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Setting up VC6         Setting up VC6 for use with Ogre

Tip_icon.png This information is regarding previous versions of Ogre. (Before the switch to a CMake based build system)

Info See Building Ogre for current version.

Tip_icon.png VC6 is deprecated and not supported! Get the latest Visual C++ Express instead. It's free, and much better. And above all: fully supported by Ogre.

Before you start, make sure you have installed the latest service pack for VC6. Especially before SP3 VC6 had some serious bugs which WILL affect your build. This is not an optional step.

  1. Create a new Visual C++ 'Win32 Project'.
  2. Enter a name for your project and change the location to point to a work directory (separate from the runtime directory).
  3. Select 'An empty project' when prompted for the type of project to create.
  4. Create a new source file by selecting 'File -> New'. Make sure the file is in the work directory.
  5. Save the project.

Next, configure your project with the following settings. All of these are for the Debug configuration, to set up the Release configuration just change the directories from '\Debug\' to '\Release\'.

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Debug : General : Executable = ..\bin\Debug\[appname].exe Debug : General : Working Directory = ..\bin\Debug C++ : Preprocessor : Preprocessor Definitions += _STLP_DEBUG (only in debug mode) C++ : Code Generation : Use runtime library = Debug Multithreaded DLL Link : Input : Object/library Modules += OgreMain_d.lib (OgreMain.lib in Release) Link : General : Output File = ..\bin\Debug\[appname].exe

For those using the SDK:

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C++ : Preprocessor : Additional Include Directories = ..\include $(OGRE_HOME)\include $(OGRE_HOME)\samples\include Link : Input: Additional Library Path = $(OGRE_HOME)\lib

For those using the source release:

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C++ : Preprocessor : Additional Include Directories = ..\include $(OGRE_SRC)\OgreMain\include $(OGRE_SRC)\Samples\Common\Include Link : Input: Additional Library Path = $(OGRE_SRC)\OgreMain\Lib\Debug