my project was presented on the international marine related conference COMPIT (Hungary) and got an award for one of the best publication of the conference. <br /> In 2011 I got an invitation to present my project on the 3D conference Go-3D in Germany. A good way for Ogre advertisement (-;<br /> <br />