Terrain Alphasplat Shader         Terrain Alpha Splatting - shader

This shader is written in hlsl, but is used as CG here. 11 textures are passed to the vertex shader: two alphamaps, eight splat textures and a detail map. Works in OpenGL as well as in D3D.

struct TerrainVSOutput
    // transformed vertex coordinate
    float4    position                : POSITION;
    // lighting intensity color multiplier
    float4    color                    : COLOR0;
    // texture coordinate from vertex
    float2    texCoord                : TEXCOORD0;
    // texture coordinate from vertex that has been scaled
    float2    scaledTexCoord            : TEXCOORD2;
    // world coordinates of the vertex (one unit per meter)
    float2    worldTexCoord            : TEXCOORD3;
    // world coordinates of the vertex (one unit per page)
    float2    worldPageTexCoord        : TEXCOORD4;
    // offset of the vertex within the current terrain page (one unit per page, so its limited to 0..1)
    float2    pageTexCoord            : TEXCOORD5;
    // texture coordinates for alpha0 splatting map
    float2 alpha0TexCoord            : TEXCOORD6;
    // texture coordinates for alpha1 splatting map
    float2 alpha1TexCoord            : TEXCOORD7;
    // fog factor
    float  fog                        : FOG;

// Vertex program for automatic terrain texture generation
TerrainVSOutput TerrainVP
    float4                iPosition            : POSITION,
    float3                iNormal                : NORMAL,
    float2                iTexcoord            : TEXCOORD0,

    // the full World/View/Proj combined matrix
    uniform float4x4    worldViewProj,
    // Just the world matrix.  Used to find the world coordinates of the vertices for generating
    // some texture coordinates
    uniform float4x4    worldMat,
    // Fog settings
    //    fogSettings[0] - fog near distance
    //    fogSettings[1] - fog far distance
    //    fogSettings[2] - fog scale
    uniform float4        fogSettings,

    uniform float4        LightPosition[2],
    uniform float4        LightAttenuation[2],
    // Diffuse color of the light
    uniform float4        LightDiffuse[2],

    // Color of the ambient light
    uniform float4        lightAmbient,
    // Diffuse color of the terrain
    uniform float4        materialDiffuse,
    // Ambient color of the terrain
    uniform float4        materialAmbient,
    // Size of a terrain page
    uniform float        pageSize,
    // How many meters is one tiling of the terrain textures
    uniform float        textureTileSize,
    // used to convert page texture coord to alpha map texture coords
    uniform float4        alpha0TextureCoordAdjust,
    uniform float4        alpha1TextureCoordAdjust
    TerrainVSOutput output;

    // Calculate the output position and texture coordinates
    output.position  = mul(worldViewProj,iPosition);
    output.texCoord = float2(iPosition.x, iPosition.z)/pageSize;
    output.scaledTexCoord = output.texCoord * 256.0f / textureTileSize;
    float3 lightDirection[2];
    float lightAttenuation[2];

    // transform position to world space
    float4 position = mul(worldMat, iPosition);
    // get the light and eye direction in world space (not normalized)
    for (int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < 2; ++lightIndex) {
        float4 lightPosition = mul(worldMat, LightPosition[lightIndex]);

        // Account for whether the light is a point source.
        lightDirection[lightIndex] = lightPosition.xyz - (position * lightPosition.w).xyz;
        // set up attenuation params
        float lightDistance = length(lightDirection[lightIndex]);
        float lightDistanceSquared = lightDistance * lightDistance;

        //lightDistance = 1;
        //LightAttenuation[1].x = 0;

        lightAttenuation[lightIndex] = (lightDistance >
                                        LightAttenuation[lightIndex].x) ?
            0 : (1 / (LightAttenuation[lightIndex].y +
                      LightAttenuation[lightIndex].z * lightDistance +
                      LightAttenuation[lightIndex].w * lightDistanceSquared));
    // Do lighting calculations
    output.color = saturate(
                    max(dot(iNormal, normalize(lightDirection[0])), 0) *                            // diffuse lighting
                    LightDiffuse[0] * materialDiffuse * lightAttenuation[0] +    // diffuse color
                    max(dot(iNormal, normalize(lightDirection[1])), 0) *                            // diffuse lighting
                    LightDiffuse[1] * materialDiffuse * lightAttenuation[1] +    // diffuse color
                    lightAmbient * materialAmbient);                                // ambient color

    // compute page relative offset of vertex, for use as a texture coord
    output.pageTexCoord = fmod( float2(worldMat._m03, worldMat._m23), float2(pageSize, pageSize) );
    if ( output.pageTexCoord.x < 0 ) {
        output.pageTexCoord.x += pageSize;
    if ( output.pageTexCoord.y < 0 ) {
        output.pageTexCoord.y += pageSize;
    output.pageTexCoord = float2(iPosition.x, iPosition.z) / pageSize;
    // compute world world coordinates (just 2d) of vertex, for use as texture coord
    output.worldTexCoord = ( float2(worldMat._m03, worldMat._m23) + float2(iPosition.x, iPosition.z) );
    // scale world coords to page size (one unit is one page)
    output.worldPageTexCoord = output.worldTexCoord / pageSize;
    // scale world coords to be one unit per meter
    output.worldTexCoord /= 1000;
    // compute alpha map texture coords
    output.alpha0TexCoord = output.pageTexCoord * alpha0TextureCoordAdjust.yw + alpha0TextureCoordAdjust.xz;
    output.alpha1TexCoord = output.pageTexCoord * alpha1TextureCoordAdjust.yw + alpha1TextureCoordAdjust.xz;
    // compute fog
    float fog = clamp(( output.position.z - fogSettings[0] ) / (fogSettings[1] - fogSettings[0]),0.0,1.0) * fogSettings[2];
    output.fog = 1.0 - fog;
    return output;

// Fragment program for automatic terrain texture generation
// This fragment program splats 4 different terrain textures, and then applies a shade
// mask to vary the intensity of the terrain
float4 TerrainFP(
    // output of vertex shader
    TerrainVSOutput In,
    uniform float4        alpha0Mask,
    uniform float4        alpha1Mask,
    // alpha map 0
    uniform sampler2D   alphaMap0Sampler : register(s0),
    // alpha map 1
    uniform sampler2D   alphaMap1Sampler : register(s1),
    // layer 0 texture
    uniform sampler2D   layer0Sampler : register(s2),
    // layer 1 texture
    uniform sampler2D   layer1Sampler : register(s3),
    // layer 2 texture
    uniform sampler2D    layer2Sampler : register(s4),
    // layer 3 texture
    uniform sampler2D   layer3Sampler : register(s5),
    // layer 4 texture
    uniform sampler2D   layer4Sampler : register(s6),
    // layer 5 texture
    uniform sampler2D    layer5Sampler : register(s7),
    // layer 6 texture
    uniform sampler2D   layer6Sampler : register(s8),
    // layer 7 texture
    uniform sampler2D    layer7Sampler : register(s9),
    // detail texture
    uniform sampler2D    detailSampler : register(s10)    
    float4 outputColor;
    //return In.color;
    // XXX - use worldPageTexCoord for now
    float4 alpha0 = tex2D(alphaMap0Sampler, In.alpha0TexCoord);
    float4 alpha1 = tex2D(alphaMap1Sampler, In.alpha1TexCoord);
    alpha0 = alpha0 * alpha0Mask;
    alpha1 = alpha1 * alpha1Mask;

 float4 l0 = tex2D(layer0Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l1 = tex2D(layer1Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l2 = tex2D(layer2Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l3 = tex2D(layer3Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l4 = tex2D(layer4Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l5 = tex2D(layer5Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l6 = tex2D(layer6Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    float4 l7 = tex2D(layer7Sampler, In.scaledTexCoord.xy);
    outputColor = alpha0.r * l0 + alpha0.g * l1 + alpha0.b * l2 + alpha0.a * l3
        + alpha1.r * l4 + alpha1.g * l5 + alpha1.b * l6 + alpha1.a * l7;
    // scale output color by the color from the vertex shader, which is the
    // output of the lighting calculations
    outputColor *= In.color;
    // add detail map
    outputColor *= tex2D(detailSampler, In.pageTexCoord.xy);
    return outputColor;

Alias: Terrain_Alphasplat_Shader