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Query Ogre Version         Shell extension which allows to know the version of Ogre I'm working on (Windows)

About "Query Ogre Version"

The following tool is designed for Windows (it has been tested on Windows XP).
It adds a shell extension under the explorer and allows you to query the version of Ogre, the file (or the directory) is belong to.
Once you have merged the .reg file, you can right click a file (or a directory) and select the "Query Ogre Version" entry.

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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\OgreVersion] @="Query Ogre3D version" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\OgreVersion\command] @="wscript.exe your_path_here\\queryOgreVersion.vbs \"%1\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OgreVersion] @="Query Ogre3D version" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OgreVersion\command] @="wscript.exe your_path_here\\queryOgreVersion.vbs \"%1\""


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' VB Script Document Dim gSHELL Dim gFSO Dim gARGS Set gArgs = WScript.Arguments Set gSHELL = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set gFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FindOgreHeader( in_path ) result ="" path = in_path If not(gFSO.FolderExists(path)) Then call SplitFilename(path, directory, basefilename, extension ) path = directory if not(gFSO.FolderExists(path)) Then FindOgreHeader = result exit function end if end if path = Lcase(path) tokens = Split( path, "\" ) nbTokens=UBound(tokens)+1 ogreHeader = "\ogreMain\include\OgrePrerequisites.h" concat = "" for i=0 to nbTokens-1 concat = concat & tokens(i) if gFSO.FileExists(concat & ogreHeader ) then result = concat & ogreHeader exit for end if concat = concat & "\" next FindOgreHeader = result end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MySplit( in_text) Dim NumWords, a() NumWords = 0 spaceTokens = Split( in_text, " ") nbSpaceToken =UBound(spaceTokens) for i=0 to nbSpaceToken tabTokens = Split( spaceTokens(i), vbTab ) nbTabToken = UBound( tabTokens ) if( nbTabToken=0 ) then redim preserve a(NumWords+1) a(NumWords) = spaceTokens(i) NumWords = NumWords + 1 else for j = 0 to nbTabToken if tabTokens(j)<>"" then redim preserve a(NumWords+1) a(NumWords) = tabTokens(j) NumWords = NumWords + 1 end if next end if next MySplit = a end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function UnQuote(in_text) result = in_text if Len(in_text)>=2 then if Right(in_text,1)="""" and left(in_text,1)="""" then result = Mid(in_text, 2, Len(in_text)-2) end if end if UnQuote = result end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetOgreVersion( in_path ) result = "not found!" ogreHeader = FindOgreHeader( in_path ) if ogreHeader<>"" then Set inputFile = gFSO.OpenTextFile(ogreHeader, 1) major= "" minor = "" patch = "" name = "" ended = false count = 0 line = 0 Do While ((inputFile.AtEndOfStream <> True) and not(ended)) line = line + 1 readBuffer = Trim(inputFile.ReadLine) tokens = MySplit( readBuffer) on error resume next nbTokens=UBound(tokens) If err.number <> 0 then nbTokens = 0 end if On Error Goto 0 if nbTokens>=3 then if tokens(0)="#define" then if tokens(1)="OGRE_VERSION_MAJOR" then major = tokens(2) count = count+1 elseif tokens(1)="OGRE_VERSION_MINOR" then minor = tokens(2) count = count+1 elseif tokens(1)="OGRE_VERSION_PATCH" then patch = tokens(2) count = count+1 elseif tokens(1)="OGRE_VERSION_SUFFIX" then suffix = tokens(2) count = count+1 elseif tokens(1)="OGRE_VERSION_NAME" then name = tokens(2) count = count+1 end if end if end if if count=5 then ended = true end if Loop inputFile.Close result = major & "." & minor & "." & patch & " " & UnQuote(suffix) & vbCrLf & "codename = " & UnQuote(name) end if GetOgreVersion = result end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub SplitFilename( inFilename, outDirectory, outBaseFilename, outExtension ) posSlash = InStrRev( inFilename, "/" ) posAntislash = InStrRev( inFilename, "\" ) posDirectory = posSlash If ( posAntislash > posSlash ) Then posDirectory = posAntislash End If outDirectory = Mid( inFilename, 1, posDirectory ) outBaseFilename = Right( inFilename, len(inFilename)-posDirectory ) posExtension = InStrRev( outBaseFilename, "." ) outExtension = Right( outBaseFilename, len(outBaseFilename)-posExtension ) if posExtension<>0 then outBaseFilename = Left( outBaseFilename, posExtension-1) end if End Sub '----------------------------------- MAIN -------------------------------------- if( gArgs.Count>=0 ) then path = gArgs(0) version = GetOgreVersion( path ) msgbox "version="&version, vbInformation, "Ogre3D Information" end if