Alignment in MyGUI is behaviour that applied only when parent widget is changed, widget change it's position/size according to it's alignment.
If you want to make widget be resized on load you can use BaseLayout class and "SnapTo" userData, that do such thing. Or you can implement similar custom behaviour when loading layout.
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HCenter /**< centre horizontally */ VCenter /**< centre vertically */ Center /**< center in the dead center */ Left /**< align from the left (and center vertically) */ Right /**< align from the right (and center vertically) */ HStretch /**< stretch horizontally proportionate to parent window (and center vertically) */ Top /**< align from the top (and center horizontally) */ Bottom /**< align from the bottom (and center horizontally) */ VStretch /**< stretch vertically proportionate to parent window (and center horizontally) */ Stretch /**< stretch proportionate to parent window */ Default /**< default align (align from left and top) */
Flags also can be combined through | (pipe symbol), for example :
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Left | VStretch /**< align from the left and stretch vertically proportionate to parent window */ HStretch | Bottom /**< stretch horizontally proportionate to parent window and align from the bottom */