Table of contents
NOTE: This tutorial is a conversion of the C# Intermediate Tutorial 5. All the text is exactly the same (apart of the added text of course), only the code is in VB.NET
Well, we've gotten far enough to look at the guts of ExampleApplication and rip out the important parts and build a "hello world" application using OgreDotNet. This is the first of 2 "hello world" applications. In the first part, we'll setup a basic application which still uses the OGRE Config Dialog and Resource scripts. In the second part, we'll get rid of the config dialog and customize our resource script (hopefully).
On second thought... Part 1 isn't really a traditional hello world app, since its sort of bloated, but it's still a good starting point for creating your own application framework (which should be one of your goals)
Getting Started
Open up your VB.NET editor and create a new Console Application. Add a new class file and put in the code that follow in the tutorial.
OK. Let's get started. Since OGRE is a fairly complex API, our starting point is fairly large. We'll need System, System.IO, System.Drawing, Math3D and OgreDotNet.
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports Math3D Imports OgreDotNet
There are a few objects which are needed in OGRE no matter what. If you are not familiar with any of them, take a look at the OGRE documentation... I chose to use the same variable names as the example application... Anyway, here they are:
Public mRoot As Root = Nothing Public mRenderWindow As RenderWindow = Nothing Public mSceneManager As SceneManager = Nothing Public mCamera As Camera = Nothing Public mViewport As Viewport = Nothing Public mEventHandler As OgreDotNet.EventHandler = Nothing Public mDone As Boolean = False
I'm not 100% sure mDone is needed, but having a common variable that we can use in our delegates makes things easier. mEventHandler isn't necessary, but without it, we have no way to close the application. (unless you want a really lame ODN application that starts up then closes)
Next, since Root implements IDisposable, we'll do that too since it makes sense.
Class HelloWorldApp Implements System.IDisposable
We'll need constructor, a destructor and Dispose methods. Since we don't use any unmanaged memory, we'll call Dispose from the destructor.
Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose End Sub
I mentioned that we're still using the resource scripts so we need a method which does that.
Protected Sub SetupResources(ByVal sFileName As String) End Sub
I also decided to use the Start method since it keeps main nice & tidy.
Public Sub Start() End Sub
The next three methods are the ones we need for event handling. remember that returning false in either Frame* method kills the app. KeyClicked is here since we want a way to close our app when its running fullscreen.
Protected Function FrameStarted(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean End Function Protected Function FrameEnded(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean End Function Protected Sub KeyClicked(ByVal e As KeyEvent) End Sub
Last, but certainly not least, we need a Sub Main. Open up the module and put in this code:
Module Loader Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) End Sub End Module
Here's what we've got so far:
Hello World Start Code
In your class file, you should have this:
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports Math3D Imports OgreDotNet Namespace OgreDotNetTutorial Class HelloWorldApp Implements System.IDisposable 'Declare & pre-initialize the required elements Public mRoot As Root = Nothing Public mRenderWindow As RenderWindow = Nothing Public mSceneManager As SceneManager = Nothing Public mCamera As Camera = Nothing Public mViewport As Viewport = Nothing Public mEventHandler As OgreDotNet.EventHandler = Nothing Public mDone As Boolean = False 'Constructor Public Sub New() MyBase.New() End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose End Sub Protected Sub SetupResources(ByVal sFileName As String) End Sub Public Sub Start() End Sub Protected Function FrameStarted(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean End Function Protected Function FrameEnded(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean End Function Protected Sub KeyClicked(ByVal e As KeyEvent) End Sub End Class End Namespace
In your module file you should have this:
Module Loader Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) End Sub End Module
Initializing the required objects
We've already declared all the required objects and it makes sense to use the constructor to initialize them.. Find the constructor and lets go to work:
'Create the Root object mRoot = New Root 'Setup OGRE resources SetupResources("resources.cfg") 'Show the config Dialog If mRoot.ShowConfigDialog = False Then mRoot.Dispose() Return End If 'Initialize the RenderWindow mRenderWindow = mRoot.Initialise(True, "[Tutorial 1] Hello World!") 'Initialize the SceneManager mSceneManager = mRoot.CreateSceneManager(Convert.ToUInt16(SceneType.Generic), "HelloOgreDontNetSceneManager") mSceneManager.SetAmbientLight(Color.White) 'Initialize the Camera mCamera = mSceneManager.CreateCamera("HelloCamera") mCamera.SetPosition(0, 0, -200) mCamera.LookAt = New Vector3(0, 0, 0) mCamera.NearClipDistance = 5 'Initialize the Viewport mViewport = mRenderWindow.AddViewport(mCamera) mViewport.BackgroundColor = Color.Black mCamera.AspectRatio = (float)mViewport.ActualWidth / mViewport.ActualHeight 'Do some "manager" setup. ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups() MaterialManager.Instance.SetDefaultTextureFiltering(TextureFilterOptions.TfoBilinear) MaterialManager.Instance.SetDefaultAnisotropy(Convert.ToUInt32(1)) TextureManager.Instance.SetDefaultNumMipmaps(Convert.ToUInt32(5)) 'Create and Setup the event handler mEventHandler = New OgreDotNet.EventHandler(mRoot, mRenderWindow) mEventHandler.SubscribeEvents() AddHandler mEventHandler.FrameStarted, AddressOf Me.FrameStarted AddHandler mEventHandler.FrameEnded, AddressOf Me.FrameEnded AddHandler mEventHandler.KeyClicked, AddressOf Me.KeyClicked 'Create the Scene Dim ent As Entity Dim node As SceneNode mSceneManager.SetAmbientLight(Color.White) ent = mSceneManager.CreateEntity("Robot", "robot.mesh") Node = mSceneManager.GetRootSceneNode().CreateChildSceneNode("RobotNode") Node.AttachObject(ent) Node.SetPosition(0, 0, 0)
A minimal set of event handlers
There's really only 3 functions which we need here and they are all really basic.
FrameStarted checks if the user wants the window closed
Protected Function FrameStarted(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean If mRenderWindow.Closed = False And mDone = False Then Return True End If End Function
FrameEnded does absolutely nothing..
Protected Function FrameEnded(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean Return True End Function
KeyClicked simply looks for the escape key and sets the done variable.
Protected Sub KeyClicked(ByVal e As KeyEvent) Select Case e.KeyCode Case KeyCode.Escape mDone = True End Select End Sub
Parsing resources.cfg
I'm not going to go into detail about this. For now, lets just wave our hands at it wait until the part 2 to examine what's actually going on.
Protected Sub SetupResources(ByVal sFileName As String) '//Initialiser.SetupResources(sFileName); Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sFileName) Dim secName As String = "", sLocType, sarchName Dim line As String Do While sr.Peek() >= 0 line = sr.ReadLine Dim x As Integer = line.IndexOf("#") If x > -1 Then line = line.Substring(0, x) End If line = line.Trim If line.Length > 0 Then If line.Chars(0) = "[" Then secName = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2) ElseIf secName.Length > 0 Then x = line.IndexOf("=") If x <= 0 Then Throw New Exception("Invalid line in resource file " + sFileName) End If sLocType = line.Substring(0, x) sarchName = line.Substring(x + 1) ''Console.WriteLine("-- SetupResources {0}, {1}, {2}", sarchName, sLocType, secName) ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton.addResourceLocation(sarchName, sLocType, secName) End If End If Loop End Sub
Starting the rendering loop
Calling Root's StartRendering method kicks off the OGRE loop.
Public Sub Start() mRoot.StartRendering() End Sub
Next, in main, we'll create our app and start it, place this code in your sub main in the module:
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) Dim app As OgreDotNetTutorial.HelloWorldApp Try app = New OgreDotNetTutorial.HelloWorldApp app.Start() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("## Exception " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.Source) Finally Try app.Dispose() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("## Exception Dispose " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.Source) End Try End Try End Sub
Also put the same Imports on top of it as in your class file.
Disposing of Root
Since Root implements IDisposable, we need to call mRoot.Dispose() in our Dispose method
Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose mEventHandler = Nothing mViewport = Nothing mCamera = Nothing mSceneManager = Nothing mRenderWindow = Nothing mRoot.Dispose() End Sub
The completed code
This is your class file:
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports Math3D Imports OgreDotNet Namespace OgreDotNetTutorial Class HelloWorldApp Implements System.IDisposable 'Declare & pre-initialize the required elements Public mRoot As Root = Nothing Public mRenderWindow As RenderWindow = Nothing Public mSceneManager As SceneManager = Nothing Public mCamera As Camera = Nothing Public mViewport As Viewport = Nothing Public mEventHandler As OgreDotNet.EventHandler = Nothing Public mDone As Boolean = False 'Constructor Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'Create the Root object mRoot = New Root 'Setup OGRE resources SetupResources("resources.cfg") 'Show the config Dialog If mRoot.ShowConfigDialog = False Then mRoot.Dispose() Return End If 'Initialize the RenderWindow mRenderWindow = mRoot.Initialise(True, "[Tutorial 1] Hello World!") 'Initialize the SceneManager mSceneManager = mRoot.CreateSceneManager(Convert.ToUInt16(SceneType.Generic), "HelloOgreDontNetSceneManager") mSceneManager.SetAmbientLight(Color.White) 'Initialize the Camera mCamera = mSceneManager.CreateCamera("HelloCamera") mCamera.SetPosition(0, 0, -200) mCamera.LookAt = New Vector3(0, 0, 0) mCamera.NearClipDistance = 5 'Initialize the Viewport mViewport = mRenderWindow.AddViewport(mCamera) mViewport.BackgroundColor = Color.Black mCamera.AspectRatio = mViewport.ActualWidth / mViewport.ActualHeight 'Do some "manager" setup. ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups() MaterialManager.Instance.SetDefaultTextureFiltering(TextureFilterOptions.TfoBilinear) MaterialManager.Instance.SetDefaultAnisotropy(Convert.ToUInt32(1)) TextureManager.Instance.SetDefaultNumMipmaps(Convert.ToUInt32(5)) 'Create and Setup the event handler mEventHandler = New OgreDotNet.EventHandler(mRoot, mRenderWindow) mEventHandler.SubscribeEvents() AddHandler mEventHandler.FrameStarted, AddressOf Me.FrameStarted AddHandler mEventHandler.FrameEnded, AddressOf Me.FrameEnded AddHandler mEventHandler.KeyClicked, AddressOf Me.KeyClicked 'Create the Scene Dim ent As Entity Dim node As SceneNode mSceneManager.SetAmbientLight(Color.White) ent = mSceneManager.CreateEntity("Robot", "robot.mesh") Node = mSceneManager.GetRootSceneNode().CreateChildSceneNode("RobotNode") Node.AttachObject(ent) Node.SetPosition(0, 0, 0) End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose mEventHandler = Nothing mViewport = Nothing mCamera = Nothing mSceneManager = Nothing mRenderWindow = Nothing mRoot.Dispose() End Sub Protected Sub SetupResources(ByVal sFileName As String) '//Initialiser.SetupResources(sFileName); Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sFileName) Dim secName As String = "", sLocType, sarchName Dim line As String Do While sr.Peek() >= 0 line = sr.ReadLine Dim x As Integer = line.IndexOf("#") If x > -1 Then line = line.Substring(0, x) End If line = line.Trim If line.Length > 0 Then If line.Chars(0) = "[" Then secName = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2) ElseIf secName.Length > 0 Then x = line.IndexOf("=") If x <= 0 Then Throw New Exception("Invalid line in resource file " + sFileName) End If sLocType = line.Substring(0, x) sarchName = line.Substring(x + 1) ''Console.WriteLine("-- SetupResources {0}, {1}, {2}", sarchName, sLocType, secName) ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton.addResourceLocation(sarchName, sLocType, secName) End If End If Loop End Sub Public Sub Start() mRoot.StartRendering() End Sub Protected Function FrameStarted(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean If mRenderWindow.Closed = False And mDone = False Then Return True End If End Function Protected Function FrameEnded(ByVal e As FrameEvent) As Boolean Return True End Function Protected Sub KeyClicked(ByVal e As KeyEvent) Select Case e.KeyCode Case KeyCode.Escape mDone = True End Select End Sub End Class End Namespace
This is your module:
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports Math3D Imports OgreDotNet Module Loader Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) Dim app As OgreDotNetTutorial.HelloWorldApp Try app = New OgreDotNetTutorial.HelloWorldApp app.Start() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("## Exception " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.Source) Finally Try app.Dispose() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("## Exception Dispose " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.Source) End Try End Try End Sub End Module
Tutorial converted and edited by LennardF
Edited after release by ?
[+] Fixed the codeblocks — DC