OGRE Exporters
This section is for the tools that help artists getting data out of authoring tools and into OGRE. There are many exporters available, some in the main Ogre distribution, some in ogreaddons and some external. See the DCC Tutorials page for tutorials on the actual content creation. |
- blender2ogre Blender 2.7x+ Scene, Mesh, Material, Texture and Skeletal animation exporter.
- OGRE Importer: Import OGRE .mesh files into Blender.
- ATI nmf Exporter: Tool to interface Blender with ATI's Normal Mapping tool.
3DS Max
- Easy Ogre Exporter: Free 3DS Max exporter plugin for Max9 to Max 2019. Dot Scene, standard materials, skeletons, meshes and nodes animations, automatic shader (CG and GlslES) generation.
- LEXIExporter: Native 3DS Max exporter plugin. (Was part of the 'official' Ogre tools. Not maintained. Last version supported Max 9).
- Scene Exporter: Exports scenes into .scene format.
- 3DSMax MountNodeSet Exporter: Bone Tag XML exporter.
- 3DS2Mesh: Direct converter from .3ds to .mesh and .material.
- Octopus: Collection of plugins and utility applications for 3ds Max. The project page says "has not been updated to support the latest version of max". The examples show Max6.
- oFusion: Next-generation toolset for developing game content. Includes realtime 3ds Max OGRE viewport. The latest oFusion CE (Free Community Edition) was 2007 and supports Max9. oFusion Pro is still actively developed, but it is hard to tell from the site which versions of max is stably supports. There is mention of at least some support for max 2011 which is being actively improved.
- DeleD Exporter: Exports OGRE .mesh and/or .xml files (including .material).
- Giles Exporter: An exporter for Gile[s], a global illumination system.
- OGRE FSRad: OGRE interface for Fluid Studios' radiosity processor.
- VRML Converter: Direct converter from VRML97 files to .mesh files.
- x3ogre: x3ogre X3D viewer implementation.
MilkShape 3D
- Milkshape Exporter: Exports meshes and armature animations to OGRE.
- MS3D2XML: Direct converter from .ms3d to OGRE XML mesh format.
- Lwo2Mesh: Direct converter of LightWave objects into OGRE meshes.
- LightWave to OGRE: Export objects, skeletal animations, poses, poses animations and scenes to OGRE.
Google Sketchup
- OgreMeshExporter: Direct exporter plugin from Google Sketchup 7 to OGRE XML mesh format. download link
- Sketchup Exporter: Mesh, material and scene exporter for Google Sketchup.
- ZbylsXExporter: Simple mesh and material exporter for Google Sketchup 8 (Free and Pro). Supports .mesh.xml, .x and .obj file formats.
- MDL2Mesh: Direct converter from .mdl to mesh, skeleton and material.
- Bitmap Font Builder Tool: Converter to OGRE .fontdef 'glyph' statements.
- Joof: Convert OgreXml to mesh and skeleton format and upgrade meshes.
- MeshMagick: Mesh (and skeleton) manipulation tool for Ogre meshes (and skeletons).
Alias: Exporters, OGRE_Exporters